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To The Rooster Bashers


Can you tell one of your Cowboys players to smash the sh*tt out of that turd Finch should you beat Brisbane this weekend. And also Chris Walker.
Rauhihi or Campion would do the job nicely...


Pantherjim. said:
Renowned League Expert said:
Can you tell one of your Cowboys players to smash the sh*tt out of that turd Finch should you beat Brisbane this weekend. And also Chris Walker.

You gotta catch 'em first! But you can't, because our blokes are as fast as buggery!

I'm thinking "Cashed up as buggery" more like it!


Have any of your boys landed the jackpot at Panthers yet? After all they all own a pokie.
I totally agree with you. The Roosters run the NRL, the refs favour them, they get special allowances at the judiciary and the NRL is out to get any other team that is playing them. Also the NRL loves Roosters players and allow them special salary cap concessions. :roll: :roll: :roll:

word. stupid rooster bashers. go back to bashing the broncos already, at least you had a reason to hate us, coz we are queenslanders!


Post Whore
Pantherjim. said:
Renowned League Expert said:
Can you tell one of your Cowboys players to smash the sh*tt out of that turd Finch should you beat Brisbane this weekend. And also Chris Walker.

You gotta catch 'em first! But you can't, because our blokes are as fast as buggery!

I'm thinking "Cashed up as buggery" more like it!



I'm thinking "into buggery"



Thats it roostar girl - SQUIRM!!!!

U really want to HOPE the Storm roll us girl....because we will be giving you one MUTHA of a hiding if you're unfortunate enough to cross our path again!!

Believe me - the days of 48-14 floggings at the hands of the Dogs will seem like a HAPPY MEMORY!!! :twisted:

No referee, official or judiciary panel will be able to help you THIS time!


:lol: :lol: Dog-E I'm only saying go the Storm because I haven't noticed any Storm Supporters giving it to us :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't really care who wins this weekend.

I just hope that no-one gets a Grade 2 Dangerous Throw charge against them....I couldn't handle another week like this one :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

To the Fans of all the Clubs running around this weekend...."MAY THE BEST TEAMS WIN"
Dog-E said:

Thats it roostar girl - SQUIRM!!!!

U really want to HOPE the Storm roll us girl....because we will be giving you one MUTHA of a hiding if you're unfortunate enough to cross our path again!!

Believe me - the days of 48-14 floggings at the hands of the Dogs will seem like a HAPPY MEMORY!!! :twisted:

No referee, official or judiciary panel will be able to help you THIS time!
Unless I'm mistaken, the only way the Roosters and Dogs meet tis season is if your beats the Storm then the Panthers. Somehow I don't think your quite there yet.
The Rorters will win this year. Unlike last year, they'll have the referee in their pocket this year. All the 50/50 decisions will go their way and they'll make sure that players aren't allowed to slow the play the ball so the refereeing supports their style of play. They'll be offside most of the match but the referee will also do diddly squat.

The only way to beat them is to come in quick and don't let them get the momentum going, like their five losses this year. Have all you forwards run at thug Morley and wait for him to play his natural game (penalties galore). Out wide, target Hodges with particularly the high ball and niggle him and hair puller Walker. Get up quick on both Finch and Fittler and whoever plays them will go far. Beware of giving away the offside penalties though as only one team is allowed to get off the line quickly in defence.
Eskimo Sharkie said:
The only way to beat them is to come in quick and don't let them get the momentum going, like their five losses this year. Have all you forwards run at thug Morley and wait for him to play his natural game (penalties galore). Out wide, target Hodges with particularly the high ball and niggle him and hair puller Walker. Get up quick on both Finch and Fittler and whoever plays them will go far. Beware of giving away the offside penalties though as only one team is allowed to get off the line quickly in defence.
Lets not forget....
Mini - never kick directly to him, very dangerous at kick returns
Topou - be alert, he has the ability to break tackles and has a handy offload
Fitzgibbon - slowly comming back to his attacking best
Wing - excellent dummy half runner
Flannery - you can never tell which position he will fill in any game
Cross - can find the try line from anywhere

Just thought I'd round it off for you since you may have missed other players to look out for.

