You have fair points and good questions to ask, as i also am waiting for some answers of reasoning MOTH, but Cuzzo simply does what he is instructed to do as anyone who has superiors above them at work. I believe many of the vented frustration/questions you seek the answer to may be beyond his jurisdiction. Some valid points of yours need to be answered by those who SHOULD BE held accountable for their actions NOT the messenger. As for visiting sick kids and community charity i understand they are not the answers that you are wanting the answers for right NOW, but it is STILL his job to mention the club whenever it does do a good deed for the community. The sick kids are also innocent bystanders in this situation regarding the club's direction.
His passion does not reflect his job, it comes from the person i know of him to be and there could be the fact of his career to be at stake if he were to operate outside his juridictions of work. Seriously can you honestly tell me that Cuzzo has done a rotten job since being employed at WT? Some of the heads on your chopping block is where you need to direct the questions at. You have very fair points and questions(as do i) in regards to the coaching and recruitment staff as many of us would also like to hear what the hell is going on behind closed doors. I would like some answers too in regards to some of the club's decisions, but i would not make it a personal thing towards Cuzzo. Maybe if he was doing a terrible job and not giving us 1st/lower grade match reports, taking quality photos behind the scenes, player interviews, and other media relations then it would be fair to accuse him of not delivering the goods of his qualifications. But anyway i hope you get what i'm trying to say, and dont take this as any form of me trying to tell you how to suck eggs.