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Warriors vs Dolphins. Second Trial Team.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
True but Jazz is Jazz..he makes up for it with his D..
Would be interested as to whether Webster saw it that way.

I missed the second half, my daughter was begging to go surfing, my wife didn't know it was a preseason game and now I'm a hero in my house 😂


Who looks good? All the internationals of course, RTS, Johnson, Zelezniak, Harris, Fonua Blake. Also Capewell is a great great great addition, Niukore looks good, seems like he is moving to prop. TMM looks good so does Metcalf, nice to have 3 good halves players cos someone will be injured soon. D or even E for Jazz as usual, Dude move to ESL please. My team for round 1. RTS,Zelezniak, Montoya, Berry, Leiautea, TMM, Johnson,Harris, Capewell,Niukore,AFB, Barnett,Egan


Rocco looks like he's bulked up a little. I thought he looked good. Errors from Jazz, Ford and Te Maire elt them down but all the regulars looked pretty decent. Capewell is going to fit in just nice! I said to the missus, Niukore is a big, powerful guy but I haven't seen him do anything yet. Nek Minnit. Good signs all round.


Rocco looks like he's bulked up a little. I thought he looked good. Errors from Jazz, Ford and Te Maire elt them down but all the regulars looked pretty decent. Capewell is going to fit in just nice! I said to the missus, Niukore is a big, powerful guy but I haven't seen him do anything yet. Nek Minnit. Good signs all round.
Rocco was already fairly big and is a tall man, he could be a real weapon this year. With RTS and Ali Jr in the wings our centres could actually be a strong point which we haven’t had for a while. I suspect Pompey won’t be needed unless injuries dictate it. And he’s probably the perfect sort of player to have as a backup, a reliable effort player.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Rocco looks like he's bulked up a little. I thought he looked good. Errors from Jazz, Ford and Te Maire elt them down but all the regulars looked pretty decent. Capewell is going to fit in just nice! I said to the missus, Niukore is a big, powerful guy but I haven't seen him do anything yet. Nek Minnit. Good signs all round.
Rocco did look even more powerful this year. Really strong in contact. Excited for big things from him - I've always been a fan. And Space is right, I didn't rate Pompey too highly although he was dependable on D, and he's an ideal back-up player.

Also a big fan of Niukore, a mate is a Parra fan and says he'll be anything the day he sorts his discipline out.

D or even E for Jazz as usual, Dude move to ESL please.
Yeah...he frustrated me yesterday. He was in one of those Jazz moods where he's dropping balls, giving away penalties or just in a weird mindset and not contributing. I know he makes tackles but he also wrestled momentum away from us at times. Those things add up when Ford is making errors on an edge as he does, as well. I honestly think Jazz might be out of the side by mid-year and will fall out of favour.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
We need a good start to the year

so for me RTS at 1 till CNK is back
I want RTS to be given time at centre, he's started well there...but then I look at Leiautea and think shit this kid has to be playing, and RTS at 1 lets that happen. It's a hard one. Webster will be going with Tuaupiki (think I read a quote saying as much) and he played well also, but yeah I'd be tempted to go with what you're saying.


I was happy as after that. What was the penalty count? 10-0 against. The attacking shape looked good. They found holes and were running some good lines. The defense however was better. Notice that rush defense on the ball side. Also noticed a new pattern when the wingers jammed in. Few mistakes from Ford and Jazz. But the team looks fit and big......they look like they have all been on the roids?


I was happy as after that. What was the penalty count? 10-0 against. The attacking shape looked good. They found holes and were running some good lines. The defense however was better. Notice that rush defense on the ball side. Also noticed a new pattern when the wingers jammed in. Few mistakes from Ford and Jazz. But the team looks fit and big......they look like they have all been on the roids?

The Physique changes in the off season are amazing across the board.

Some of our guys are carrying more body fat that last year, others have leaned down. A function of targeting the right kind of training to allow for more natural big bodies than the old model of trying to strip fat and get ripped.

You can tell they are power lifting over body building, guys arms to my eye look normal rather than the big triceps and biceps you get from body building.

That confirms the clubs statement that they are focusing on strength (that will be compound lifts over isolation type movements, more Dead lifts, less bicep curls).

They looked faster, and the Club said they were working on speed. So that comes from the power lifting and sprint training combination, with fight training drills that speed up reflexes.....overall they look to be doing a lot of fight training these days, they look like they have gone from being light weights to gaining some bulk and moving up a weight division.

As for the bigger motors on everyone, all clubs train fairly similarly on the endurance side and they obviously recruit and select for this attribute where they can in players. But the secret ingredient really, is the attitude, the commitment, and the belief by the players in the system (so a belief in the staff, especially the boss) it is a lot easier to sell hard training to a bunch of guys that won top four last year than it is to get that buy in without some evidence.

Which is why Webster really did deserve coach of the year last year for using his ability to motivate to turn out a Warriors side fitter than many other clubs, and this year they are like the six million dollar man intro....stronger faster....better than before.

Now all we need is the injury gods to be kind and looking at the two trials we are set to be up there in the top four again.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
That would absolutely amaze me if all clubs weren't doing compound lifts over isolation exercises. Bicep curls, tricep dips etc will all look great in the pre-season shots at Bethells but do very little for performance on an NRL field.

Sup's last sentence is the kicker. If we can avoid injuries, we can absolutely push top 4 again. But we're an injury (or drop in motivation) to AFB and SJ away from being fringe 8, because those guys just don't have replacements. CNK goes down and we can make it work, we can cover wingers, centres, even five-eighths, 2nd rowers at a stretch, but if I see AFB or SJ go down, I'm going to start stressing. Especially SJ, to be fair. We look like we're building some level of depth in our propping stocks and big men, with some young guys putting their hand up for the first time in ages.
Basically, because he's misses tackles when he most needs to make them and constantly makes errors and concedes penalties. He's a boof head.

He had a rough game on the weekend didnt he, couple of bad dropped balls.

Whereas Marata got a nice score from his usual right edge running that outside-in line that's so tough to defend. And IMO unlocks his centre partner really well too because it plants defenders.

Webby's comments afterwards though suggest a bench spot switching between middle and edge is where he's been training so looks like that's where he'll be. Not a fan of that plan but here's hoping.