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Vainikolo ruled out


IanHindmarsh said:
carlnz said:
Im sure you would wear it with pride at the games

" I am Vainikolos mate "

Would suit you at the Canberra games :roll:

hmmmm shame I never attened them, hey!

Where not all that fortunate, to travel back and fouth from England to Canberra at such a young age.

OH YOUR IN POMMY LAND....WELL THAT EXPALAINS EVERYTHING :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:


IanHindmarsh said:
Iafeta said:
The RLIF needs a good, stern kick up the backside for allowing clubs to try and ruin the international game - clubs like Penrith and Bradford with their selfish club first, other representative teams aside from their own later should be fined.

But still, how are Bradford been selfish? when Vainikolo has ruled himself out, not the Bulls as a club.

Unlike Puletua, Penrith who have told Tony he MUST have sugery!

Bradford misinformed Lesley Vainakolo. They told him surgery was a must.

Chris Hanna, the NZRL doctor has seen these incidents for over a decade, and only once has surgery been a goer, and that was only because the athlete demanded it.

Lesley still wants to be part of the tournament

"I heard Lesley interviewed on radio and he said he wanted to play in the rest of the tournament and would be speaking to Brian about that," ARL chairman Colin Love said.

nospam49 said:
Dont be stupid.

And stop pretdnding that your personally know the situation...its rather pathetic.

puletua himself was quoted on the news as sayingt it was a nothing situation that got well out of hand.

He KNEW he could only play the one Test match and while he would like to have played in the whole Tri series, he was just happy to be able to take part in any test match at all. He knew he had to head back home after the first game, and he was fine with that.

The NZRL officials didnt understand the situation and when they found out they ran to the media like a bunch of fools.

Now a few people here have jumped on the NZRL's bandwagon.....and its not a suprise to see the NZRL has stuffed up again regarding the Vainikolo situation.

Wake up to yourselves, this is a non issue.

Just ask my good mate Tony...

Your name suits you. But take away the league part of it.

The Kiwis stuffed up on the Vainikolo situation? Have you been dousing yourself with too many needles again? Firstly Stacey Jones is soft for retiring from rep games after near on 40 test matches, but Robbie Kearns, Brad Fittler, Luke Ricketson and the like are immortalised champions in your biased eyes?

Then Penrith did the right thing, even though you can't give a single plausible answer to how come the ARL Doctor is only person for the Kangaroos who can pull a player out of a tour, the players can't. But the NZRL doctor can't do the say, but the club can? Yet your stupid argument was "The ARL play their players", so friggen what? The players have earnt their selection through meritorious efforts for their clubs above and beyond what they are paid by their clubs, they deserve the chance to live out their dream. Penrith and Bradford are so insular they believe they are at the top of the tree, to them its club, daylight, internationals, or in Penrith's case, Australia, State of Origin, club, daylight, internationals which is a biggot of an attitude. Much like everything you seem to write, actually. You sure you're not Mick Leary?

And then to top it off, you take Tony Puletua completely out of context, almost to the point of slander.

"I said I was sad to leave, but I was sure the team would do the job," he said.

"I have faith in the boys. They put in a good fight here and I'm sure they will do the same in the UK."

What he did also say, which you have taken completely out of context is this

"I didn't think it was going to blow up to that big," he said.

"I just tried to stay focussed and leave that to both sides to sort out."

What he has just said is A: he was sad to leave the tour, hence he wanted to be apart of it and B: to go with that, he can't believe both sides, and you'd have to imagine especially his club robbing him of his rights being so insular in regards to well informed medical reports. He's being as cool as a cucumber, as diplomatic as you like, but you, the kid who labelled Stacey Jones a coward, tried to put a post up taking one slice of an interview from Puletua and take away the context that he was disappointed to leave the tour.

As for the rest of your stupidity, Sel Pearson is a goose, but he's spot on below.

