Firstly EA, its pretty obvious that your name (everloving antichrist) reveals much of your attitude towards religion. Thats fine by me, as i said about 200 posts ago, im not here to preach, i have my views and you have yours. People are free to believe and do as they want, doesnt concern me at all. Im just saying that the arguments are predictable, i mean, the old chestnuts such as there is no proof keep getting pulled out. All i can say is that religion involves faith. Faith does not involve seeing physical evidence. Like believing your footy team will win the comp next year for instance.
Now onto the questions!
"what exactly is your problem with Mormons?"
My life experiences do not equate to your life experiences (obviously lol). My major experiences with Mormons in my shortish life time has been walking down the mall at Liverpool and being stopped every single time by the mormons that patrol the area. They are seemingly quite nice people, and i have never been rude towards them. But i take issue with the way in which they promote their religion. They sell it like a consumer good, and i disagree with that. For me, the Mormon religion involves advertising more than any other religion.
But allll that said, i can appreciate that there are different groups of Mormons. I will admit to generalising in this area, and i am wrong for putting them all in the same group. Bit like the idiots that call all middle eastern people terrorists
Mystery Man:
"Assuming that God is real, why doesn't he show himself? Why doesn't he give people a reason to believe?
God has shown himself as CS pointed out before. He will show himself again, if one believes the bible. I dontknow why he doesnt pop down once a week to watch the bulldogs play, i really cant answer that one
The Catholic religion, like most, is a faith religion. Its based on believing in something that you cant see. If he showed himself, than yes, a lot more people would believe. But in the Bible, he mentioned that he will come back on the last day to judge the good from the bad, etc etc. Who is to know when this time will be? If he came down now he would be going against what he said thousands of years ago
I'm sure that people will answer this by saying that you need to have faith - but faith in what? Faith in the beliefs of Christians? Faith in the bible?
Faith that there is a God, faith that the teachings of God are right, faith that God will come again, faith that there is a life after death. Basically, you take what you want to believe out of your religion. Not everyone has faith in the same things. Its a combination of faith beliefs
It has been pointed out on many occasions that
man is imperfect. Yet the bible was written by man. Christians are people. Why should people, therefore, have faith in the bible, a book written by man?
Man is imperfect, agreed. Ill say this now, i dont have belief in everything in the bible. I dont think every little detail in the stories is accurate, if you read the books of the four main apostles (Matthew,Luke,Mark and John), they tell the same story differently. I believe in the core elements of the stories however. Such as there being a God, Jesus coming and returning etc etc.The old testament is a different story, and one that i dont know as much about. However, the Jewish faith shares the version of events from the old testament with Christians.
Why should people have faith in the beliefs of Christian people instead of the beliefs of Muslim or Hindu people?
That is a question that is an issue of faith. Christians believe that having faith in their religion is the 'way to go'. Im not here to say that Muslim or Hindu beliefs are necessarily wrong, im just saying that i believe in the Christian faith. As i said before, there is no way that i could possibly dissprove the muslim or hindu religions.
Hope that all makes sense
Cheers, Moffo