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Ultimate proof management are insane

lotm said:
ibleedgreen said:
Not to mention it didn't say that he's on $100,000... it said an INCREASE of $100,000. What if he was already on 50, 100 grand? That's 150, 200 grand. It's insane for a player of his 'calibre'.
this is what i mean. some people read what they want to read to suit their argument.

re-read the quote, ibleedgreen. it says "bulgarelli was about to benefit from a large increase in his salary TO more than $100 000". it seems you're eager for this rumour to be true. even if it is true, your interpretation leaves a lot to be desired. firstly, it was a LARGE increase. that suggests that he was on a low salary to begin with. secondly, it didn't even suggest that it was an increase OF $100 000. it was an increase TO $100 000.

i'd be interested to see how many of you will blindly accept media reports when they contradict your points of view.

Alright, fair enough. You have to admit though that when you see increase and then a figure, it can be construed that way. Regardless, he's still not worth that much.


First Grade
Edwahu said:
What would Boogas value be on the open market?
I guess he's about to find that out.
lotm said:
kris_man said:
lotm, stop avoiding the point, which is: Is Jason Bulgarelli worth 100K or not?
i'm not avoiding the point at all. there's no way that boogs is worth $100k.

i'd like some corroborating proof that mgt were on the verge of offering him that money before i'll accept the rumour. there's a poster who implied that management weren't keen to renew his contract and that's why they sacked him - completely contradicting this "increase to 100k" theory. imo, he has about as much credibility as the media.
Whether he's worth 100K or not is besides the point - if we'd signed him on a contract that said he get's 100K in 2005, that's what he should get. Personally I don't think he was going to be offered a new contract when the current one expired, but you just never know.


Kris_man said:
oh yeah, listen to some random poster, but don't listen to the newspaper

the point was that i'm not listening to anybody, yet. i guess the concept was a bit over your head.

Kris_man said:
oh yeah, i didn't see that lotm did answer my question
yep. i answer questions that are directed at me.

Kris_man said:
cheers Lord of the Monkeys

how embarassing.

Chippo Raiders

I have noticed a few jumping to conclusions based on Newspaper rumours.....rumours can circulate from anything, I need PROOF and proof isn't the Daily Telegrapgh etc, If it was on the Raiders website then I would believe it, but I just see people now saying he was definitley offered 100k.

And when someone says he was ABOUT TO BENEFIT..it means it hadn't happened which makes it more laughable that people here think it has happened


First Grade
Chippo Raiders said:
I have noticed a few jumping to conclusions based on Newspaper rumours.....rumours can circulate from anything, I need PROOF and proof isn't the Daily Telegrapgh etc, If it was on the Raiders website then I would believe it, but I just see people now saying he was definitley offered 100k.

And when someone says he was ABOUT TO BENEFIT..it means it hadn't happened which makes it more laughable that people here think it has happened

chippo could you please decipher your post .... what a load of bullocks

Just because it isnt on the Raiders website doesnt mean there may be an ounce of truth behind some of the reports/rumours.

I spoke to to a relative of his today and with that knowledge and the stories I have read previously about his character I find it very hard to believe he would be involved in such activities that he has been branded with.

I also find it hard to believe that a professional organisation such as the Raiders would have exposed themselves to possible litigation without being absolutely sure of themselves. Unfortunately what we have seen with the Raiders of late, where there is smoke there is usually fire clsoe by.

Chippo Raiders

With the media of late, they tend to make smoke to cause fire.....

The opening post was that Bulgarelli was about to get a 100k package so everyone goes on about how management are stupid, when it hasn't happened yet,

What does being absolutley sure of themselves mean? they got it and were absolutley sure it was Boogs, thats why he is now on the road. How would you have handled it Bay? It still all points to Boogs, they could have said **** off if they didn't want to sign him cause they hadn't committed to the contract

As for he isn't that type of person, not even the closest of relatives know that...do they


First Grade
Chippo .. boogs was one of my least favourite players (and part of the reason why I dislike Elliott so much) but quite frankly what he seems to be accused of also seems to be out of character ... I'm not defending him or accusing him but I hope that the Raiders have given his sacking the attention it deserved .... lets hope thay have.


Bay56 said:
I also find it hard to believe that a professional organisation such as the Raiders would have exposed themselves to possible litigation without being absolutely sure of themselves. Unfortunately what we have seen with the Raiders of late, where there is smoke there is usually fire clsoe by.

:lol: :lol:


First Grade
azza said:
Bay56 said:
I also find it hard to believe that a professional organisation such as the Raiders would have exposed themselves to possible litigation without being absolutely sure of themselves. Unfortunately what we have seen with the Raiders of late, where there is smoke there is usually fire clsoe by.

:lol: :lol:

hah did I write that ....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


First Grade
Raiders 2005 said:
Farkin morons you are. #-o

Its just a joke 2005 ....

professional organisation such as the Raiders ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ... ohh boy, what possessed me to write that .... mods is it possible to delete that post


First Grade
Raiders 2005 said:
Make me loser. :lol:

dont start calling people names 2005 .. azza just politely asked you to depart (ie f**k off) and you call him a loser .. not nice