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We were lucky - lets not kid ourselves

1 Eyed TEZZA

I think the main reason why people are happy about yesterdays performance is because we didnt play well, especially in the first half and we still managed to win.

I dont think anyone has said that "if we play like that we will go far", but if we have the same attitude that we did in the second half through out the season, we will go far.

I treated yesterday as a trial because I knew we would be rusty. I also dont really expect us to win against the Warriors because we never win there. All im looking for in the 1st 4 weeks of the comp is good signs and a few cheap wins, nothing more. Most importantly, no injuries.


1 Eyed TEZZA said:
I treated yesterday as a trial because I knew we would be rusty. I also dont really expect us to win against the Warriors because we never win there. All im looking for in the 1st 4 weeks of the comp is good signs and a few cheap wins, nothing more. Most importantly, no injuries.

Tezza don't sell the boys short in the land of the long white cloud.
I think you'll find the first round loss over there last year was the only one for about three years , including two "Home" games in Waikato 05 06

It doesn't matter whether WE believe , what's important now is that I think the TEAM believes it can pull itself out of the sh*te if it plays to its ability.

And despite not having seen the Warriors play yet this weekend , I believe we will win over there next week. They will miss Wade more than anyone could imagine. Don't forget it was he who tore us up in the first half of that game over there last year.


Suitman said:
TBH Belly, I think Fathead is just trying to put things into perspective, and not jump on the excitement wagon. He makes some very valid points.
The most valid is that we would have lost without Hindmarsh. He wasn't our best player, but god damn it he saved some points.


Thanks Suity,
Thats exactly what I am saying... but I can see others point of view. I dont mean to be too critical - yes its great we won and beat the dogs but lets not gauge ourselves on that win.
Wherever I turn these days all I hear is that the eels are going to win or come second to the Storm.
Frankly we are still relying on Nathan Hindmarsh to pull us out of the crap (as we have for a number of years now)
Love to win but when we play the Broncos or Storm or the Eagles we had better be playing 400% better because if we serve the crap we served up in the first half, no amount of Hindys heroics are gonna save us.


Post Whore
Fathead makes some very good points, but i think the side will get a massive lift out of this win. IMO we have always been a side that has to be ahead to win matches. As was said by the commentary team we don't have a great history of coming from behind to win matches.

This win says to me we may have turned the corner, 2 games last year when we gave up massive leads we clocked off and may as well had gone home. I think we gained a massive boost in the finals last season, taking it right up to Melbourne has them really believing they can win the comp. We can only get better IMO, we did have some talented players on the sideline.


First Grade
i have strong information that paul roos spoke to the bulldogs at half time


mickdo said:
Waaaay too much analysis going in to the FIRST game of the season tbh...

You may be right - but these days the comp is so tight we cant afford to ease our way into the year.
Trials are for fine tuning and we have to hit the ground running and stay running until the end.


Fathead said:
You may be right - but these days the comp is so tight we cant afford to ease our way into the year.
Trials are for fine tuning and we have to hit the ground running and stay running until the end.
Maybe, but form at the start of the year doesn't always reflect what we're going to see come September. In 2001 we began with 3 from 6 I think with some pretty poor losses in there, and yet went on to make the GF...


I think the most important thing we can take from Yesterday is we can come from behind and win games if we are really determined and stay calm and composed. Having said that most of the Favourites would not of gone tryless in that second half.