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Time to fight AFL (60 Minutes)


well it's only taken the Swans how long to get crowds of 30k??

oh that's right, 25 years...............AND thye had the luxury of SL to help out with their crowds, f$%k me, that period would have been like enticing Carl Webb away from a salad with Big Mac, not that f$%king hard really....

You should see how fast Kane Cleal runs for burger. That dude was in a Manly team meeting at Penrith one day about 30 minutes before kick-off and snuck out the training gate to go get mcccas. The dude asks me to keep a look out for him. Hilarious.


The only way Australian Rules could ever work on the Gold Coast in my opinion is if half of Melbourne moved there, which will never happen.

Western Sydney, however, is by and large a much more gullible and hence easily fooled populace than that of Queensland. Many in the area will swallow the AFL's positive media tripe and we're talking a good what.. 2.5mil odd people?
They have been trying to get a toehold around here for years and had no luck. I'm sure they have given up on Liverpool, this place is solid league and soccer.

the Lock8

Guys, instead of everyone bitching on here, you have all got to email 60 minutes with your disgust about the one sided spin on the story. When you do, you have to not be too abusive, but get your point across as accurately and briefly as you can. I have written in to 60 minutes before and had my comments televised, but they edit your comments to suit themselves and if you get too abusive, they just won't use the comments. However as many people as possible need to email so that even if they don't all get aired, the channel will be taken back by the sheer weight of passion for league out there and that we are less than happy with a completely biased story. Lets face it if they wanted a balanced story, they should have interviewed fans who support both codes and who regularly attend both codes each week as a lot of converted AFL supporters here in Melbourne do. The comments by Brownless were just braindead and hopefully will have been seen as such by the majority of intelligent people.


If the NRl had any kahoonas they would include TV show times in the contract, just like the AFL. Ch9 shouldn't have an option of showing it, it should be a requirement of the contract!

But that would mean less money back into the News LTD coffers to repay the SL debt.


Post Whore
You should see how fast Kane Cleal runs for burger. That dude was in a Manly team meeting at Penrith one day about 30 minutes before kick-off and snuck out the training gate to go get mcccas. The dude asks me to keep a look out for him. Hilarious.

The Story actually goes;

a) Sam Harris
b) an hour before Premier League Kickoff
c) Collecting a Family Pizza.


PETER OVERTON: Aussie Rules is what mums like Tanya Oziel and Christine Foote want their kids to play.

And what a coincidence with the "everyday mums" interviewed in the story. Tanya Oziel is the latest stealth propaganda tool for the AFL and has been quoted everywhere in the last few weeks dribbling on about the contrived Israel - Palestine team shes pushing solving world peace and about the kids of Sydney dreaming of nothing but tight shorts and elbows to the head.
Demetriou and his cronies are obviously actively getting her head placed in the media all over the shop and sliding her a bit of coin as thanks.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Here you go....Tanya Oziel................this wasn't disclosed on 60 minutes...............


Sherrin ball with soul jumps barrier between Israeli and Palestinian
April 19, 2008

Tanya Oziel with members of the Palestinian-Israeli team, set to play in August.
Photo: Per Groth

THE idea for an Australian football team made up of Israelis and Palestinians in the AFL's International Cup, to be played in Victoria later this year, began with Tanya Oziel.
Ms Oziel is a Sephardic Jew whose family origins go back to Iraq. She grew up in Sydney and went to a local high school where none of the boys played Australian football.

In 1986, when she was 17, she went to Israel and worked on a kibbutz for five years and met her husband, Reuven.
In 1990, they returned to Australia where Reuven turned on the TV one night and was converted to AFL. Tanya and Reuven had a son, Haim, who grew up with his father's passion for the game and, at the age of 10, announced: "I want to play footy". "But Haim," Tanya replied, "they play on Saturday." While "not absolutely a religious Jew", the Sabbath was important to her as a family day, but her son was insistent. "I actually gave in. This is what Australian football does to people."

