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Time to fight AFL (60 Minutes)


You're right. It won't be a battle at all. They'll always be a side show.

We've got leadership now who won't buy into the hype. League will thrive in the West from here. The AFL will throw money at GWS for decades, just like the ARLC will do with Melbourne.

None of it will change a thing. Be nice if the media were above doing paid puff pieces to tell it as such.

f**k the AFL. The only people who are sucked in by the hype are AFL people. My Dad is a Mexican and an AFL supporter. They think like they are the church and everyone needs to see the light. They honestly have no clue of the cultures of Sydney and Brisbane. Thats why its laughable and infuriating at the same time to see the cash for comment stories that cater to the lowest common denominator and look for nothing more than to create panic.

Bring it on AFL. We finally have professional administration. We've survived Super League, constant media propaganda and now, in spite of the farcical structure of the games management, the code is thriving, almost in spite of itself.

Imagine what we're gonna do with grown ups in charge.

Again. f**k the AFL. I give them their dues as leaders in sports admin in this country. But after 25 years head start in admin structure, a civil war in RL and constant bad publicity, they still can't make an inroad, let alone kill us off.

RL will never expand to dominate in AFL States and it won't dream to. It will consolidate the homeland and be comfortable in its own skin. We don't need backwaters like Perth and Adelaide - which combined, do not even have the population of Western Sydney. We'll go there and create a niche and we will kick the AFL's arse on ratings. We will continue to have REPRESENTATIVE program and an INTERNATIONAL presence.

I'll be happy of the games the best it can be. The rest will take care of itself. The Victorians can continue to sip chardonnay and sing their gay songs and throw money into a bottomless pit.

Bring it on you merkins!
Head + nail!


You're right. It won't be a battle at all. They'll always be a side show.

We've got leadership now who won't buy into the hype. League will thrive in the West from here. The AFL will throw money at GWS for decades, just like the ARLC will do with Melbourne.

None of it will change a thing. Be nice if the media were above doing paid puff pieces to tell it as such.

f**k the AFL. The only people who are sucked in by the hype are AFL people. My Dad is a Mexican and an AFL supporter. They think like they are the church and everyone needs to see the light. They honestly have no clue of the cultures of Sydney and Brisbane. Thats why its laughable and infuriating at the same time to see the cash for comment stories that cater to the lowest common denominator and look for nothing more than to create panic.

Bring it on AFL. We finally have professional administration. We've survived Super League, constant media propaganda and now, in spite of the farcical structure of the games management, the code is thriving, almost in spite of itself.

Imagine what we're gonna do with grown ups in charge.

Again. f**k the AFL. I give them their dues as leaders in sports admin in this country. But after 25 years head start in admin structure, a civil war in RL and constant bad publicity, they still can't make an inroad, let alone kill us off.

RL will never expand to dominate in AFL States and it won't dream to. It will consolidate the homeland and be comfortable in its own skin. We don't need backwaters like Perth and Adelaide - which combined, do not even have the population of Western Sydney. We'll go there and create a niche and we will kick the AFL's arse on ratings. We will continue to have REPRESENTATIVE program and an INTERNATIONAL presence.

I'll be happy of the games the best it can be. The rest will take care of itself. The Victorians can continue to sip chardonnay and sing their gay songs and throw money into a bottomless pit.

Bring it on you merkins!


Sgt. Kabukiman

Oh you cut me good :roll:

You're now officially my bitch, you barely-coherent rimjob aficionado. Still, congrats on spending your Saturday night trolling a forum for a sport you don't like - not much action in the public toilets in Bendigo tonight, eh?


You're right. It won't be a battle at all. They'll always be a side show.

We've got leadership now who won't buy into the hype. League will thrive in the West from here. The AFL will throw money at GWS for decades, just like the ARLC will do with Melbourne.

None of it will change a thing. Be nice if the media were above doing paid puff pieces to tell it as such.

f**k the AFL. The only people who are sucked in by the hype are AFL people. My Dad is a Mexican and an AFL supporter. They think like they are the church and everyone needs to see the light. They honestly have no clue of the cultures of Sydney and Brisbane. Thats why its laughable and infuriating at the same time to see the cash for comment stories that cater to the lowest common denominator and look for nothing more than to create panic.

