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TV pays top-rating NRL half as much as AFL

The Preacher

First Grade
If the AFL TV rights purchase price was higher than the NRL, naturally it costs more per game than the NRL. Ch.7 payed an absolute fortune for them and on-sold @ a price that reflects this. Poor silly bastards.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
73/100. Doesn't that just prove beyond doubt how our sport is simply the best? That's not pay TV sports, that's pay TV overall. Simply incredible. AFL #1 sport? :lol: Doesn't even rate on the Tele.

The Colonel

The Preacher said:
If the AFL TV rights purchase price was higher than the NRL, naturally it costs more per game than the NRL. Ch.7 payed an absolute fortune for them and on-sold @ a price that reflects this. Poor silly bastards.

They probably did pay more than it was worth but that money still goes back into the AFL coffers. While Kerry may have been laughing at Channel Seven, the fact of the matter is the NRL should be looking at getting a better deal somewhere a lot closer to the amount that the AFL were paid.......

Fightin' Irish

Timmah said:
73/100. Doesn't that just prove beyond doubt how our sport is simply the best? That's not pay TV sports, that's pay TV overall. Simply incredible. AFL #1 sport? :lol: Doesn't even rate on the Tele.

It's not even close on Pay TV, league dominates. Unfortunately its not exactly a fair way to judge the strength of the codes as the majority of pay subscriptions come from league dominated territory. And add to that foxtels rubbish deal previously which had them broadcasting the sh*ttest 3 games a week. Fox paid so much for the rights becuase they want to grow their brand in AFL territory especially WA and perth in particular which is the fastest growing capital city in australia.

Tap Twist Snap

I wonder if Gallop believes the BS he goes on with.. could he really be that stupid. Time for a real business man to gain the top job in the game not some News Limited mouth piece.
With NRL FNF going live this season, the AFL will be hard-pressed to get even close to the NRL ratings on Friday night. Over the past few years the delayed NRL FNF has outrated AFL FNF comfortably.

On PayTV the NRL slaughters the AFL.

Of the two codes, four of the top 5 rating matches Australia-wide in 2006 on FTA TV were Rugby League matches and that's with the League matches either not being on in SA and WA or being on at ridiculous times.

The quality of the NRL v the quantity of AFL.

Sold for a pittance. Shame NRL, shame.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I want to know how AFL can be claimed as the #1 national sport when it doesn't rate on TV (any form of TV, pay or FTA)...


As mentioned 73 of the top 100 shows, if that is not the most dominating statistics for any Pay TV or FTA channel on this earth, then it would be pretty damn close. This would mean that Rugby League practically owns PAY TV in Australia.

If you are the man negotiating on RL's behalf and walk into a room to do a deal with Fox, you would have balls as big as King Kongs. You would basically name your price. If all the numbers are true, then this just doesn't stink, its criminal. And by the way, Gallop always had an unusual aroma surrounding him.
Timmah said:
73/100. Doesn't that just prove beyond doubt how our sport is simply the best? That's not pay TV sports, that's pay TV overall. Simply incredible. AFL #1 sport? :lol: Doesn't even rate on the Tele.

the way the AFL was broadcast on FTA and PayTV in the previous 5 years was terrible ratings wise for foxtel....FTA rated exceptionally well in SA, WA, VIC and TAS

the reason foxtel were dudded on the last deal was because if there ever was a match involving a WA team then that would be on FTA in WA (the same applied for SA teams)....foxtel were always left with the dud matches because FTA always had the choice of which games to show, meaning games between non-VIC teams were shown on foxtel into VIC and on FTA into their respective states, and games involving all VIC was on FTA into VIC and foxtel interstate

on the new deal, what ever game foxtel has they televise that game nationally and what ever game FTA has they televise it nationally, so they are almost guaranteed better ratings

as opposed to RL where on saturdays the only way you can watch RL is on foxtel
It has become painfully clear that the NRL has undersold its tv rights....AGAIN

I think the only way to stop this stuff is going on is to eliminate the conflicts of interests that exist in the code and for it to become truly autonomous.

The ARL needs to look at ways to buy back the comp from News. Going off the numbers listed in a recent SMH article, it stated that news takes 8 million a year out of the code and are owed something like 130 million.

