Should be f**ked off immediately. He's had chance after chance but unfortunately just can't seem to get it through his head that you can't keep doing dumb shit and expect to be continually rewarded with a +400K salary every year.
as for those championing the case that what he is allegedly done is not illegal, could you imagine for one second he'd keep his job if he was a senior partner at a company and did that shit? Image is everything.
I now await the predictable apology, full of self loathing about how he's let the fans, his friends, family and the game down yet again where he'll cop a small fine and spend a few weeks on the sidelines. As sure night follows day, sometime down the track he'll f**k up again and so the boorish cycle continues.
Time to move on Toddy and close the chapter in your life that saw you earn a squilion dollars. You'll be free then to ingest whatever takes your fancy.