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Unlike the nrl, I already have a plan


Unlike these idiots above who have no idea, you actually have very very good points.
Its basic marketing and its something that the NRL and all the clubs have failed to do whilst the AFL/A-League do it very well.

Meanwhile people like Timmah sit here and wonder why crowds are so low in comparison

Oh look, Marky has a friend. We could call them Marky Mark and the f**knuckle Bunch.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Games are already played at ANZ stadium and the SFS, and dont sell out, even though they offer the best seating. Games at ANZ sell less than their suburban counterparts, which has been documented. So your argument is flawed.

Flawed? Without wanting to back his assertion, ANZ regularly draws more and would certainly do so on averages. Case in point this weekend:

SFS - 9k
Toyota - 9k
ANZ - 22k.

In summary, ANZ more than doubled the crowd.

The key in my opinion is getting those derby matches like WT v Parra and promoting the f*ck out of them. 22k mid-season is a brilliant club game crowd... only seen 20k+ crowds twice during Origin and all have been... where? ANZ.

If you want people to attend, transport needs to be fixed, viewing on TV needs to be made crappier, it needs to be cheaper to attend along with all of the other costs associated with attending, and games need to be played at times where people are able to attend.

In the real world, you will see that there are very few 9-5 jobs/days anymore, and there is alot more traffic on the roads and people living in the city than there used to be. On average, people are working longer hours than ever before, have larger mortgages than ever before, and as a result, are stressed more than ever before. Having to work longer hours means you have less free time. Having a larger mortgage means you have less disposable income. Put 2 and 2 together, and you have the answer.

The mexicans have a tram system that gets you to the games, and play alot more games during the day. The trams may not be the quickest things, but hey, its better than what we have. Take a look at this weeks round, we have 6 night games (2 on fri, 3 on sat and 1 on monday) the afl have 3, and none on a monday night.
Viewing on TV will never be made crappier. It's the biggest market for RL. It does need to be made cheaper to attend, but I can tell you now places like ANZ and a lot of the more modern grounds have pretty decent public transport access. Timeslots are hard to play with as we're at the beck and call of TV... again the biggest market in RL - and we must be doing something right if the AFL wants to copy our MNF idea.


Post Whore
the next step would be re-connecting the fan and the general public to rugby league.


It may be better to start re-connecting marketing people to reality.

The simple fact is, its f**king expensive to take a family to a football match.

How about paying advertising firms less and reducing the price of admission.


So you think if you send in all of your forum posts to the NRL they will listen to you is that what you're saying?

1. You need to RE read the post you got the info from to post that.

It can't hurt if i do what I said. As to the benefit, at least they will have a different point of view. Its my belief however, that they will implement over time, and as constraints allow, the majority of what I propose.

And just on what I propose, its not exactly NEW ideas in entirety. Briand Waldron has made mention of similarities to mine, so have others. Dennis fitzgerald has never come within 1 million miles.


It's nothing about fear of change. I want the game to change for the better. Your problem is that you parade onto this forum with a superiority complex like no other, purporting to have all these answers.

If you are in fact as insightful as you believe, prepare a CV and send it to the NRL.

Otherwise, you stand to look like a broken record on here and will do until such time you decide to no longer post here. Meanwhile, day by day with your doom and gloom prophecies and so called plans, you look more and more like the typical News Ltd journalist, trying to infect everyone with the cynical and negative view of the game they love.

I do? :?

really, how very neo-apt of you.

You think I am trying to infuse you with my 'rhetoric' and 'opinions'? Well, if I can do that, I will be pleasantly surprised, because some of you could use a better set of tools.

I can only hazard a guess as to what mind-viruses you are catching from your friends and colleges, the 'keep suburban grounds because we love yesteryear,' mind virus. Even though these grounds remain a main obstacle to lifting league's limitations. Heaven forbid clubs have a better place for the fans to watch games at, providing a better view, more money to promote themselves, etc, etc, etc

Or the 'sydney is special because [insert phrase]... and it must be protected at ALL costs!!!'....never mind that sydney is just one city amongst many now, and must play fair and with parity into the future so everyone can move upward.

You see, your mind is being overtaken every day by thoughts from other people, you are being influenced ALL the time....it never ends, tv, radio, your parents, your siblings, your wife, gf, work mates, best mates, EVERYONE is influencing you and giving you little 'mind viruses'.