I think the ARL should move to take over the code and say that we will pay back news in 10 years with interest. This is the only way to make sure we maximise revenue from tv deals and ensure that the code is able to expand properly and isn't handicapped by self interest. I know it will hurt, but it has to happen.

News probably wont allow it as they enjoy having a big time sport in their back pocket that they can pay unders for and then take money back out of...its a joke.
Collingwood Storm said:
the way the AFL was broadcast on FTA and PayTV in the previous 5 years was terrible ratings wise for foxtel....FTA rated exceptionally well in SA, WA, VIC and TAS

the reason foxtel were dudded on the last deal was because if there ever was a match involving a WA team then that would be on FTA in WA (the same applied for SA teams)....foxtel were always left with the dud matches because FTA always had the choice of which games to show, meaning games between non-VIC teams were shown on foxtel into VIC and on FTA into their respective states, and games involving all VIC was on FTA into VIC and foxtel interstate

on the new deal, what ever game foxtel has they televise that game nationally and what ever game FTA has they televise it nationally, so they are almost guaranteed better ratings

as opposed to RL where on saturdays the only way you can watch RL is on foxtel

That might be a fair point, but if you look closely at the league stats you'll see all games, no matter who's playing rate well right throughout NSW and Qld. That's because everybody watches every club, not just their own or the one from their state or region. That's got to be a pretty good selling point, the fact that a game with millions of fans across the northern states can attract many of those fans to any game, no matter who's playing.

But the crux of this issue is News Ltd' ownership of the NRL. We have always been and will always be screwed out of cash from Foxtel because News owns the NRL. It's negotiating with itself FFS. I see the cash that comes from News as a fund to pay for their product rather than payment for the rights to show it. News just gives us enough to keep the game affloat and therefore keep its TV product bobbing along.
The crazy thing is Channel Nine and Telstra seem to be in on this as well. They seem to be given their TV and sponsorship/online rights on plate and they don't even own the NRL the way News does. But they (News, Nine and Telstra) are all in bed together via Foxtel and as long as that continues we're always going to lose out.

I think it should be known just how much News' ownership of the game costs us every year. It could be in the vacinity of $50m a year, and that's without the money that the NRL supposedly pays back to News under the agreeent reached in '97 to cover the costs of Super League.

The big question is, if the ARL owns the other 50% of the NRL why is it not actively pushing for a better deal for the game and asking News and Nine etc to pay the game what it is worth?
East Coast Tiger said:
That might be a fair point, but if you look closely at the league stats you'll see all games, no matter who's playing rate well right throughout NSW and Qld. That's because everybody watches every club, not just their own or the one from their state or region. That's got to be a pretty good selling point, the fact that a game with millions of fans across the northern states can attract many of those fans to any game, no matter who's playing.

But the crux of this issue is News Ltd' ownership of the NRL. We have always been and will always be screwed out of cash from Foxtel because News owns the NRL. It's negotiating with itself FFS. I see the cash that comes from News as a fund to pay for their product rather than payment for the rights to show it. News just gives us enough to keep the game affloat and therefore keep its TV product bobbing along.
The crazy thing is Channel Nine and Telstra seem to be in on this as well. They seem to be given their TV and sponsorship/online rights on plate and they don't even own the NRL the way News does. But they (News, Nine and Telstra) are all in bed together via Foxtel and as long as that continues we're always going to lose out.

I think it should be known just how much News' ownership of the game costs us every year. It could be in the vacinity of $50m a year, and that's without the money that the NRL supposedly pays back to News under the agreeent reached in '97 to cover the costs of Super League.

The big question is, if the ARL owns the other 50% of the NRL why is it not actively pushing for a better deal for the game and asking News and Nine etc to pay the game what it is worth?

Gutless...thats why.

We need news out of ownership as soon as possible.


Look. There is nothing "wrong" here. The writter, roy masters, leaves it up to your imagination to suggest (which his story points to) that the nrl is being jipped.

Read the article. Understand how the companies are all set up, including the NRL.

You'll see that the NRL does not really have a say in what it itself does.

