in a nutshell!!
Waiffs: great set!! the music was good too!
Missy Higgins: she was great! but not stadium rock material
Kasey Chambers: boring as batshitt!
Pete Murray: not bad!! but simple word of advice. Personality!! might work mate.
Nick Cave: the mood wasn't right! but he was still phucking awsome especially "Jack the Ripper"
The Finn Bros: oh! the memorys!
especially "I got you" one of the highlights.
The Wrights: bit much seeing about ten different egos on stage but they did rip it good!....especially Phil Jamieson on evie Part 3
JBT: any guy that sing's a song about respecting ya mother rocks in my book!! set.
Silverchair: Johnsy either on the roids! or giving Nat a good workout because looking pretty bloody good. highlights: the door and Israil's son.
Poderfinger: Am I the only one that gets the shits about their continual use of the power rock ballad live???...where the f**k was Belter???
Midnight Oil: Awsome!!...Read about it
..unfortunatly they played their more commercial stuff but would of loved to have heard Herculous, blossom and blood, stand in line, if Ned Kelly was King and Progress but it wasn't to be. they were still fabulous and definetly a personal favourite of mine.