Maybe you should be asking your idol ET that question.
Sorry but I don't think ET is entitled to privacy after this dog act.
what privacy...Moniques parenst and close family all know...Mellor's...all know...the kids all know. mate's and friends of all parties.
the guy won't get off scot free.
Yep he's done the wrong thing.
But is he a grub?? really??
He provides a wonderful lifestyle for his wife and kids I'd imagine. Did he bash the other woman? rape her?
He had sex with her.
She was married and said YES!!! she was willing.
He has and will continue to pay..emotionally and probably finacially in some aspect.
Who knows it may cost him his marriage..
BUT...No that ain't enuff - let's chase him down his mate's driveway on national tv and make him pay some more.
Why...because the rest of us are all so fuggin perfect sitting in our glass houses.
The thing is this 'misdemenour' is committed every minute of every day the world over, but you don't get named and shamed if you aren't newsworthy.