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Things to do Before You Die


Dilmah said:
Ask my girl - she'll tell you exactly what i've got... :p

But it takes a lot of effort to roll over in bed.....

*Expects a big punch from del next sunday :lol:*


Actually the more i think about it the more i am going to regret that comment. I hope they have strong security again next week, get you arrested you thug. :p


Staff member
Quit whoring in my thread, twats.

1. Do body shots off a gorgeous woman
2. Become a published author
3. Get married and raise a family
4. Backpack around Europe
5. Do a theme park tour of the US
6. Work at an American summer camp
7. Witness a miracle (yeah, I stole that from AWTR)
8. Kiss a girl from every continent (I'm not ambitious enough to say bed one)
9. Live in England
10. See the Knights win another premiership or ten


Red and Blue Knight said:
Actually the more i think about it the more i am going to regret that comment. I hope they have strong security again next week, get you arrested you thug. :p
You sir are in biiig trouble.


First Grade
PrideKnight said:
The Crusade can help you with that, if youd hurry up and bloody join. :p
I'm not giving up my great seats, in bay 6, row b on the 50 mtr line :cool:

However it's money preventing me from going to these stadiums. I think the Government should give me extra money for these sorts of things :lol:


~bedsy~ said:
I'm not giving up my great seats, in bay 6, row b on the 50 mtr line :cool:

However it's money preventing me from going to these stadiums. I think the Government should give me extra money for these sorts of things :lol:

You forgot stale atmosphere...

Gene Krupa

~bedsy~ said:
I'm not giving up my great seats, in bay 6, row b on the 50 mtr line :cool:

However it's money preventing me from going to these stadiums. I think the Government should give me extra money for these sorts of things :lol:

You could come up and say hello to us once in while though!
I've had a think about this before replying. The following are listed in order of importance.

1. Get married, raise a family, be a good husband and father.

2. Change the life of at least one child (not including my own kids... I mean in my profession as a teacher).

3. Own a house.

4. Make a gesture that gives my parents some idea of how much I appreciate them... possibly buy them something huge like a new house or a flash car or something.

5. Visit Zimbabwe, hopefully long after Robert Mugabe is dead.

6. Watch Manchester United play at Old Trafford, and walk to the game along Sir Matt Busby Way.

7. Be at every Knights agme for a whole season.

8. Meet a kid that I taught as an adult, and us both remember each other (I guess that ties to point 2).


1. Live and work overseas for a while

2. Write a film screenplay

3. Find someone who I can marry and have a family with

4. Do some kind of work that is meaningful (ie aid work in africa or something)

5. travel extensively around the world

6. Go to a NRL Grand final and watch the knights win live.

7. own a boat

8. See the Pixies live in concert

9. own either an Aston Martin DB9 or a McLaren SLR Mercedez


First Grade
Thoughts of death are a bit depressing IMO...

However I have been thinking about things I want to do lately and here are some of them:

~ Find a job I actually like
~ Snowboard as much as I can, as fearlessly as I can
~ Travel to more places
~ Find a man to grow old with and have beautiful babies


-Sing in front of an audience, other then a drunk kareoke crowd.
-Own and breed as many Labradores as possible, and donate them to the Guide Dogs Association.
-Quit Smoking
-Spend 6 Months Travelling Europe (several times over)
-Visit the castle my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great grandparents owned in Ireland.
-Get over my fear of heights and go Sky Diving and Bass Jumping

There are more but ill get back to you when they spring to mind!!!

les norton

First Grade
(welcome to the forum lynchy!!) :D

Some i am not to comfortable in writing down but i'll give you a couple.

1. work to live but do so in a job that I love.

2. watch my son grow into someone special, someone he can be proud of.

3. to be be a postion where I and I alone can provide him with the life he deserves.

4. Be a great mother, daughter, sister, friend and hopefully wife one day.

5. Learn new things all the time.

6. write something great. If only a handful of people read it...I want them all to like it.

7. Win enough money so I can fly all the regulars of this forum to one location for an amazing party!!! :D It could happen. I would love to meet the majority of you.

8. Be that girl that robbie pulls out of the crowd to make out with...(he will then fall unmistakebly in love with me and we will live happily ever after)

9. be at the ground to watch the knights win a grand final.

theres heaps more...I'll add some more later.


Staff member
Another I'd like to do is go to Auschwitz (or the site of any Nazi internment camp). Not for the reasons the Crusade may think, but because I think it would be such a powerful experience to be at a site where so much suffering occured. I'd imagine it would be overwhelming.

I'd also love to have a chance to visit sites such as Jerusalem, to get in touch with my faith. But that doesn't seem likely anytime soon.

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