If I come on here and add one more virus, thats a little bit more useful and beneficial than theirs, so sue me?!

But no, I am not doing that, its merely the way the world works. And it may be more complex than how I described, and open to a few "if" clauses, but thats the basic principal, and it happens every day of your life.


It may be better to start re-connecting marketing people to reality.

The simple fact is, its f**king expensive to take a family to a football match.

How about paying advertising firms less and reducing the price of admission.

I completely understand, surely,

and I have allowed for this in my 'sport improvement' sub section. I made mention of improvement to the product in my original post, and by this i mean improvement in all aspects. You raise a very weighty issue, and prices need to be low, low as dirt. We want people to come, and they need to be able to afford to come. No amount of desire is going to work, if people simply don't have the money. Its not like we are coke....people won't steal to goto league, they will just watch on tv.


Oh i know we need to be advertised much better, and eseen better in the press, bu really its obvious. Anyone following the game should be able to see that.

I dont agree with mark posting endless threads on the same topic, his holier than thou attitude and his dissmissiveness of the suburban grounds.

hmmm, if you were in court, in fact, if most of you were in court, on a jury, you would be dismissed for blind prejudice...

i come on here, and speak, and you immediately have it against me.

i am not crying poor here, just an observation, and indeed, I am trying to work with it...


Mark123, 1st year commerce classes are fun arent they, i guess regurgitating theoretical crap you learned at uni is what you think is gonna earn you 7 figure salaries (LOL idiot).

Games are already played at ANZ stadium and the SFS, and dont sell out, even though they offer the best seating. Games at ANZ sell less than their suburban counterparts, which has been documented. So your argument is flawed.

If you want people to attend, transport needs to be fixed, viewing on TV needs to be made crappier, it needs to be cheaper to attend along with all of the other costs associated with attending, and games need to be played at times where people are able to attend.

In the real world, you will see that there are very few 9-5 jobs/days anymore, and there is alot more traffic on the roads and people living in the city than there used to be. On average, people are working longer hours than ever before, have larger mortgages than ever before, and as a result, are stressed more than ever before. Having to work longer hours means you have less free time. Having a larger mortgage means you have less disposable income. Put 2 and 2 together, and you have the answer.

The mexicans have a tram system that gets you to the games, and play alot more games during the day. The trams may not be the quickest things, but hey, its better than what we have. Take a look at this weeks round, we have 6 night games (2 on fri, 3 on sat and 1 on monday) the afl have 3, and none on a monday night.

See, you wonder why I dont write page after page:;:: I ALREADY KNOW ALL THAT AND HAVE GOOOOONEEE OVEER IT SOOOO MUCH.

And yet, it seems to this person, I must type it all out again....ready....

anyway....even i am yawning.....yes, my measures get over all of your problems, and an intergral part of meeting all those needs is with less sydney teams, sorry, its the way of the world....look at the guys post....and transport is key, free transport, and I have a range of family packages : AND THE IMPORTANT thing is that the nrl must position itself competitively or be market leaders in as many of the key areas as possible. AND at the moment, it definately isnt on the top list of entertainment priorities to goto games for many many people....these are the people to nrl must get, and it must change what it is doing to get them.

AND YES, adverts are more complex than i describe, but see below

dont call me stupid, if you want to explain something, start basic....i dont know what knowledge people come here with!!


except less sydney teams, that will take some time, and I dont expect the people who run the clubs to get up and say "we will take one for the team here" and kill themselves, relocate, merge....

stadiums, people need to get into habits....homebush is not great people say, maybe they will get used to it, or maybe clubs will abandon it. i think parra needs to be 40k, or a new stadium. sfs doesnt have great transport....like i say, not one stadium in sydney has all the key ingredients for a great stadium...at best they miss one.

anyway, use your imagination, there are plenty of ways around it.

thanks for your post anyway
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Flawed? Without wanting to back his assertion, ANZ regularly draws more and would certainly do so on averages. Case in point this weekend:

SFS - 9k
Toyota - 9k
ANZ - 22k.

In summary, ANZ more than doubled the crowd.

The key in my opinion is getting those derby matches like WT v Parra and promoting the f*ck out of them. 22k mid-season is a brilliant club game crowd... only seen 20k+ crowds twice during Origin and all have been... where? ANZ.

