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To The Rooster Bashers


BTW Sherwin is little or no worse than he has been for some time...he has struggled with that hip/back injury for the best part of last season...and ALL of this one!

And still leads the league in 40/20 kicks, and clever thinking such as taking optional touchfinders from 20m restarts etc etc....his BRAIN is still as sharp as ever...if perhaps the little legs can't go at 100% at the moment! He will play. And he will be fine!

Anasta - well, what can u do??..>We haven't had him in our finals campaign in 2001, 3 OR 4 now it looks like...

Thank goodness for Thurston & Maitua! maitua the physical type of pivot a la Timmins...Thurston the will-o-the-wisp electric type a la Presto Campbell.

I can see why you'd think the way you do - But personally - I see no problems myself?!?!?! :D :D
Dog-E said:
Catatonic_Omnivore said:
Dog-E said:
We're still as good, if not better a chance of making the big one thatn any of the other 3 teams left! And if we can produce our very best footy over the next 2 weeks - NO-ONE will be able to stop us!. No one....But that's IF!

And I have faith in the Blue and the White in 2004! :D

Simple as that.
I must correct you once again on this one. I beleive there are 5 other teams left in the finals.

You confidence is inspiring considerng that your team's halves are under a fitness cloud. I beleive the first part of the season the Doggies struggled because the halves were not playig well and it was when they started playing well did the Dogs started their winning streak.

IMHO the key is Sherwin & Anasta. Espcially in semi-final football.

Um...OK - but when did u correct me a FIRST time??... :?

Must have missed that memo! :lol:

Still I'll wear this one - 5 teams it is!...But the fact still remains - we can - and indeeed, have done so this very season - beat every......last......one of them! :D

Top of page 2.

Like I said your confidence is inspiring.


U mean the 'Somehow I don't think youre there yet!" comment?...Well even if that weren't stating the bleedign obvious - I never even said we WERE?!?...Ah, no matter...

But - What....U want me to sit here all depressed thinking of our halves 'conundrum' ???

Don't think so, sorry!...Taht ain't my style baby!!

The reasons fro my undercurrent of confidence - are stated loud 'n clear above...I am not just saying it for the sake of it! It's TRUE! We've got the ability to take out every other team in the NRL - and have proven so over the course of this year...That'll do me!

It's not about being 'inspiring' - The only 'inspirational' thing I will do for my team, will be SCREAMING myself hoarse at the game on Sunday...as usual!

The rest is entirely up to THEM!...And I reckon when push comes to shove - they'll be just fine! :D
Dog-E said:
U mean the 'Somehow I don't think youre there yet!" comment?...Well even if that weren't stating the bleedign obvious - I never even said we WERE?!?...Ah, no matter...

But - What....U want me to sit here all depressed thinking of our halves 'conundrum' ???

Don't think so, sorry!...Taht ain't my style baby!!

The reasons fro my undercurrent of confidence - are stated loud 'n clear above...I am not just saying it for the sake of it! It's TRUE! We've got the ability to take out every other team in the NRL - and have proven so over the course of this year...That'll do me!

It's not about being 'inspiring' - The only 'inspirational' thing I will do for my team, will be SCREAMING myself hoarse at the game on Sunday...as usual!

The rest is entirely up to THEM!...And I reckon when push comes to shove - they'll be just fine! :D
I'm not telling how to feel. I am merely stating my veiws just as you are. How you take it is your problem. I thought I was giving you a complement but I guess your on edge so I best leave you alone.


Forget the fitness level.....I dont believe the Dogs can do it for 1 reason. They are using 2002 as motivation. And as long as they keep hanging on to 2002, they wont win jack. If they let go and get over it, move along, they might do something. But using 2002 as motivation is always going to hurt the Dogs. Simply, because there is one team that defies their 2002 motivation....The 2002 Premiers.

As long as Canterbury use 2002 as motivation, Easts will feed from that and prove it over and over and over again, as to why they were the 2002 Premiers.

Mental strength, and motivation work well together, but the wrong reasons will tear your mental strength apart.


Catatonic_Omnivore said:
I'm not telling how to feel. I am merely stating my veiws just as you are. How you take it is your problem. I thought I was giving you a complement but I guess your on edge so I best leave you alone.

Sorry then - internet forums are an ambiguous medium of communication at best!...as as 99.6% of the punters here would have meant what you said sarcastically...I wrongly assumed, and do apologise!

And the only thing I'm on the edge of....is TREMENDOUS CELEBRATION!! A new house, getting married, and a Doggies Premiership - ALL in the one year!!...Who'd've thunk it way back in January, eh!??!?! :lol:

2004 ROCKS!!!



This is the most coherent and spot-on post i have ever seen you make Melon! Onya! :clap:

because The mental can almost ALWAYS overcome the physical anyway!...

Something about the look in the Dogs players' eyes after last week's loss...I really don't think they're gonna let that happen again any time soon!

I strongly believe that we will GET to the GF...but once there - who knows wHAT happens? But u gotta be in it to win it! ;)
Dog-E said:
Sorry then - internet forums are an ambiguous medium of communication at best!...as as 99.6% of the punters here would have meant what you said sarcastically...I wrongly assumed, and do apologise!

And the only thing I'm on the edge of....is TREMENDOUS CELEBRATION!! A new house, getting married, and a Doggies Premiership - ALL in the one year!!...Who'd've thunk it way back in January, eh!??!?! :lol:

2004 ROCKS!!!

Apology accepted. I know there are some elements out there that would fall into the category which you assumed, I don't aim to be one of those.

BTW, good to hear someone entering one of the most important phases in life. Congrats..