So, I guess if a team can cover those bases they stand a good chance of winning.


Catatonic_Omnivore said:
Unless I'm mistaken, the only way the Roosters and Dogs meet tis season is if your beats the Storm then the Panthers.

You are not mistaken - That is correct. Well done! ;-)

Somehow I don't think your quite there yet
ALSO correct - But it matters not one bit to me! We're still as good, if not better a chance of making the big one thatn any of the other 3 teams left! And if we can produce our very best footy over the next 2 weeks - NO-ONE will be able to stop us!. No one....But that's IF!

And I have faith in the Blue and the White in 2004! :D

Simple as that.


Staff member
Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about??

There will be a "correction" in the market that is the NRL soon & Easts will drop back to the lower half of mid-table where their rightful place is & everyone can return to bagging Brisbane again...


RoostarGirl said:
:lol: :lol: Dog-E I'm only saying go the Storm because I haven't noticed any Storm Supporters giving it to us :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're not looking hard enough!! :lol:

But I applaud your about-face - Indeed, may the best sides this weekend win! :lol:

And if that does not include the Bulldogs - and no foul play, or horrific reffing decisions cost us the game - I will be amongst the first to congratulate the other side! Same the week after that....and the week after that - Yes - Even if it's the Roosters - if u beat us fair n square - as you did at semis time in 2003 - Then fair play to you!

If something dodgy DOES cost us the game....it will take me a day or 3 to get over that...and THEN, unless the other side BLATANTLY cheated or something - I will still congratulate whoever beats us.

That's the spirit of the true Aussie sporting contest after all! ;-)

But having said all THAT - I still know who I WANT to win - GO U DOGGIES & COWBOYS THIS WEEKEND GOOOOOO!!!!!!! :D
Dog-E said:
We're still as good, if not better a chance of making the big one thatn any of the other 3 teams left! And if we can produce our very best footy over the next 2 weeks - NO-ONE will be able to stop us!. No one....But that's IF!

And I have faith in the Blue and the White in 2004! :D

Simple as that.
I must correct you once again on this one. I beleive there are 5 other teams left in the finals.

You confidence is inspiring considerng that your team's halves are under a fitness cloud. I beleive the first part of the season the Doggies struggled because the halves were not playig well and it was when they started playing well did the Dogs started their winning streak.

IMHO the key is Sherwin & Anasta. Espcially in semi-final football.


Catatonic_Omnivore said:
Dog-E said:
We're still as good, if not better a chance of making the big one thatn any of the other 3 teams left! And if we can produce our very best footy over the next 2 weeks - NO-ONE will be able to stop us!. No one....But that's IF!

And I have faith in the Blue and the White in 2004! :D

Simple as that.
I must correct you once again on this one. I beleive there are 5 other teams left in the finals.

You confidence is inspiring considerng that your team's halves are under a fitness cloud. I beleive the first part of the season the Doggies struggled because the halves were not playig well and it was when they started playing well did the Dogs started their winning streak.

IMHO the key is Sherwin & Anasta. Espcially in semi-final football.

Um...OK - but when did u correct me a FIRST time??... :?

Must have missed that memo! :lol:

Still I'll wear this one - 5 teams it is!...But the fact still remains - we can - and indeeed, have done so this very season - beat every......last......one of them! :D

I'm not saying we'll win the premiership - I'm not that daft, because ANYTHING can happen in 80 minutes of football - Last year's Roosters - the shortest priced GF favourites in history - can tell you that story! :lol:

But taking ALL of the above into account - Why WOULDN'T I be quietly confident??

And CONFIDENCE is something you need to win a Premiership....so it's heartening to see in the press - and to know - that the Dogs players feel the same way I do!

All we can do from hereon in is beat whoever's put in front of us though...BRING IT ON!!!!!!

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