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Thoughts on society.....


Tithing is the practice of giving one-tenth of one's income or possessions to one's leader. In Judaism, that leader was God. The first tithe recorded in the Bible was given by Abraham to Melchizedek, king of Salem. "....Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything." (Genesis 14:20) The next biblical mention of a tithe is when Jacob made a vow to God, saying, "...of all that you give me I will give you a tenth." (Genesis 28:22) Secular kings often demanded tithes as well, as a tax on the peoples they ruled. Samuel told the Israelites who were asking for a king that a king would "...take a tenth of your grain and your vintage..." as well as "...a tenth of your flocks." (1 Samuel 8:15,17)YOU CAN GIVE ME HALF;)

Lay off boys, Dubby was giving his personal thoughts on religion and how he enjoyed being a Christian. Problem? I dont see one. Its not preaching, if you dont want to read it, flick through to the next post. Is it any different to Willowtalking about the benefits on Atheism and Anarchy? No

"Are there any other religons other than christianity that insist on trying to convert everyone else?"

I dont agree with that comment, but anyways. How about stacking up Christians against Mormons?

Soooo, im assuming that a nihilist is a person that doesnt give a shit about anything?? Well ok then, i get you, I see the difference.



Assistant Moderator
Please Moffo... I'm sure you mean well but I beg of you, don't put me in the same life raft as Dubby. I'd sooner jump overboard. :D


Assistant Moderator
Moffo: "How about stacking up Christians against Mormons?"
Umm... Moffo, I thought the Mormons came out of Christianity.



Assistant Moderator
I should point out that I don't know much about the Mormons but I do have a recently discovered burrow of in-laws on the Sunshine Coast in Qld who are totally Mormon.

My Welsh mother-in-law who lives in England had spent a good amount of her life searching for her real mother... she was adopted out in WWII as she was born out of wedlock - the father was US serviceman who shot through.

Anyway, she discovered that the Mormons keep excellent records of each other. They have a register in each country on who are Mormons and their birth dates etc and also who are those who are related to Mormons.

After her daughter was 'taken away' by to Australia, it crossed my mum-in-law's mind to check with the Mormons in Australia.

'Lo and behold, she was informed that of her old mother's existance north of Brisbane. It was pretty amazing discovery and even though no one in my family or my better half's family is Mormon, we are all pretty grateful to them. I still think its one of the best things that have ever happened.

We went up there to the Sunshine Coast and had a family reunuion. A few were a bit nutty butby and large, they were very generous and open minded.

But my new grandmother-in-law made apoint of cornering me and and getting details of my immediate family... names, birth dates etc.. so now I'm a Mormon register....lol.. can't be as bad as having a tax file number.


I dont agree with that comment, but anyways. How about stacking up Christians against Mormons?

The mormon faith is a christian faith and falls under that christian umbrella, along with cathloics, prodestants, 7th day adventists, jahova witness ( please excuse any spelling mistakes in those ) ect.

To me Christianity is nothing more than a cult founded on things like oppression, murder, and torture.



To me Christianity is nothing more than a cult founded on things like oppression, murder, and torture.

Well, that's what was done to Christians in the first few centuries AD by the Roman empire. Yet the number of Christians kept growing throughout that time despite the efforts of the most powerful empire on earth to stamp it out.

Christianity was founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which were spread through the Roman empire after his death by missionaries. Kiwi, if you were to read those teachings in the New Testament, you'd have trouble seeing where Jesus advocated "oppression, murder, and torture."




An honest question here............You talk about christians being oppressed, murdered and totured by the romans as it says in the bible.How is it that a religon could go through that and yet quite happily dothe sameto others?


Christians believe that God created the universe. So what about atheists? - does the big bang theory hold for you.


When you say "a religion" did these things - I think you mean people who did things in the name of religion. I can't really answer your question without knowing exactly what you're referring to. In the Middle Ages the Catholic church had a lot of corruption in it, IMO, and people did things that were bad. But they were not following the teachings of Christianity in doing these things. When Catholics and Protestants fight in Ireland, they may claim to do it in the name of religion, but they are not acting as Christians should. I know I am simplifying big issues here, but my main point is that people have done wrong things in the name of Christianity- that doesn't make Christianity bad, because the people are not following its teachings.

To show the other side of the coin, I would repeat part of a post I made in #147: Christianity has been a good influence in the world in many ways, despite the religious wars and corrupt practices of some Christians which have been pointed out. One small example - the reformers who worked for child labour laws and other reforms in Industrial revolution Britain were Christians. The Abolitionists who worked against slavery in the US in the 1800s were Christians


This is f**ked up.

I have a terrible habit of reading every post. Reading this one give me the shits. Already, there's three people waiting to pounce with their views on Christianity. Dropping a question that they have a pre arranged answer for is a good way to pick these pricks. It's like reading Christian Debate or Athiest v God.