Bring it on AFL. We finally have professional administration. We've survived Super League, constant media propaganda and now, in spite of the farcical structure of the games management, the code is thriving, almost in spite of itself.

Imagine what we're gonna do with grown ups in charge.

Again. f**k the AFL. I give them their dues as leaders in sports admin in this country. But after 25 years head start in admin structure, a civil war in RL and constant bad publicity, they still can't make an inroad, let alone kill us off.

RL will never expand to dominate in AFL States and it won't dream to. It will consolidate the homeland and be comfortable in its own skin. We don't need backwaters like Perth and Adelaide - which combined, do not even have the population of Western Sydney. We'll go there and create a niche and we will kick the AFL's arse on ratings. We will continue to have REPRESENTATIVE program and an INTERNATIONAL presence.

I'll be happy of the games the best it can be. The rest will take care of itself. The Victorians can continue to sip chardonnay and sing their gay songs and throw money into a bottomless pit.

Bring it on you merkins!



Post Whore
You're right. It won't be a battle at all. They'll always be a side show.

We've got leadership now who won't buy into the hype. League will thrive in the West from here. The AFL will throw money at GWS for decades, just like the ARLC will do with Melbourne.

None of it will change a thing. Be nice if the media were above doing paid puff pieces to tell it as such.

f**k the AFL. The only people who are sucked in by the hype are AFL people. My Dad is a Mexican and an AFL supporter. They think like they are the church and everyone needs to see the light. They honestly have no clue of the cultures of Sydney and Brisbane. Thats why its laughable and infuriating at the same time to see the cash for comment stories that cater to the lowest common denominator and look for nothing more than to create panic.

Bring it on AFL. We finally have professional administration. We've survived Super League, constant media propaganda and now, in spite of the farcical structure of the games management, the code is thriving, almost in spite of itself.

Imagine what we're gonna do with grown ups in charge.

Again. f**k the AFL. I give them their dues as leaders in sports admin in this country. But after 25 years head start in admin structure, a civil war in RL and constant bad publicity, they still can't make an inroad, let alone kill us off.

RL will never expand to dominate in AFL States and it won't dream to. It will consolidate the homeland and be comfortable in its own skin. We don't need backwaters like Perth and Adelaide - which combined, do not even have the population of Western Sydney. We'll go there and create a niche and we will kick the AFL's arse on ratings. We will continue to have REPRESENTATIVE program and an INTERNATIONAL presence.

I'll be happy of the games the best it can be. The rest will take care of itself. The Victorians can continue to sip chardonnay and sing their gay songs and throw money into a bottomless pit.

Bring it on you merkins!
Needs more f**k the AFL.


First Grade
As i have mentioned so many times this constant insistence that AFL is this new thing in NSW and QLD just waiting to take over is bullsh*t. We have had top level AFL teams in both states for like 30 years and have had them both rammed down our throats for all of that time (constant prime time coverage in every media).


^And they are coming off some of their worst few seasons in recent times (membership, TV wise). Bodes well!


Eloquence...can't imagine why anyone would play you for a fool!

btw, just cause you and your mates don't enjoy something, doesn't mean the rest of society agrees. I think GWS will have a fair bit of support this year and best of luck to them. Personally I think Sydney is big enough for them to coexist with the Swans and the league, I don't really see a 'battle'.

You're now officially my bitch, you barely-coherent rimjob aficionado. Still, congrats on spending your Saturday night trolling a forum for a sport you don't like - not much action in the public toilets in Bendigo tonight, eh?

You seem to talk about homosexuality a great deal and know all the places to go.

Your hyphen in '...barely-coherent...' is unnecessary, but congratulations for allowing spellcheck to help you with 'aficionado'.

I can see the idea of 'coexistence' is foreign to you so I'll leave you to your bigoted, insular and presumptive views.

