Muzby the consensus is that you are the idiot those young people ought to read a bible sometime, according to them the earth has a few years left. Maybe priorities are not focused where they should be. You essentially say words need circumstances as to wether they are hurtful or not. That’s gibberish
I’m sorry but this just doesn’t make sense.
Muzby the consensus is that you are the idiot
You can’t have a consensus of one, sorry.
those young people ought to read a bible sometime
Yes, the story of Sodom & Gomorrah is a right hoot.
according to them the earth has a few years left.
Who’s “them”? Gay kids? People in the bible? Gay kids reading the bible? Prepers Digest?
Who is it that says the earth only has a few years left? (I’d like to know if this is true, far too many things I need to do before then)
Maybe priorities are not focused where they should be.
Who’s priorities? The gay kids reading the bible? The gay kids not reading the bible? The prepers? (I hear Coles have a 3 for $2 on tinned baked beans)
Whose priorities and where should they be?
You essentially say words need circumstances as to wether they are hurtful or not.
Words very much need circumstances (otherwise known as context) to understand the sender, the message and the receiver, and of course the lens through which both the sender and the recipient view the message itself.
Being called a gimp in the context of a bedroom can be a wonderful, leather clad expression of love.
Thank you for succinctly summing up your argument in two words.