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Unlike the nrl, I already have a plan


Once the nrl is moving gradually more toward what I have previously described (over several years, if not decades for those who prefer slower), the next step would be re-connecting the fan and the general public to rugby league.

In the next step, advertising, the primary underlying theme should reach the outcome of : making attendance at the game appear more pleasurable than not attending.

This is because the basic human need (and indeed what some people on here are going through) is to avoid PAIN at all costs. The second in line need is to seek pleasure.

Advertisers do this all the time with every product imaginable....making their product equal pleasure in your brain, whilst making everyone else's equal something closer to pain or at the least less pleasure. As humans we stay away from hot stoves, and seek out delicious foods like chocolate.

In the nrl, we need to associate attending games with pleasure, and not to mention buying merchandise and taking out season memberships. Not attending games or supporting your team should be seen as a painful thing, to be avoided.

Advertising can do this.

Ofcourse, the product we are advertising needs to be in great shape, so the final stages of the campaign (could be several years long) will be ramped up heaps more than the innitial stages.

The sydney situation must be better done. Eventually this will happen, perhaps my way, perhaps others, perhaps not at all....but for the purposes of this post, lets concentrate on the second stage.

BUt just to begin with, a step back. Saying that our product needs to better to advertise it in the best light is critical....we cannot advertise something that is blatantly inferior than the competition. So stadiums must be top notch, on par with the ones used in AFL and Union and Soccer, and finances must be in order so clubs can continue innitiatives, so onward with community values, and juniors must be looked after, so onward with them.

Then, over a period of several years, we establish new beliefs in people, and do some 'reconnection' through advrtising, assosiating attendance with pleasure/positives/belonging/fun, and not supporting an nrl team with pain/rejection/negativity.


I hope you agree with my second stage, but I believe already the nrl may be looking into getting up the funds to carry this out over a few years soon.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
F*ck you're painful.

Try dropping the holier-than-thou angle with extensive whinges and you might gain some traction.



Sh*t. I clicked on the thread title without looking who posted it. Another page of the same dribble.

Red Bear

Oh my f**king god mark, we get it. You dont like suburban grounds, you want everything condensed we know, you've posted it.
piss off


Unlike these idiots above who have no idea, you actually have very very good points.
Its basic marketing and its something that the NRL and all the clubs have failed to do whilst the AFL/A-League do it very well.

Meanwhile people like Timmah sit here and wonder why crowds are so low in comparison

Mr. Fahrenheit

... i don't get the negative reaction, i tend to agree with most of his views despite their repetitive nature. However, the plan is useless if it just keeps being repeatedly posted on a forum, and if thats all thats going to happen, itll just be a plan. So the question is, what are you going to do about it Mark123?


Unlike these idiots above who have no idea, you actually have very very good points.
Its basic marketing and its something that the NRL and all the clubs have failed to do whilst the AFL/A-League do it very well.

Meanwhile people like Timmah sit here and wonder why crowds are so low in comparison

Thankyou for being one of those who realises

Timmah and all the other guys just dont get it.

They offer no solutions, and suggest that we stick with how things are. They would let rl be the laughing stock of australian sport. (its closer than you think timmah).

They fear change and look at it as 'painful'. they need to wake up.

they may agrree with me on some level, but are to gutless to admit it. once again, probably to avoid some kind of pain.

sooks, all. be men!


... i don't get the negative reaction, i tend to agree with most of his views despite their repetitive nature. However, the plan is useless if it just keeps being repeatedly posted on a forum, and if thats all thats going to happen, itll just be a plan. So the question is, what are you going to do about it Mark123?

making a compilation of these forum posts, for one,

getting together a profesional and formal outline of my proposals and submitting it to the summit/nrl/arl/local league people/anyone.

the forums posts will show the nrl how resistant to change people can really be, and why they are resistant to it

and for now it seems to be fear and greed or selfishness of losing a club, all just causes, but ALL SELF LIMITING, and/ or needless fears.


First Grade
So you think if you send in all of your forum posts to the NRL they will listen to you is that what you're saying?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It's nothing about fear of change. I want the game to change for the better. Your problem is that you parade onto this forum with a superiority complex like no other, purporting to have all these answers.

If you are in fact as insightful as you believe, prepare a CV and send it to the NRL.

Otherwise, you stand to look like a broken record on here and will do until such time you decide to no longer post here. Meanwhile, day by day with your doom and gloom prophecies and so called plans, you look more and more like the typical News Ltd journalist, trying to infect everyone with the cynical and negative view of the game they love.

Meanwhile people like Timmah sit here and wonder why crowds are so low in comparison

I do? :?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
making a compilation of these forum posts, for one,

getting together a profesional and formal outline of my proposals and submitting it to the summit/nrl/arl/local league people/anyone.

the forums posts will show the nrl how resistant to change people can really be, and why they are resistant to it

and for now it seems to be fear and greed or selfishness of losing a club, all just causes, but ALL SELF LIMITING, and/ or needless fears.

Load of bull. The larger cross-section of responses to your posts have nil to do with being non-receptive to positive change or new plans. You find they are generally sick of your endless diatribe.

It's been done to death, ad-nauseum, over the top. Submit your ideas to the NRL. Stop talking the talk if you truly believe yourself, and start walking the walk.

Red Bear

Unlike these idiots above who have no idea, you actually have very very good points.
Its basic marketing and its something that the NRL and all the clubs have failed to do whilst the AFL/A-League do it very well.

Meanwhile people like Timmah sit here and wonder why crowds are so low in comparison
Oh i know we need to be advertised much better, and eseen better in the press, bu really its obvious. Anyone following the game should be able to see that.

I dont agree with mark posting endless threads on the same topic, his holier than thou attitude and his dissmissiveness of the suburban grounds.


Mark123, 1st year commerce classes are fun arent they, i guess regurgitating theoretical crap you learned at uni is what you think is gonna earn you 7 figure salaries (LOL idiot).

Games are already played at ANZ stadium and the SFS, and dont sell out, even though they offer the best seating. Games at ANZ sell less than their suburban counterparts, which has been documented. So your argument is flawed.

If you want people to attend, transport needs to be fixed, viewing on TV needs to be made crappier, it needs to be cheaper to attend along with all of the other costs associated with attending, and games need to be played at times where people are able to attend.

In the real world, you will see that there are very few 9-5 jobs/days anymore, and there is alot more traffic on the roads and people living in the city than there used to be. On average, people are working longer hours than ever before, have larger mortgages than ever before, and as a result, are stressed more than ever before. Having to work longer hours means you have less free time. Having a larger mortgage means you have less disposable income. Put 2 and 2 together, and you have the answer.

The mexicans have a tram system that gets you to the games, and play alot more games during the day. The trams may not be the quickest things, but hey, its better than what we have. Take a look at this weeks round, we have 6 night games (2 on fri, 3 on sat and 1 on monday) the afl have 3, and none on a monday night.