It was no easy thing to find a local AFL club in Sydney and, when they finally located the Eastern Suburbs Bulldogs, they were told the club's junior teams were full. Instead, they were sent down the road to the Maroubra Saints. Haim kicked four goals on debut and eight against the Bulldogs in the grand final. He has since made the NSW combined independent schools team for his age group two years in a row.

Prior to taking up footy, Haim's mother says he was a Jewish kid going to a Jewish school; that was his world. Now one of his best mates is a Torres Strait Islander and his mother shares his passion for the Maroubra Saints, which she describes as their family club. "That old Sherrin ball is special," she says. "It has a soul. It keeps jumping barriers."

Previously the CEO of the Australian-Israel Chamber of Commerce in NSW, Ms Oziel is now the executive director of the Australian chapter of the Peres Peace Centre, an organisation established by Israeli president Shimon Peres 10 years ago to encourage grassroots peace initiatives between Palestinians and Israelis. "I'm very strong in my Jewishness," she says. "But what is the alternative to peace? There is all this hatred in the world, but where does it get us?"

Footy expanded her son's life in a way she believed was good. She began to see the larger potential of this. With James Demetriou of Sport Without Borders (brother of AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou), she floated the idea of taking Auskick to Israeli and Palestinian children. Then the AFL's multicultural officer, Nick Hatzoglou, suggested bringing a team here. On Wednesday, in the AFL's boardroom, a collection of businessmen donated nearly $300,000 to make that possible.

Ms Oziel says Australian football is better than soccer for the purpose she has in mind — Palestinians and Israelis meeting through a sport about which they have no preconceptions and no history. Their world, Israeli versus Palestinian, is about little else but preconceptions.
An appeal was made to expatriate Australians in Israel to put on an exhibition match, which they did. AFL official Kevin Sheehan flew to Israel and took a series of training sessions.

Scenes from a documentary being made about the team show Sheehan in front of a whiteboard with the team instructions written in two languages, Arabic and Hebrew. The team has two coaches: one Palestinian, one Israeli. The Palestinian was previously involved in armed conflict. A Palestinian team member described Australian football as "a good meeting place".
The International Cup begins on August 27. After arriving in Australia, the Peres Centre Peace Team will be coached by former Brownlow medallist Robert DiPierdomenico. Called a Mediterranean Descendant as a schoolkid, he knows all about football's ability to transcend barriers.
Ms Oziel says her dream is that the Peres Centre Peace Team wins the International Cup's developing nation division.
"That would show anything is possible," she says.

Ms Oziel says Australian football is better than soccer for the purpose she has in mind — Palestinians and Israelis meeting through a sport about which they have no preconceptions and no history. Their world, Israeli versus Palestinian, is about little else but preconceptions.
An appeal was made to expatriate Australians in Israel to put on an exhibition match, which they did. AFL official Kevin Sheehan flew to Israel and took a series of training sessions.

Scenes from a documentary being made about the team show Sheehan in front of a whiteboard with the team instructions written in two languages, Arabic and Hebrew. The team has two coaches: one Palestinian, one Israeli. The Palestinian was previously involved in armed conflict. A Palestinian team member described Australian football as "a good meeting place".

The International Cup begins on August 27. After arriving in Australia, the Peres Centre Peace Team will be coached by former Brownlow medallist Robert DiPierdomenico. Called a Mediterranean Descendant as a schoolkid, he knows all about football's ability to transcend barriers.
Ms Oziel says her dream is that the Peres Centre Peace Team wins the International Cup's developing nation division.
"That would show anything is possible,"

El Diablo

Post Whore
MUM 1: It's a very family orientated game. It's geared to the kids. Everything's about the children.

tell that to these kids


A flogging a week for Craigieburn under 14 footy team

Simon Craig

A LEADING child psychologist has warned of the potential for long-term damage to the young players of a Craigieburn junior football team.

The Cragieburn Eagles under-14 fourth-division team has endured a weekly thrashing at the hands of typically bigger opponents in the Essendon District Football League.

The team had 736 points scored against it in the first five games of the season. In response, the boys have kicked just two behinds.

