I'd love to see Tuqiri in the team but the backline should be:
On Foxtel in Sky News, it says that Tuqiri has turned down the Tigers and other NRL clubs to sign another Union deal overseas with the club Gower is playing for.
Did you guys read something about us not having any more spaces in the top 25?
Im pretty sure I saw it some where.
Does that mean we are re signing the nuffys that are off contract (Payne etc)?
Does it mean no Burgess?
The Tigers always said this-
I heard sheens waqs giving talkin sport an email- and asked them to ask him if any chance skando might play this year ( seemed logical as we are low in front rowers) and they did. Sheens trotted out his standed line....we dont have any room in out top 25 and rattled on about Hanbury being spot number 25...
It was all BS ofcourse..... but sheens likes to play his cards close to his chest..... nothing wrong with that .....just take EVERYTHING his says with a pinch of salt-