Well applying your logic the game should go amateur.
And i would care less.
The game is amazing, the players are legends for going out and giving their blood sweat and tears. But if they want to be overpaid prima donnas then they can go and play soccer.
Why do we pander to the corporate dollar and suckle at the teet of corrupt media organisations who dont give a damn about the game? Who gives a sh*t if were amateur, maybe then id get to relive my old mans memories of his beloved Jets, or the epic tale of the fibros v silvertails.
The problem is we give in to outsiders. Well i say screw them, the game is fine. And anyone with half abrain can see Gould is an agenda driven tosser.The current problem is cheating merkins like melbourne who have ruined this season as evidenced by tonight's debacle.
And who exactly is our target market? Yuppie Union fans? geniused AFL fans? Like i said be happy with how far we have come, be patient. The next TV deal will not solve everyones problems, instead everyone will be asking for a bigger chunk of the pie. Gallop should've kicked Storm out of the bloody comp, just ask Souths fans what they think. But nooo, lets blame the NRl, blame the fans because they dont buy enough memberships blah blah blah.
/end rant