We've been playing poorly for at least a month, & the last 2 weeks results are proof of that..
The fact that we hit the lead, & couldn't hold it, against a Titans that were exhausted & had Myles injured, reflects badly on the teams attitude..
7 errors to 1 at half time sums this game up pretty well..
And it didn't get any better in the 2nd half..
Apart from a couple of flashes of brilliance, that was $BW worst game for the club..Dropped balls, bad play the balls, forward passes, poor passes & a shitty kick all added up to a bad day at the office..
Titans targeted BBQ & Jenko & got the results they were looking for..Some really poor misses from them cost us badly..
Napa can pull off some great hits, but his miss in the lead up to the Taka try was costly..
They were all ordinary today..
When Dave Taylor carves you up, you know your team hasn't turned up..