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Unlike the nrl, I already have a plan


Actually I've posted my ideas many times before. For example, here is what I posted last year about where I think we should be in 2017: http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showpost.php?p=3611780&postcount=31

Let me know if you'd like to discuss any ideas in more detail, or would like to discuss my shorter term ideas.

Perhaps you could give some specifics about how you would increase crowds, or increase memberships.

i read them, diverse.

A little roundabout, and much detail was left out, but i was highly impressed with the thought you have put in.

Out of the bounds of this argument, suffice to say I am glad you are thinking about those things.

I mean for this next bit to not detract any from what you wrote there, its just that much can happen in 10 years. Be interesting to see where we end up in sight of your view


bullsh*t. Check Maslow's heirachy of basic human needs.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Maslow#Maslow_hierarchy

LOL! So the perfect life would have chocolate as the only food, and cooking would involve fear and pain.

OK. We punt Souths and Cronulla. Ever thought that maybe some people CANNOT go to games for a number of reasons?

FFS! This will happen but maybe not??????

The product is better numbnuts! Oh, hang on, your not talking about the game, you are talking about STADIUMS! Do you work for a construction company?????

Discussing the game on the internet is a huge pain, because 80% of the internet is clogged with your crap!!!

Are you dying tonight?

ahhh, loudster, my arch nemisis.

the one who opposes everything i say and do, even down to where i put my bold and italics.

There is a word for the type of argument you bring to the table, loudstump, my friend, and its pseudo-name is "anti-all arguing."

So loudstare, maslow, could be right on some levels, could be wrong....

hmmmm, he is speaking about psychology, but perhaps you should email him, because there are many aspects to psychology, and one aspect that is common to ALL, and I mean ALL (so its basically rooted in evolution) is the whole "avoid pain seek pleasure" psyche.

I should add too, that you completely have no understanding about any of this stuff...you just typed a word in the google search box.....pathetic....i actually refer to this bit of psychology in reference to advertising...........stop right now....put your chair back to its full upright position.....yes, you have your wires crossed.

the rest of your post was not insightful or interesting to myself, and I am sorry you wasted your time.
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And where's you message of hope doggie?

Give the lad a chance, he's onto something!

yes, timmah, the ever pessimistic, ride sydney clubs to a no-profit death

I mean, come on, st vinnies are are a NO PROFIT ORGANISATION, and even they make millions per year (not for profit), and they pay their staff high wages/salaries.

wtf sydney league????

come on timmah, tell me you are starting to put away 2% of your income at least per week never to be touched in a high interest account, with a view to increasing that figure to 10-20% over the next few years.

now go tell nrl clubs to stop with the crap and get back into reality. they need to pay their way. finance. sense. make it happen. history doesnt remember the losers.


mark, I dont really see 'do better marketing' as a plan. Like you said, most marketing does address the pleasure good, pain bad so I am just guessing that your plan is for the NRL to do this too, but just better than everyone else. Simply writing down on a piece of paper, or this forum, 'do better marketing' does not constitute a plan, and would not help the game. If you could use it though and in fact devise a plan that does specify how to produce this benefit to the game then it would help, but you do not. NRL do a lot of marketing at the moment (I am not saying that it is good, or bad) but I assume they are already trying to do their best with it. HOW would your plan deliver better marketing?


mark, I dont really see 'do better marketing' as a plan. Like you said, most marketing does address the pleasure good, pain bad so I am just guessing that your plan is for the NRL to do this too, but just better than everyone else. Simply writing down on a piece of paper, or this forum, 'do better marketing' does not constitute a plan, and would not help the game. If you could use it though and in fact devise a plan that does specify how to produce this benefit to the game then it would help, but you do not. NRL do a lot of marketing at the moment (I am not saying that it is good, or bad) but I assume they are already trying to do their best with it. HOW would your plan deliver better marketing?



First Grade
mark, I dont really see 'do better marketing' as a plan. Like you said, most marketing does address the pleasure good, pain bad so I am just guessing that your plan is for the NRL to do this too, but just better than everyone else. Simply writing down on a piece of paper, or this forum, 'do better marketing' does not constitute a plan, and would not help the game. If you could use it though and in fact devise a plan that does specify how to produce this benefit to the game then it would help, but you do not. NRL do a lot of marketing at the moment (I am not saying that it is good, or bad) but I assume they are already trying to do their best with it. HOW would your plan deliver better marketing?

