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Well done Warren Ryan


First Grade
What the players want or think is right is quite frankly irrelevant in this case.

The fans of this game are it's largest stakeholders and the reason for any other money the game generates and the fans have made their opinion very clear


What the players want or think is right is quite frankly irrelevant in this case.

The fans of this game are it's largest stakeholders and the reason for any other money the game generates and the fans have made their opinion very clear
Some fans you mean.


Well applying your logic the game should go amateur.

And i would care less.

The game is amazing, the players are legends for going out and giving their blood sweat and tears. But if they want to be overpaid prima donnas then they can go and play soccer.
Why do we pander to the corporate dollar and suckle at the teet of corrupt media organisations who dont give a damn about the game? Who gives a sh*t if were amateur, maybe then id get to relive my old mans memories of his beloved Jets, or the epic tale of the fibros v silvertails.

The problem is we give in to outsiders. Well i say screw them, the game is fine. And anyone with half abrain can see Gould is an agenda driven tosser.The current problem is cheating merkins like melbourne who have ruined this season as evidenced by tonight's debacle.

And who exactly is our target market? Yuppie Union fans? geniused AFL fans? Like i said be happy with how far we have come, be patient. The next TV deal will not solve everyones problems, instead everyone will be asking for a bigger chunk of the pie. Gallop should've kicked Storm out of the bloody comp, just ask Souths fans what they think. But nooo, lets blame the NRl, blame the fans because they dont buy enough memberships blah blah blah.

/end rant


First Grade
Thats the way when data goes against your opinion dismiss it.

I would be interested to see a poll in a fortnights time though


Thats the way when data goes against your opinion dismiss it.

I would be interested to see a poll in a fortnights time though
I agree with your second point. By the way I do not really disagree with anything you are saying.

This might actually result in Melbourne getting a lot more passion for League which would be a good result.

Kind regards



the original poster is deluded

Gallop responded eloquently and with substance

Ryan had no response except blustering


You can`t be serious, i`ve never heard so much crap come out of someones mouth.
As a fellow Tigers supporter, why would you want to win this years premiership without the reigning premiers being included ??? To be the best you need to beat the best, not everyone else minus the best, this years premiership now means nothing to who ever wins as Joey Johns eluded to on todays Footy Show.
As someone previously posted in this thread, for the good of the game we need big TV deals which will allow EVERY club more money to spend and therefore keep the worlds best athletes playing rugby league. For this to happen we need a national competition and a strong team in Melbourne is a very large part of that.
Anyone who thinks the punishment handed out is fair obviously doesn`t care about the game of rugby league !!!



First Grade
You can`t be serious, i`ve never heard so much crap come out of someones mouth.
As a fellow Tigers supporter, why would you want to win this years premiership without the reigning premiers being included ??? To be the best you need to beat the best, not everyone else minus the best, this years premiership now means nothing to who ever wins as Joey Johns eluded to on todays Footy Show.
As someone previously posted in this thread, for the good of the game we need big TV deals which will allow EVERY club more money to spend and therefore keep the worlds best athletes playing rugby league. For this to happen we need a national competition and a strong team in Melbourne is a very large part of that.
Anyone who thinks the punishment handed out is fair obviously doesn`t care about the game of rugby league !!!

No, no, no, no, no. They have cheated. Went to extraordinary lengths to conceal the extra money spent on players. They lied and channelled money through unauthroised procedures to keep their players on their two sets of books. Please don't tell me that a national competition is of more value to the game of Rugby League than a competition riddled full of corruption and a governing body who makes decisions based on where they play out of. If the NRL just let this slide and allowed them to play for points and the trophy at the end of the year the game would be dragged through the mud from pillar to post. It would nearly kill the game in Australia due to the integrity of the game being shot to bits.



Listen up slapnuts. Teams like your slimy Eels are the ones that disgust me. Treat your own juniors like sh*t, open the big wallet to lure all the young promising Wests juniors such as Hayne, Inu, Hodkinson etc the list goes on at the age of 15 and that`s ok is it ??? The Eels are certainly well named, slimy as can be !!!


Listen up slapnuts. Teams like your slimy Eels are the ones that disgust me. Treat your own juniors like sh*t, open the big wallet to lure all the young promising Wests juniors such as Hayne, Inu, Hodkinson etc the list goes on at the age of 15 and that`s ok is it ??? The Eels are certainly well named, slimy as can be !!!

Another brainless mongo :lol::lol::lol:


Gallop and the NRL actually do have to 'theory craft' - that is their job - when handing down this sanction they should have come up with a plan that would have allowed this season more cedibility.

What they have done instead is made this a season long sore which may bleed the game dry.

I agree with all sanctions except the 2010 one.

By the way I just saw possibly the best try scored by the Raiders just then - what a ripper!

Such a plan only exists in Gouldland where there are no consequences for any decisions, what they've done is the only viable course of action to salvage any legitimacy this season and to ensure the next completely.

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