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Todd Carney sacked


First Grade
you mean like some of the other things he's done in the past? like....
drink driving
driving when disqualified
refusing to stop for the police resulting in a high speed car chase
setting a guy on fire
urinating on a man.... and now urinating in his own mouth....

that's a pretty long list dating back to 2007


What I'm saying though is that what he's done this time is nothing compared to what you've listed. Maybe I shouldn't feel sorry for him but he seems to be behaving a lot better than he used to but he's ended up getting the sack for a bit of drunken stupidity which no-one would have cared about if the photo didn't appear on Twitter.


What I'm saying though is that what he's done this time is nothing compared to what you've listed. Maybe I shouldn't feel sorry for him but he seems to be behaving a lot better than he used to but he's ended up getting the sack for a bit of drunken stupidity which no-one would have cared about if the photo didn't appear on Twitter.

mate...this has been coming for a while.

The blokes been on the piss in public all lot....as in.... all the time.

final straw.


First Grade
Yes its stupid. Would I want it associated with my club? No.

But Todd hasn't gone out to harm the Sharks or posted something stupid on social media himself. Surely suspending him, docking his pay and taking him to counselling were all options open to the club. Todd Carney has a right to behave in a manner Cronulla finds appropriate and as employee Cronulla have a duty of care for Todd Carney.

Cutting him loose and saying you're on your own wasn't a good move.

Now it may be the case that had Cronulla listened to Todds side of the story they would have reached the same conclusion and it probably would have been the likely outcome and one I would respect. But to act with partial facts based on a media storm shows a distinct lack of leadership in my opinion and I have little respect for the current Cronulla board for their actions here.

You never make a decision in anger. The Croulla board did exactly that.

What else was discussed in the Cronulla Board phone hook up?
What previous discussions took place with Carney and Cronulla Board?
Don't make excuses for his inexcusable behaviour and he is given ongoing counselling.

And Carch...I admire your approach on this, not a good week for you.
Yes its stupid. Would I want it associated with my club? No.

But Todd hasn't gone out to harm the Sharks or posted something stupid on social media himself. Surely suspending him, docking his pay and taking him to counselling were all options open to the club. Todd Carney has a right to behave in a manner Cronulla finds appropriate and as employee Cronulla have a duty of care for Todd Carney.

Cutting him loose and saying you're on your own wasn't a good move.

Now it may be the case that had Cronulla listened to Todds side of the story they would have reached the same conclusion and it probably would have been the likely outcome and one I would respect. But to act with partial facts based on a media storm shows a distinct lack of leadership in my opinion and I have little respect for the current Cronulla board for their actions here.

You never make a decision in anger. The Croulla board did exactly that.

Carney knew when he signed Cronulla that he was being thrown another lifeline and I guarentee his contract would have multiple areas about expected behaviour. Pretending to take a leak in your your own mouth doesnt match behaviour that any person or organisation would find appropriate and Carney would have had to have known it was a dumb thing to do.
I dont think Cronulla cared if he was actually doing it or not, in a club that is in such a bad period that image is just going to make things worse.
Cronulla aren't to blame, the media isn't to blame, the person who took the photo isn't to Blame, Todd Carney has done all this to himself. Then he has made it worse by not being man enough to admit he f**ked up.


First Grade
mate...this has been coming for a while.

The blokes been on the piss in public all lot....as in.... all the time.

final straw.

Fair enough it's the straw that broke the camels back.

I did laugh at Carney saying anyone but Noyce wouldn't have sacked him when Noyce spent the last 3 years covering up his shenanigans.


First Grade
Because compared to some of the other things he's done this is nothing. He's not leading the police on a high speed chase or destroying Goulburn, he's pretending to drink his own piss in the toilets to gross out his friends. If it was any other player they'd be suspended for a fortnight but with Carney's past he gets the sack.

Yes, as it should be.

Repeat offenders get hammered in court, why...because they are repeat offenders! They have demonstrated an ongoing unwillingness to change their behaviour regardless of the penalties or sentences handed out. Sound familiar?

Daryl's drunken deadshit of a son can walk into the ocean for all I care. The bloke had the sporting world at his feet yet selfishly threw it away so he can act like a genius. f**k him!



Oh Toddy, you should have just told everyone that you were stung on the face by a jellyfish.


True. However who gave the dog "Mark Miler" the right to post it?
mark did . ok . everyone has that right. public area=public property ;-)

I genuinely don't understand the mindset of some of the people on these boards, they are more pissed off at the person that leaked the photo than the person that brought the game into disrepute yet again.

Seriously Carney has had more chances than anyone in the history of rugby league yet time and time again he has continually bit the hand that feeds him. I hope he is denied a visa and prevented from going overseas so he is forced to get a regular job, he needs to understand that being a professional athlete is a privilege and that the Raiders, Roosters and Sharks fans he has spat in the face of deserve better.
, what job could he do , a circus act job . toilet cleaner . carney was in the aussie kangaroo's team . now in spasaroo's :lol:

If the reports in the paper from the NRL regarding considering not registering a contract for Carney with any other club is true then the NRL then I think this is a serious turn of events. One that we shouldn't blithely ignore either.

Now let's believe Todd for one minute and accept that the "bubbling" photo is one of those "leaning tower of Pisa" photos or planking where a picture is designed to look like something it's not.

In that context what we have is a harmless prank among mates that managed to make it's way into the light of day. Embarrassing for the Sharks maybe - but surely sacking someone based on a trial by media without hearing what the people involved have got to say and without the full facts - surely has the potential to be more embarrassing to the club than a prank photo.

Now the Sharks probably do want to look at their "culture" and try and decide who they want to represent their club - but sacking someone in this manner is not the way to start a culture change. It smacks of desperate acts by a desperate club that are basically clueless and are happy to remain so.

I hope the NRL seriously looks at all aspects of this case before talking any further about blocking Todds future in the game.
fully agree , but other players have had 6 . 7 . clubs before

Public change rooms and public toilets.

only cretins would have their phones out in these circumstances considering the image and video capturing capability of them these days. I don't care if the young folk of today have these devices glued to their hands 24 hours a day, have some f**king respect and etiquette for other people in these circumstances.
most people have pic phones now. so they are all cretins . wheres the video phones ;-)

Yes its stupid. Would I want it associated with my club? No.

But Todd hasn't gone out to harm the Sharks or posted something stupid on social media himself. Surely suspending him, docking his pay and taking him to counselling were all options open to the club. Todd Carney has a right to behave in a manner Cronulla finds appropriate and as employee Cronulla have a duty of care for Todd Carney.

Cutting him loose and saying you're on your own wasn't a good move.

Now it may be the case that had Cronulla listened to Todds side of the story they would have reached the same conclusion and it probably would have been the likely outcome and one I would respect. But to act with partial facts based on a media storm shows a distinct lack of leadership in my opinion and I have little respect for the current Cronulla board for their actions here.

You never make a decision in anger. The Croulla board did exactly that.
i agree aswell . should have waited . and taken the time to hear carneys story . not just a media kneejerk reaction , sharks could have use the situation in better ways , carney cam :p

mate...this has been coming for a while.

The blokes been on the piss in public all lot....as in.... all the time.

final straw.
showing up to training after big nights out :(


Is anyone out there still sticking up for the guy, or thinking the penalty is too harsh?

Or like day-behind Gallen, has everyone finally caught up that we don't need dumb merkins like Carney making a (very handsome) living in our game.


First Grade
Listening to the news on the way to work and someone who was interviewing John Doyle asked him about a rumour of a photo of another player doing the bubbler.

If true we have some f**king stupid players in the NRL