G'day all
Legend - great forums, mate. Plan to spend a bit of time here.
My two cents on the whole issue - I still spend a fair bit of time at the WORL, which is still good value for quality discussion. I still hand in report on the Cairns league to Dolphin Matt's site and also the odd Cowboys report to Matthew. As some of you may not have known, I've been in isolation for the last three months due to my university charging exorbitant fees for internet use. Now that I'm back, I found that many of the friends, mates and personalities that made posting at WORL a pleasure have pitched their tent pegs somewhere else, and now that I've found it here, it feels like old times again.
Had the pleasure of a great chat between Hass, Pepe and Roostergirl on Tuesday night, and plan to spend more time in that chatroom.
Anyway gang, time to run along