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To the guys sitting behind the Raiders Army


First Grade
Just wanted to say a huge congratulations on your effort last night. Although there weren't many of you, you were vocal all game, and I loved your sense of humour (We've got the wrong Minichiello...)


jed said:
Just wanted to say a huge congratulations on your effort last night. Although there weren't many of you, you were vocal all game, and I loved your sense of humour (We've got the wrong Minichiello...)

I was one of those guys, i was standing next to my gf on the right hand side of the group and gave you guys a point and a clap after the game, as you did in return, couldnt help but laugh at the poor mans burrow reference, especially as our little group has the majority of the people that actually started the burrow, but was a good game and a much improved effort than the week before, still i dont know which is harder to take, a thumping or a 2 point loss when your so desperate for a win.

Anyway, thanks for the congrats, well done to you guys too, your group looks like its atleast tripled since last year, so well done raiders army.

It's Me

Hey Boing Boing,

Can you please explain your "YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE" banner?

What does it have to do with the Raiders?

Sorry, just curious.


Boing Boing


not sure what you're talking about. The "Poor Man's Burrow" was displaying one of those banners, but not me.


It's Me

Boing Boing said:

not sure what you're talking about. The "Poor Man's Burrow" was displaying one of those banners, but not me.


Sorry, just assumed it was yours because it was behind you guys. Didn't see anyone behind it either!!


Boing Boing said:
What happened to your group to make it split?

Well, to make a long story really short, some of the burrow felt that the original goal of the group which was to promote the standing and singing culture at the footy had been lost, and that the main focus had moved away from what was trying to be achieved, and more emphasis was on making signs and getting faces on camera etc... So a group of the core standers and singers decided to try and start a "pure" standing and singing group. I would say what the raiders army currently have is what the burrow used to be and what a number of the originals would like to return to.
I personally wont take a side in the argument, but there is no real animosity between the groups, just two lots of people that wanna support souths a bit differently, in the long run, if we can get large numbers in both groups, it would be great too have both on opposite sides of the stadium making as much noise as possible.

As for the You will never walk alone sign, that wasnt the raiders, that was a souths sign.
A bloke who will simply be known as Morv made it, he is a passionate diehard obsessive for the red and green and i guess he just wanted to borrow the famous Liverpool F.C slogan to let the boys know we are with them through these dark times and that we will stick with them no matter what.

It's Me

Probably would have been better if the sign was red and green. I know a few people around me were wondering what it meant and who it was meant for!!!

Boing Boing

Ah, cheers mate. Yeah I must say, we tend to focus more on the vocal side of things. Having said that, we do try to be visually impressive, we just don't have the equipment at this stage.

JL Bunny

Boing Boing said:
Ah, cheers mate. Yeah I must say, we tend to focus more on the vocal side of things. Having said that, we do try to be visually impressive, we just don't have the equipment at this stage.

Having one big group who focuses on both visual and vocal is MUCH better than two who are struggling. Cheers to you all.

I know one thing though... the split was a misunderstanding and will stay that way until the 'hard core' from both sides wake up to this fact.

The Burrow are there to Stand and Sing and are doing a good job at it.... and having an even better time time doing so.

Paul Hewson

JL Bunny said:
Having one big group who focuses on both visual and vocal is MUCH better than two who are struggling. Cheers to you all.

I know one thing though... the split was a misunderstanding and will stay that way until the 'hard core' from both sides wake up to this fact.

The Burrow are there to Stand and Sing and are doing a good job at it.... and having an even better time time doing so.

I think it goes alot deeper than a whole misunderstanding. :sarcasm:
Hello Raidersarmy.

It's Morv here.

I was the one that made that sign. As you all know that song is synonymous with football clubs around the world and my intention was not to sing the it.
I don't even follow Liverpool, Celtic or Feyenoord. The only intention for it was to show the club and the rugby league community that whilst we may be crappola, our support will never waiver.

You guys really made my night with your constant singing and chanting. It is heart warming that we can be near each other and give it to each other without going over the top - unlike overseas.
The singing culture is my goal and dream for rugby league and although it will take generations to take hold, we are heading in the right direction.

Thank you for the applause at the end. A healthy respect will prove good for the future of the culture we are both trying to achieve.


Raider Ultra

Yeh, was good fun having banter with you guys, good to hear some witty responses, as opposed to the usual dross from sides like Cronulla and Worsts.


A great thread.... there's always one person who has to fart :) and try and ruin things isn't there.


me and the entourage will be there with bells on :) cant wait im actually a lil excited :p

Paul Hewson

It's Me said:
What's your take on the situation Paul?

It is basically that the burrow was started to bring in the standing/singing atmosphere at the games. Over time with more people coming in the focus was taken away from that aspect and all other things started taking place such as banners and jerseys.

At the beggining the burrow became incorporated. This was to get a designated area at the games for standing and singing. I know that the club has worked well with the group over the years.

It came last year in the elections that the people who started the concept of the burrow were up for elections to get the burrow back to where it should be only to lose in the election through stacking votes. It seemes that certain people wanted to make sure that they had a spot on the committee with their mates. Apparently family members and friends who don't even go to the burrow, but were burrow members were voting.

As it seemed evident that the standing/singing lose focas the guys decided to start all over again and make their own group. I think these are the guys you are reffering to. To me it looks like something simple has gone wrong. People wanted to do things the hard way rather than enjoying the fun of being at the game together.

At the end of the day it is about supporting your team and doing it in the way that want to do. I think the burrow got to big within souths for their own good and people loved and still do love the lime light.

In the end I think I have gone right away from the topic of this thread. Well done to the guys out there for getting behind your team. In the coldness of Canberra.