"When we received the medical report on Tony Puletua, we were told his recovery time would be 12 to 14 weeks," NZRL chairman Selwyn Pearson said. "We took him to doctor John Mayhew, who has worked with the All Blacks and is the best in the business. He agreed with the Penrith doctor that Tony needed [ankle] surgery but he said the recovery time would be six to eight weeks.

"When I put this discrepancy to Penrith, he [chief executive Mick Leary] said, 'I don't care anyway. If Tony tours, there will be serious legal and financial ramifications'. There you go. He should have just admitted it in the first place. He has since said that is a pack of lies but I had him on speaker phone in front of a room full of people.

"And the thing that disappoints me with Lesley is that they [Bradford] knew he was in our sights and they said nothing about surgery. They say he needs a 'major knee reconstruction'. If he needed a major knee reconstruction, would you let him play another game, against Australia? Of course you wouldn't."


nospam49 said:
You idiot! :lol:

what a great reply from Leary Jr. :roll:
you do realise that your post's on this topic would seem alittle less biast if you didnt have the big pussycat on your signature.


nospam49 said:
You idiot! :lol:

Hmmm....very convincing. :roll:

You are a Freak, Iafeta posts quality stuff, while you (Freak) drift along and post utter crap.


Hard to believe nospam49 wants to clean up the laws which relate to which country a player can play for, all the while allowing clubs to decide when and if a player can actually play for his country.


Turn it up shiznit, what a load of rubbish. You play for your country in part because you love it, yes, but these players are professionals and should be paid for their work.


sunny said:
Turn it up shiznit, what a load of rubbish. You play for your country in part because you love it, yes, but these players are professionals and should be paid for their work.

thats all good and well for the ARL, but the NZRL dont have enough money to pay them. the NZRL dont have the state of origin to make money off. the NZRL also have to pay for the running of Domestic competitions. the ARL dont because the NRL run themselves. what part of that do you clowns not understand?
it must be an australian thing then, if you put money before playing for your country you must not have any pride in your green and gold jearsey. i dont blame you though, i spose its your convict herritage comming out. :lol:
sunny said:
Turn it up shiznit, what a load of rubbish. You play for your country in part because you love it, yes, but these players are professionals and should be paid for their work.

No mate...you cant convince this lot.

Aside from having personal friendships with all of these players ( :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) they wont listen to any reason at all. It gets in the way of their magical little world where NZ is robbed of all their greatest players because of those big bad NRL club....AUSTRALIAN NRL clubs.

I mean, shouldnt the likes of Pulteua, Vainikolo, Utai and co put a collection million or so dollars on the line next season to turn out FOR FREE and play for NZ?

Shouldnt they just drop all of their commitments....say "To hell with it" and just do what the NZRL wants them to do?

Of course...people like you and I live in reality. People like you and I live in a world where the players themselves know they have responcibilities and they have no problem in protection their great reasource.....their own athletic ability.


sunny said:
Turn it up shiznit, what a load of rubbish. You play for your country in part because you love it, yes, but these players are professionals and should be paid for their work.

Its ironic that the only person who goes along with what you think Freak is this goose. Listen to this ripper of his recently on the last test match. This was only part of one thread where basically he turned the test match upside down labelling it as pathetic. If that's a pathetic game, I'd hate to see a good game.

sunny said:
You are probably factually correct dimitri, but I think this a classic example of whats wrong with intl rl (well one of the many things wrong with it anyway). There should be an iron clad rule- the field must be (insert amount) long by (insert amount) wide and the in goals must be (insert amount) in size. If a stadium isn't big enough then it shouldn't be allowed to host a game. Things in intl league must be made to aspire up to certain standards, rather than having the standards pander to them and their incompetencies. Can't find a decent fullback, NZ? Don't worry, you can pick Brent Webb, even though he's from Cairns. Not good enough to make the Australian team, Johnny So and so? Don't worry, your great grandmother was from (insert crap country here) you can play for them. If intl rl wants to survive and earn a bit of respect, it has to encourage excellence rather than mediocrity, and be realistic rather than idealistic. sh*t like this- the field size issue, selection stupidities, OH MY GOD AUSTRALIA DIDNT WIN BY 1000-0, INTL LEAGUE IS BACK!- only encourages mediocrity, which in the end I feel can only lead to a death sentence for what was once a decent intl game of good standard.

