Sydney and Melbourne compare where it matters (amenities etc). Sydney is a significantly larger city in physical area which means it has quite ott urban sprawl and thus has a disadvantage in things like public transport.
However Sydney has beaches and rugby league and is therefore better even with urban sprawl. Plus people in Sydney pronounce words correctly..
Melbourne used to have a pretty large advantage in nightlife but over the last ten years the city of Sydney has improved in that area.
Paris was by FAR the shitest place I visited in Europe. Never been to Melbourne but would love to go to the boxing day test and the cup
Boxing day test or a st george game are pretty much the only reason I'd go.
f**k the cup, if I wanted to see bogans I'd go to wet and wild.
Nothing wrong with their beaches, some of the best surf in Oz, Bells, Joanha, Port Campbell and Phillip Is.
Lived there for ages (not in Melbourne) and its like a different country in some respects and AFL is their religion, they are as pig headed about League as we are about AFL so its kind of ironic in a way.
They have virtually a different dialect, particularly the words pastie and castle and a few others.
We say carstle, they say castle. We say parstie they say pastie.
Been to Paris 3 times. Haven't been to Melbourne.
However, the big problem is not with the city but with the people themselves. Most of them must have some sort of inferiority complex over Sydney. After people asked me where I came from, they immediately replied "Melbourne is better than Sydney".
People talk up the public transport in Melbourne. Interested to know whether this is an apples to apples comparison.
ie. People who travel to Melbourne rarely leave the inner city. People who chuck tantrums about public transport in Sydney are often travelling from the outskirts.