Fairdinkum, is it that difficult to get a decent discussion happening on this site without tools like this guy resorting to name calling to boost their internet egos?
You seem to talk about homosexuality a great deal and know all the places to go.

Your hyphen in '...barely-coherent...' is unnecessary, but congratulations for allowing spellcheck to help you with 'aficionado'.

I can see the idea of 'coexistence' is foreign to you so I'll leave you to your bigoted, insular and presumptive views.

Fairdinkum, is it that difficult to get a decent discussion happening on this site without tools like this guy resorting to name calling to boost their internet egos?

You're a troll.

Why would you come here expecting anything but ridicule?

And please, a football fan calling anyone else on the planet insular?



You're a troll.

Why would you come here expecting anything but ridicule?

And please, a football fan calling anyone else on the planet insular?


The last bastion of the ignorant: "You're a troll"

I have followed rugby league for 37 years, yet because I have the gall to suggest that Sydney is big enough for a second AFL team I become a football fan (such inventive names, is straight from the playground?).

The presumptions made on this site about other posters is ridiculous.

But then, with over 39,000 posts, you obviously have far more experience than me.


Sgt. Kabukiman

You seem to talk about homosexuality a great deal and know all the places to go.

Your hyphen in '...barely-coherent...' is unnecessary, but congratulations for allowing spellcheck to help you with 'aficionado'.

I can see the idea of 'coexistence' is foreign to you so I'll leave you to your bigoted, insular and presumptive views.

Fairdinkum, is it that difficult to get a decent discussion happening on this site without tools like this guy resorting to name calling to boost their internet egos?

If you wanna play the grammar game, when did fair dinkum become fairdinkum? And when did spell check become spellcheck? Here's a little tip - if you make a post and there's little red dots under your words, it means you've f**ked up. And when you're trying to score points based on spelling and grammar, f**king up your own spelling and grammar makes you look about as smart as the bloke who sniffs aerosol cans cans behind your local bus stop.

And don't get me started on your whiny little rant about coexistence, which is hilarious due to the fact you're a VFL fan trolling an NRL forum because you hate our sport and are shit-scared of it killing off your backwards little giggle-fest.

We've had plenty of dopey VFL fans in here over the years, but I reckon you could prove to be the dumbest... but I doubt you've even got the brains to avoid a ban over the next few days. Now piss off and eat a colostomy bag, you inbred.


The last bastion of the ignorant: "You're a troll"

I have followed rugby league for 37 years, yet because I have the gall to suggest that Sydney is big enough for a second AFL team I become a football fan (such inventive names, is straight from the playground?).

The presumptions made on this site about other posters is ridiculous.

But then, with over 39,000 posts, you obviously have far more experience than me.


You may like both codes but remember - AFL was the sport that was looking to book out Stadium Australia because they were gleefully rubbing their hands at Rugby League's demise back in 1997.

I don't blame anyone for hating AFL. I myself cannot support any sport that sought or still seeks to profit from Rugby League's destruction. So f**k them and f**k anyone who supports them.
The last bastion of the ignorant: "You're a troll"

Well, if you're a troll, you're a troll.

I would think that's pretty simple and ignorant and non-ignorant alike can fathom that one.

I have followed rugby league for 37 years, yet because I have the gall to suggest that Sydney is big enough for a second AFL team I become a football fan (such inventive names, is straight from the playground?).

You're called a troll and your defence is that you're not a troll, you're a gibbering imbecile?

Fair enough.

The presumptions made on this site about other posters is ridiculous.

You've read every post on this site I take it?

But then, with over 39,000 posts, you obviously have far more experience than me. :roll:

Of course I have, and for the record, pretending or not, you having "followed Rugby League for 37 years" comes up short.
Lets not forget that Aussie rules is a one country game, and only then is popular in 3 states in that country. It has no appeal outside of Australia, and no overseas TV company will pay money to broadcast it. Its origins are in Gaelic football and English Rugby. Its about as Australian as pasta in its origins. Despite the denials of its fans, like all football codes its origins are in the British Isles
It has no appeal in Australia's most populas state and has no appeal in Australia's most populas city.