Watched the finale. First episode I've watched since the last finale. The problem I had was that I understood everything that was happening. I hadn't watched any of the preceding 15 episodes and apart from coming into this thread occasionally I had cut myself from the show. Yet it made no difference, as nothing had happened in those 15 episodes. The trash people were the only thing that confused me, like who are they, but it took 10 seconds to realise they were double crossers. Imagine going from one season finally of GOT to another. There's no chance you'd understand anything going on.
The episode it's self was lol worthy. All the action looked like amateur cos players in a home made movie, of course the main characters where in gun fights with enemies with automatic weapons, out in the open, seperated by a few metres yet no main character was killed in the gun fights. The next season promises 'all out war' (don't understand why they couldn't do it this season) but if it's going to be as bad as that then I don't think many will watch.
Negan is annoying. Why not just kill rick. Even when the ambush comes how hard is it to just put 2 bullets in rick and corals head before fleeing.
The worst think about the show is something I read in a review. The show has so much undeserved sentimentality. Why else would am a episode focus on a character like tara. Or so much time devoted to sasha and Abraham when they were only rooting each other for 5 minutes. It's a b grade show yet it thinks it's something like the wire or sopranos. Take Glenn for instant, the producers and fans make out like he was some legendary character, yet I can't remember many any standout moments from him in his 6 seasons on the show.