I read somewhere that referendums are only an option if it's a change to the constitution (it was a quote from Abbott, who may not know anything about the matter given his general state of geniusation).
I don't trust Australia to not f**k it up. Lot of crotchety, old conservatives out there.
Yeah that's the case, but at the same time the Government has a lot of capacity, if it desired, to do something similar - even if it was just an optional opinion-garnering exercise.
I don't think either side wants that though. If it came out yes the Libs would be under huge political pressure; if it came out no the rights movement would be set back immeasurably and Australia condemned as a backwards state internationally. There's a reason we don't typically see opinion polls on this sort of thing.
The rights movement hasn't been active enough to ensure the sort of change seen in places like Ireland. Better for them to play the long game, but we'll see if they ramp it up in the lead up to this new Bill.
I disagree on a party line vote. Think of it as you will, religion is a big part of some people's lives. Requiring them to put aside their values to support someone else's, which are somewhat incompatible, is not an exercise I want to see undertaken.
Then again, religious opposition to many things is a whole other can of worms.