Viewing on TV will never be made crappier. It's the biggest market for RL. It does need to be made cheaper to attend, but I can tell you now places like ANZ and a lot of the more modern grounds have pretty decent public transport access. Timeslots are hard to play with as we're at the beck and call of TV... again the biggest market in RL - and we must be doing something right if the AFL wants to copy our MNF idea.

nonsense, you were too scared to back me up

you see, unlike you, I am not a pussy, and in a debate, I can say when something is right outright without any hesitation.

this is one reason why women in general go for me, and probably not you...I have balls and guts.


Oh look, Marky has a friend. We could call them Marky Mark and the f**knuckle Bunch.

hmm must learn how to put lots of quotes in one post....

looky here, I am prepared to leaaaarrnnn!!!

maybe rl can do the same!!

anyway, real grown up response from you ovp. are we to take it seriously? Or should we hand you a rattle?


mark it is not people resistant to change, it is that you have demonstrated that you don't know you are talking about.

your brilliant "ideas" are essentially "we should increase crowds", or "we should have better advertising".

occasionally in your ramblings you chance across something convincing, but then a couple of posts later you ruin in by posting something just plain wacky about how league sucks up news ltd's money.


no no no griff

you are wrong.

utterly wrong.

where is the movement from the nrl? where is the forsight?

bring on the summit, my friend.

people are resistant to less sydney teams, griff.

thats wacky, hey, I dont demand the brisbane rugby league be reinstated, do I?

brothers!!!!!! wynumm manly!!!!! sob sob, stuff that, we have a super club, brisbane broncos, and we have never looked back.

I am sure theres a bit in there for everyone.

Where's your plan, huh? I doubt you could decide what to do. I'll be dead before you even decide what to wear tomorrow, or which mascara to use.
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This is because the basic human need (and indeed what some people on here are going through) is to avoid PAIN at all costs. The second in line need is to seek pleasure.

bullsh*t. Check Maslow's heirachy of basic human needs.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Maslow#Maslow_hierarchy

Advertisers do this all the time with every product imaginable....making their product equal pleasure in your brain, whilst making everyone else's equal something closer to pain or at the least less pleasure. As humans we stay away from hot stoves, and seek out delicious foods like chocolate.
LOL! So the perfect life would have chocolate as the only food, and cooking would involve fear and pain.

In the nrl, we need to associate attending games with pleasure, and not to mention buying merchandise and taking out season memberships. Not attending games or supporting your team should be seen as a painful thing, to be avoided.
OK. We punt Souths and Cronulla. Ever thought that maybe some people CANNOT go to games for a number of reasons?

The sydney situation must be better done. Eventually this will happen, perhaps my way, perhaps others, perhaps not at all....
FFS! This will happen but maybe not??????

BUt just to begin with, a step back. Saying that our product needs to better to advertise it in the best light is critical....we cannot advertise something that is blatantly inferior than the competition. So stadiums must be top notch, on par with the ones used in AFL and Union and Soccer, and finances must be in order so clubs can continue innitiatives, so onward with community values, and juniors must be looked after, so onward with them.
The product is better numbnuts! Oh, hang on, your not talking about the game, you are talking about STADIUMS! Do you work for a construction company?????

Then, over a period of several years, we establish new beliefs in people, and do some 'reconnection' through advrtising, assosiating attendance with pleasure/positives/belonging/fun, and not supporting an nrl team with pain/rejection/negativity.
Discussing the game on the internet is a huge pain, because 80% of the internet is clogged with your crap!!!

I'll be dead before you even decide what to wear tomorrow, or which mascara to use.
Are you dying tonight?


nonsense, you were too scared to back me up

you see, unlike you, I am not a pussy, and in a debate, I can say when something is right outright without any hesitation.

this is one reason why women in general go for me, and probably not you...I have balls and guts.

as long as your guts don't hang lower than your balls... :lol:


First Grade
no no no griff

you are wrong.

utterly wrong.

where is the movement from the nrl? where is the forsight?

bring on the summit, my friend.

people are resistant to less sydney teams, griff.

thats wacky, hey, I dont demand the brisbane rugby league be reinstated, do I?

brothers!!!!!! wynumm manly!!!!! sob sob, stuff that, we have a super club, brisbane broncos, and we have never looked back.

I am sure theres a bit in there for everyone.

Where's your plan, huh? I doubt you could decide what to do. I'll be dead before you even decide what to wear tomorrow, or which mascara to use.

A lot of people will disagree with you on that.