I'm not getting this sense at all, is it a particular quote or just the general tone of the piece?
What are your negative?
The women I?ve encountered who attempt to discredit feminism, to tear one another down
If you're not for us, you're against us, which is ignorance basically. Not that I'm against feminism; but suggesting the 'other side' is somehow to be written off is intellectually dishonest.
Where do you feel unsafe as a woman?
It may seem dramatic but everywhere.
So you never feel safe, anywhere? It suggests men are somehow all out to harm women (as, lets face it, she does not feel like that around women).
Where is somewhere you can exist without fear?
My home, when I?m with my boyfriend. It sickens me to have to admit to feeling secure when I?m with a man. It?s because I know people are far less likely to harass me if I?m accompanied.
This paints men as harassing and animalistic. That's simply not true.
Do women treat you differently than men?
Women are more empathic, considered, honest & tactile. The more I experience the men the more I?m experiencing their bias & privilege.
In what ways does being a woman make you vulnerable or exposed?
We have come to understand the world as a ?Man?s space? and that we women are merely traveling through that space, although not all people feel this way, it is evidenced in cat calls, street harassment and the constant pursuit of women by strange men.
What do you think are positive ways the world views women?
It?s funny, this question once struck me as innocent enough until I started asking women it. I found that EVERY answer they came up with had a seed of male gaze within it, and of course that?s the case. If you think of the patriarchy as a tree, it?s roots tainted by male privilege & oppression then all the fruits of that tree are tainted as well, no matter how prettily it?s dressed up. In order to state that ?being a woman is good because of?? is to separate us into categories that are arbitrary and socially inflicted anyway. If being a woman, by today?s standards, benefits you then you aren?t benefiting. You?re merely feeding back into a system that let?s you down.
This is where I feel it is just... completely and totally unfair.
She says this:
What does a sexual relationship mean to you?
Respect & honesty, no compromises & no elevation of one?s needs over the others?.
... then says this:
Do you feel that your desires are marginalized in the bedroom or are less important? If so why do you think that is?
I used to feel like someone an act was being performed on rather than a willing partner in an activity. I was so deferential I would just desperately try to please the people I was with, be a cool girl, a goddamn fantasy. I?ve now learned how overrated being a cool girl is. Now my current partner has flipped the tables entirely making our sex life about my needs.
So is it equality, or equality at the expense of his needs?
Have you found a balance of fulfillment with your partners?
In the past no. I felt myself offering myself up to please them, even if I was utterly repulsed or disinterested and I would often fake my orgasms.
Men take, and never give?
The whole think from that point on goes a bit nuts.