Big Bang or Made by a supreme being? Stuffed if I know but neither sounds too legit to me. But the big bang doesn't sound as outrageous as being made in 7 days by a supreme being.

IfGod exists, why would he allow the people made "in his image" to become murderers, rapists, accountants, Canadians etc. If he has the ability to stop that type of crap and chooses not to, then he's a prick. I prefer to believe he doesn't exist and therefore we aren't being laughed at by a supreme prick.

Jesus H Tapdancing Christ, I wish the Footy season would hurry up.

Welll, this may be so, but Mormon teachings are different from Christian teachings. If we are going to be technical, the jewish, islamic and christian religions all flow back to a common person. Are they all the same religion? A definite no. Just because it develops out of a religion don't mean they are the same thing. Mormons and Christians are different.

"Already, there's three people waiting to pounce with their views on Christianity"

Yeh, and its the same the other way as well EA mate. People who don't believe in it have preconceived views about religion. To be honest, we could say anything, and we would get the same response. A few of you already have your views, fine, but hopefully you also realise that your response to this whole thread has been more than predictable.

As i said before, i invited Willow to post 5 questions and ill answer them individually. The invite goes to anyone. No preconceived answers here, gimme a question and ill answer it





You must be you Lord Jesus Christ to know what I'm going to say. I don't even know most of the time. I didn't even hint at any religious persuasion. I made the point that some trouser cough was preaching religion. As this is supposed to be a f**king sport community and there are 8 billion religious communities,it seemed really, really stupid to me that<u>anyone</u> would preach religion here.

Preach Footy, preach AFL, preach Curling just don't preach Religion.

You want to stand up for some fartknocker who wants to preach, fine, but don't whine if some arsehole like mefeigns offence in an effort to start a fight.

For any of you knobwads that want to change someone's mind and arrange for them to have the Lobotomy, go to the following site for your lumps.


If you get anywhere there, I'll delete everything I've said in this thread and shut up.



Assistant Moderator
I've already said That I know bugger all about the Church of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons).. I only know about my personal experiences. But I'm beginning to think I know more than those who are willing to pass judgement on them.

I'm not referring to the leaflet-waving Mormons... I mean, we have a section of the community who are peaceful and undemanding in their fruitcakeness. Good luck to them because they leave me alone.

I do know that when Mormons say grace at dinner time, they do so as Christians.. I also know they pray for others as Christians... I also know that they worship as Christians......
...what exactly is your problem with Mormons?

As for the questions Moffo, lets start with the one in this post.

CanadianSteve <ul> [*]I don’t believe in the supernatural, horoscopes, superstitions, or any else like that. [*]The fact that there is life on Earth is proof enough for me that there is the possibility of life on other planets. I doubt that any extraterrestials have travelled to Earth, but the fact that humans have travelled through space makes it more plausable, to me, than there being a God. [*]I don’t have an innate need to believe in something outside of myself. I believe that people think this way because they have been conditioned to, they couldn’t/can’t explain things, or fear of death.[/list] Marcus I don’t know how the Universe was created, and it is the one question that drives me nuts as I cannot think of a reasonable answer. I think that it has driven other people nuts as well and that is why they came up with the story that it was created by God. MFC Yeh, but hold on, being an Atheist still involves believing in things. Atheists believe, as Willow said earlier, that once you die its the end and you never come back. Isn't that a belief in itself? That is what I was trying to say before. I see the beliefs of, for example, Christians as being different to the so-called beliefs of Aetheists. What I meant was that Christians believe in God, but Aethiests don’t believe in God. I feel that there is a difference in believing and not believing, and that the onus of proof lies with the Christians. Of course, you can say that Aetheists are believing in something, but that logic can be applied to anything (see my Superman example), and I personally think that it is a bit of a cop out (even if it is proven to be logically sound). And what proof do u have that when you die its the end? Its a revolving argument, and there is no answer once again. What proof do you have that there aren’t a breed of pigs that fly backwards? Who here is to judge on the size of a leap of faith? Christians suggest that we go onto something else when we die, Atheists believe that its the end. They are both issues of faith, because none of us know! I’ve already explained myself on this and my opinion has not changed. As i said before, i invited Willow to post 5 questions and ill answer them individually. The invite goes to anyone. No preconceived answers here, gimme a question and ill answer it I posted this before but wasn’t really satisfied with the answer that I got. If you do choose to answer, I ask that you do so objectively. <blockquote> Assuming that God is real, why doesn't he show himself? Why doesn't he give people a reason to believe? I'm sure that people will answer this by saying that you need to have faith - but faith in what? Faith in the beliefs of Christians? Faith in the bible? It has been pointed out on many occasions that man is imperfect. Yet the bible was written by man. Christians are people. Why should people, therefore, have faith in the bible, a book written by man? Why should people have faith in the beliefs of Christian people instead of the beliefs of Muslim or Hindu people?</blockquote> Note: by people, I mean people who have no beliefs of any kind, but have an open mind.


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