alien said:
This all started because you believed something stupid that kingy told you. Then you told the other person that it envolved and he believed you. Then you came on this forum and tryed to make me look like the bad guy by saying I did something stupid which is why we aren't talking anymore. The thing is I never said anything bad about you and I think deep down you know it. I don't understand why you had to bring all this crap on this forum. You always act like a bitch towards me on here now. Why can't you just leave me alone? I don't say anything to you or to oldfart unless I'm provoked. This is gonna get alot worse Mish if you dont leave me the f**k alone.
I have NOT GOT A CLUE what you are talking about.. seriously!
I dont know what your talking about but your cranky about a situation I have no knowledge of. I don't know why you tell me to leave you alone for???... this is the first time I have ever said a word to you since January! So don't make out like I've been contacting you daily as you and I both know I've barely responded to you until now. Your last sentence is a bit harsh.. sheesh anyone would think I harass you with phonecalls and emails or something :lol:
Geez you can make a big deal out of nothing. Now if you want to continue this unblock me and we can have a bitch there over and be done with it instead of this crap.... otherwise shut up about it, cos whatever is going on its only going on in your head because I do not know what your talking about.
Last convo I ever had with you was about CT after Micks birthday, you asked me a question about him... it was a question I didnt have an answer to.. something to do with training I think. Then I never hear from you again. Thats all I know... the rest is a battle in your own mind as far as all this other stuff your yakking on about. This stuff about you doing something stupid and thats why we arent talking??? I have no idea what your talking about! So deep down I dont know anything as whatever bad your suppose to of said about me is news to me.
THis is childish sh*t anyway...
Look either msn me or drop it.