Angry parents have called on league administrators to drop the team back to sixth division, which has a bye round, where they believe their sons would not face weekly humiliation. The league has refused.
Parent Hayden Laundry said some of the boys have "lost the drive to play".

"The kids they play against are double their size, he said. "They just don't stand a chance".

Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg said the experience might harm the boys unless it was handled properly by parents and officials.

"It's a superb formula for turning the boys off sport altogether," he said. "We should praise these guys for participating and having a go.

"We need to use this as a way of showing children how to overcome adversity in life."

EDFL general manager Stan Pettett acknowledged the situation but said the league was "not going to change the grading mid-season".

"We want a competitive game but unfortunately it's not a perfect world," he said.

Mr Pettett said the league had advised Craigieburn to put some of their first division players into its fourth division team.

"Craigieburn is a strong club with strong teams," he said. "In junior football you would be amazed what three to four better players would do for the team."

But Craigieburn Junior's vice-president Bryan McNicol said the first division team was not strong enough to plunder for players. "If we can move a few boys around we would."

Mr McNicol said parents and players have been offered the option of pulling the team from the competition, but many were keen to continue.

"I see the boys' faces at the end of the games and it's not pretty," he said.

Blind Freddy

Do the kids need to see the shrinks because the get smashed or do they need there heads checked because their parents make them play AwFuL??

Surley making them play AwFuL is a form of child abuse...


First Grade
What about the kiddies who play for Newtown & Concord. The mercy rule was applied when they played Australia's biggest growing sporting (maybe 7 teams)club:LOL:

U/10’s: Maroubra Black 0.1.01 vs Newtown 4.6.30.
U/10’s: Maroubra Red 8.11.59 vs Concord 3.3.21.
U/11’s: Maroubra 14.16.100 vs Newtown 5.6.36. (Mercy Rule applied – 14.12.96 to 5.6.36.)
U/12’s: Maroubra 27.10.172 vs Concord 8.4.52. (Mercy Rule applied – 9.6.60 to 0.0.00.)
U/13’s: Maroubra 7.9.51 vs Newtown 6.4.40
U/15's: Maroubra Saints – 154 vs Pittwater Tigers – 6


Last Modified on 06/04/2008 06:59

The number of junior teams in the rest of competition are:

Newtown 6 teams - 9 (2) U10, U11,U12, U13;

Concord or Glebe 8 teams - 1(2), U12,U13,U14 & U16:
(couldn't find a website for concord JAFL;the Glebe one came up;are they the same?)

Pittwater 8 Teams - U9 (2),U10,U11,U12(2),U13,U15:


Doesn't look to healthy to me. What's the population base 1m -1.5 million ??

Dr J.

Has anyone pointed out that the financial problems that have been highlighted in the past week aren't isolated to rugby league?

Essendon, for example, lost $2 million last year. Already the AFL has seen a number of clubs either merge or broach the possibility.

What utter utter bullsh*t!!!

Go and read the EFC annual report for 2007. Its on the website for all to see.

Operating PROFIT over $2m in 2007 up from $1.6 m in 2006. RL clubs could only dream of such profits.
Which clubs are considering merging? Please name
Apart from the Brisbane/Fitzroy marriage, and the talked about but unsuccessful merger between Melbourne & Hawthorn, there have been no clubs talk of merging since 1996.

El Diablo

Post Whore
errr what has the gumby used as any kind of defence against these so called baseless accusations?

second rate troll
What utter utter bullsh*t!!!

Go and read the EFC annual report for 2007. Its on the website for all to see.

Operating PROFIT over $2m in 2007 up from $1.6 m in 2006. RL clubs could only dream of such profits.
Which clubs are considering merging? Please name
Apart from the Brisbane/Fitzroy marriage, and the talked about but unsuccessful merger between Melbourne & Hawthorn, there have been no clubs talk of merging since 1996.

of course that was after the AFL threw in money on top like they do for many clubs that are struggling in melbourne.

essendon get massive crowds and arent healthy financially.

id like to see that.

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