I follow the tigers, but i took you guys last night in my work tipping comp
which cost me sole ownership of the lead, the bloke behind me was a mad dragons fan, now we're even.
Anyway getting to the point that i came here to make, i too saw what the rest of what you saw last night, Wade was outstanding in a sadly beaten side.
Having watched the last couple of games you guys have played on optus, i would go even further and say he's been consistently good, well worth the
pay packet you guys paid for him, at least he's earning his.
He throws his body on the line, unlike most of the others you had on parade last night, a lot like the little bloke we acquired form you in the off season, one Brett Hodgson.
Small in stature but built with a Phar Lap heart.
I hope your sides' form picks up, i just hope it's not next week, and don't laugh, stranger thing have happened.
PS. How come Michael Witt is sitting in Premier League, is his form that bad, or does Brian Smith have his own agenda, because from what i have seen of Chris Thorman, he is'nt a patch on the kid.
Anyway, hope happier times are ahead.