CanadianSteve <ul> [*]I donât believe in the supernatural, horoscopes, superstitions, or any else like that. [*]The fact that there is life on Earth is proof enough for me that there is the possibility of life on other planets. I doubt that any extraterrestials have travelled to Earth, but the fact that humans have travelled through space makes it more plausable, to me, than there being a God. [*]I donât have an innate need to believe in something outside of myself. I believe that people think this way because they have been conditioned to, they couldnât/canât explain things, or fear of death.[/list] Marcus I donât know how the Universe was created, and it is the one question that drives me nuts as I cannot think of a reasonable answer. I think that it has driven other people nuts as well and that is why they came up with the story that it was created by God. MFC Yeh, but hold on, being an Atheist still involves believing in things. Atheists believe, as Willow said earlier, that once you die its the end and you never come back. Isn't that a belief in itself? That is what I was trying to say before. I see the beliefs of, for example, Christians as being different to the so-called beliefs of Aetheists. What I meant was that Christians believe in God, but Aethiests donât believe in God. I feel that there is a difference in believing and not believing, and that the onus of proof lies with the Christians. Of course, you can say that Aetheists are believing in something, but that logic can be applied to anything (see my Superman example), and I personally think that it is a bit of a cop out (even if it is proven to be logically sound). And what proof do u have that when you die its the end? Its a revolving argument, and there is no answer once again. What proof do you have that there arenât a breed of pigs that fly backwards? Who here is to judge on the size of a leap of faith? Christians suggest that we go onto something else when we die, Atheists believe that its the end. They are both issues of faith, because none of us know! Iâve already explained myself on this and my opinion has not changed. As i said before, i invited Willow to post 5 questions and ill answer them individually. The invite goes to anyone. No preconceived answers here, gimme a question and ill answer it I posted this before but wasnât really satisfied with the answer that I got. If you do choose to answer, I ask that you do so objectively. <blockquote> Assuming that God is real, why doesn't he show himself? Why doesn't he give people a reason to believe? I'm sure that people will answer this by saying that you need to have faith - but faith in what? Faith in the beliefs of Christians? Faith in the bible? It has been pointed out on many occasions that man is imperfect. Yet the bible was written by man. Christians are people. Why should people, therefore, have faith in the bible, a book written by man? Why should people have faith in the beliefs of Christian people instead of the beliefs of Muslim or Hindu people?</blockquote> Note: by people, I mean people who have no beliefs of any kind, but have an open mind.