The ironies are quite similar to your tripe Freakzilla. "Can't find a decent fullback, NZ? Don't worryou, you can pick Brent Webb, even though he's from Cairns." Hmmm, but if Karmichael Hunt was selected, or drawn to play for Australia, as he has been by noddy Bennett, this cretan wouldn't raise a breath on it.
I thought the Poms become stupid and crazy when it was time for an international game....but these Kiwis and flat out ****ing nuts! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ari Gold

I mean, shouldnt the likes of Pulteua, Vainikolo, Utai and co put a collection million or so dollars on the line next season to turn out FOR FREE and play for NZ?
what are you on about nospam49?? there is no way that those 3 players combined would get payed a million dollars for playing in Internationals eavh year, even if NZRL had loads of money...

People like you and I live in a world where the players themselves know they have responcibilities and they have no problem in protection their great reasource.....their own athletic ability.

what dont you get about the fact that the surgerys could've been delayed....if the NZRL asked them to play with a broken leg, that would then mean that the players would sacrifice their "athletic ability", but when NZRL ask to postpone their players surgerys, doesnt necessarily mean that the players are risking their health...
Oh man!!! :lol:

When I read what the Kiwi's are going on and on about....I get this voice of Richard Prior in my head.

"They are talking about some weird ****!" :lol:

I mean...this is some of the dumbest bloody drivel I have seen....and as someone that frequents mosty British forum, I see saome world class drivel!

Its at a point where they dont even read your replys proberly.

Here we have robyalvaro telling me these players dont earn a million dollars playing international football.

THANKS SCOOP! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was talking about their club contracts. You know, the ones you want them to disregard!


nospam49 said:
Oh man!!! :lol:

When I read what the Kiwi's are going on and on about....I get this voice of Richard Prior in my head.

"They are talking about some weird ****!" :lol:

I mean...this is some of the dumbest bloody drivel I have seen....and as someone that frequents mosty British forum, I see saome world class drivel!

Its at a point where they dont even read your replys proberly.

Here we have robyalvaro telling me these players dont earn a million dollars playing international football.

THANKS SCOOP! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was talking about their club contracts. You know, the ones you want them to disregard!

Sorry, finally, we get your point. Wait a second though - aren't the Australians "disregarding" their club contracts by touring with niggles? Their should be an emoticon for with a clown face permanently attached to this blokes posts.
Iafeta said:
nospam49 said:
Oh man!!! :lol:

When I read what the Kiwi's are going on and on about....I get this voice of Richard Prior in my head.

"They are talking about some weird ****!" :lol:

I mean...this is some of the dumbest bloody drivel I have seen....and as someone that frequents mosty British forum, I see saome world class drivel!

Its at a point where they dont even read your replys proberly.

Here we have robyalvaro telling me these players dont earn a million dollars playing international football.

THANKS SCOOP! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was talking about their club contracts. You know, the ones you want them to disregard!

Sorry, finally, we get your point. Wait a second though - aren't the Australians "disregarding" their club contracts by touring with niggles? Their should be an emoticon for with a clown face permanently attached to this blokes posts.

Like Luke Lewis..... :roll:

Idiot! :lol:
IanHindmarsh said:
:lol: your a joke mate, I'm mates with Vainikolo and I think I know him better than what bloody Fox does.

And don't point my way as a Panther, It's bad enough been called a Bulldog because of my behaviour at matches :cry:

lesley was on the tv news saying he begged bradford to let him play in the games but bradford said you only playing the one game