About time somebody said it. Mark seems to have perfected the art of talking a lot but saying nothing. He started this thread with a page of rambling with not a single fresh or innovative idea. He could've saved himself the time and just wrote "The NRL needs to market itself better", really, do you think Mark? Very unimpressive for the forums most intelligent man.

Big Mick

Once the nrl is moving gradually more toward what I have previously described (over several years, if not decades for those who prefer slower), the next step would be re-connecting the fan and the general public to rugby league.

In the next step, advertising, the primary underlying theme should reach the outcome of : making attendance at the game appear more pleasurable than not attending.

This is because the basic human need (and indeed what some people on here are going through) is to avoid PAIN at all costs. The second in line need is to seek pleasure.

Advertisers do this all the time with every product imaginable....making their product equal pleasure in your brain, whilst making everyone else's equal something closer to pain or at the least less pleasure. As humans we stay away from hot stoves, and seek out delicious foods like chocolate.

In the nrl, we need to associate attending games with pleasure, and not to mention buying merchandise and taking out season memberships. Not attending games or supporting your team should be seen as a painful thing, to be avoided.

Advertising can do this.

Ofcourse, the product we are advertising needs to be in great shape, so the final stages of the campaign (could be several years long) will be ramped up heaps more than the innitial stages.

The sydney situation must be better done. Eventually this will happen, perhaps my way, perhaps others, perhaps not at all....but for the purposes of this post, lets concentrate on the second stage.

BUt just to begin with, a step back. Saying that our product needs to better to advertise it in the best light is critical....we cannot advertise something that is blatantly inferior than the competition. So stadiums must be top notch, on par with the ones used in AFL and Union and Soccer, and finances must be in order so clubs can continue innitiatives, so onward with community values, and juniors must be looked after, so onward with them.

Then, over a period of several years, we establish new beliefs in people, and do some 'reconnection' through advrtising, assosiating attendance with pleasure/positives/belonging/fun, and not supporting an nrl team with pain/rejection/negativity.


I hope you agree with my second stage, but I believe already the nrl may be looking into getting up the funds to carry this out over a few years soon.

Didn't you just copy what i've said to you in the past? ...
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yes, timmah, the ever pessimistic, ride sydney clubs to a no-profit death

I mean, come on, st vinnies are are a NO PROFIT ORGANISATION, and even they make millions per year (not for profit), and they pay their staff high wages/salaries.

wtf sydney league????

come on timmah, tell me you are starting to put away 2% of your income at least per week never to be touched in a high interest account, with a view to increasing that figure to 10-20% over the next few years.

now go tell nrl clubs to stop with the crap and get back into reality. they need to pay their way. finance. sense. make it happen. history doesnt remember the losers.

Closest thing you have had to an idea yet. Copy the Sallies Red Shield Appeal. Do a nationwide doorknock. "Hi. I'm collecting on behalf of the NRL...."

Has Nurse Ratchet returned with your special jacket yet?


First Grade
I said this in the other thread, but I'm going to say it again for extra effect.

I'm going to write in one line paragraphs for you to understand

your ideas

have been said

a million times

and repeating them is going to achieve nothing.

none of us here is in control of the NRL

so there is no point in you repeatedly telling us them.

if you think you have all the answers

then go tell someone that gives a sh*t.

like your mummy

Red Bear

know what mark 123 f**k off i just about at the point where idont give a f**k anymore i dont have my side in the tip grade do what you f**king wnat to further bastardise the game

f**k this sh*t


never leave a computer on and get home drunk....
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Marky boy, the problem is there is no depth to your posts. The swimming pool looks impressive, one hurts ones head when they dive in.

How about you go home, have a think, and come up with ideas to impliment, rather than 6 billion words of building a super stadium at Bell and banning grass


Actually I've posted my ideas many times before. For example, here is what I posted last year about where I think we should be in 2017: http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showpost.php?p=3611780&postcount=31

Let me know if you'd like to discuss any ideas in more detail, or would like to discuss my shorter term ideas.

Perhaps you could give some specifics about how you would increase crowds, or increase memberships.
Mergers would increase crowds (per merged team). If it doesn't the game is f**ked because to go on broadcasting images of near empty stadiums is a slippery slope to nowhere.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
mark, you'd be doing measurably better if you dropped your holier-than-thou pretense. There are countless posts where you've proven hypocrisy and idiocy in this thread alone, and made completely off-the-mark assumptions about people, based on things they haven't said.