Its typical of a parent/offspring company set up in the business world.

They never really have a say in anything that matters really.

70 shows in the top 100, and getting less than AFL.....

even if the AFL price includes production costs i find it hard to believe that those who virtually forced the nrls hand in this would not let more money flow back into the RL-specific section of the country....that is, the clubs and players, the nrl, junior setup.

I dont think what has happened is such a big thing.....what I do think is wrong is the poor portrayal of our game in certain media organisations who seem bent on raping the game for all its worth and giving back little in return.

When will the books be set open at the NRL for all to see, and when will people be held accountable for what they do....and when will the nrl be allowed to act independantly of those who own it, for its own best interests? When will the nrl get a real marketing department or get marketers on board, when will the nrl be marketed in such a way as to maximise its resources?

Hey, the factory may be great.....but the office is a sh!t hole, is a saying that springs to mind.

There are little fair, open and equitable things to do with the nrl.

As time goes on, we the public, cant help but believe its a place thats ficticious in its public front....its time to expose it for what it seems to be, a place where administrators are told what to do, and no independant action is taken, only what paymasters desire....meaning the nrl has no control over its direction and to a lesser extent, its actions

The big thing with sport is this: it may make you money through crowds, sponsors, etc.....but when you put money into it from your pocket, it doesnt usually translate equally back. There is a filter in between two large pipes....the filter is the public hearts and minds....sometimes its hard to place a "markup" on such things.

I beleive the nrl is suffering from an inability to maximise itself. It needs more funds.

The game needs to be seen as better and marketed as better, and it needs to maximise the money injected into it, if only for the sake of appearance.

Like i said, really the money figures dont matter after a certain point. Its what you do with the money.

So thats my conclusion.....and just look at what you lot have been saying about it all....the NRL must be up the duff/not as good/ripped off, because it didnt get as big a slice of money. I'd rather talk about the things the nrl could be doing with the money, because you wont change the way the companys are run....

unless, people could buy out the share of the nrl held by non-beneficial owners.


Do any of the games leaders have the best interests of the code at heart?

I'm beginning to wonder.

We undersold our TV rights again, radio coverage will be a dud again, Country RL is still suffering, our FTA carrier is run by the enemy, our PTV carrier is an extortionist, the internet and digital hand held rights have basically been stolen and we get bashed from pillar to post by every section of the media at every opportunity. What can we do but sit back and suffer?


"The Swans are bigger in Sydney than the Storm in Melbourne."

O RLY? Then why did 200,000 more people in Melbourne watch the Storm's Grand Final than people in Sydney watched the Swans GF?


The nrl must start making people believe in them.

To do that, you say things that lead people to believe things.

The last time i heard this crap, it was to do with [potential] world wide viewers watching the nrl gf....that was ages ago...

like it mattered, or meant anything, but gee, didnt everyone feel that the nrl was an important thing, even to overseas people...

i think people like to feel important, and watch and do "important" things.

The best thing to do to get people see it your way, is let them come to the decision themselves...thats how you truly "sell" something to someone....

marketing.....lead their thoughts in a direction and let them draw the conclusion you want them to.

The nrl is a sham.

The nrl as an entity is seriously under-performing.

Changes MUST be made.


First Grade
The most pertinent things to come out of that read for me is the insinuation that the NRL is under-selling its product because News has its grubby mits in the pie. Secondly it's that the AFL is being somewhat OVER-sold because let's face it - the NRL sells Foxtel subscriptions by the bloody thousands, and even with its own channel, how many do you think the AFL managed to sell?

Let's not kid ourselves, Foxtel is readily available in WA, SA, VIC etc.
gaterooze said:
"The Swans are bigger in Sydney than the Storm in Melbourne."

O RLY? Then why did 200,000 more people in Melbourne watch the Storm's Grand Final than people in Sydney watched the Swans GF?

it is widely known that melbournians love big events, the NRL GF is a sporting event and given that Melbourne was playing in it, then it isn't really a surprise

as far as attendances, members, off field structure and press coverage in their home cities, the swans in sydney sh1t all over the storm here in melb...whether thats the storms fault or the NRLs fault for not promoting the game enough i dont know

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