Really, so appropriate your NIC is "thekid" got any figures?
Do you have any proving the opposite? It's common knowledge. There is plenty of music out there specifically tailored to targeting older people. Who do you think keeps buying the music from the 30s, 40s, 50s etc.
Country music for example mostly sells to the 25-50 year old age group (im not looking it up for you, you have google it takes 5 minutes).
In my experience, people stop buying after a while...not sure of how many 50 year olds that have Brittney CDs, perhaps you know more of them me, I know zero.
You're a moron pure and simple. Did i say everyone keeps buying Britney spears? Older people stop buying Britney Spears but that doesn't mean they stop buying music.
There is lots of other music out there. Classical, opera, country and tons of other music that isn't just for kids. Just because you're too blind to see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
They would have bought LP's back in the day, but today's music does not do it for them. They grew up.
What a load of tripe. Thats just your personal anecdote. Also just because people stop buying todays modern music doesn't mean they stop buying music period.
make no msitake I understand I am in the minority, young people and people clinging to thier youth get offended, when I start on the worthless musicians.
Again you are putting them all together. Musicians aren't just one whole entity they come in all sorts of varieties. At least you got one thing right, you are in the minority.
hahahahahahahahahaha small segment, seriously, they all want to get rich of one song, only kids are buy it.
Who exactly are you referring to? You can't just refer to musicians in one bunch. What about the bands who get by playing at local pubs and clubs. Are they just preying on children?
Yeah sure champ, they don't concert with groupies, hanger ons etc, they do it for the music.......bwwwwhahhhahahah.
Some do, some don't. Only a fool would try and paint every musician with the same brush. What about pianists? You think they just do it for the groupies? Get a grip.
Well I apologise if it seems that way, has nothing to do with sex, unlike music video soft porn.
Are they all like this? Again there are many different types of musicians.
Musicians are not pedos, but sex in the vidoes cannot be denied.
Who gives a sh*t?
Yep the dole bludgers waiting to hit it big with kids like you. In the mean time can't get a real job, because they are useless.
There are plenty of musicians who haven't made it big but aren't living on the dole. Crawl out of that basement some more and you might see some of them.
Maybe you have a point here, I should appreciate a banjo player for Alambama more.
There are plenty of other musicians out there. It's your problem it you don't know about them, doesn't make your argument any less pathetic.
Yep, can't stand fat merkins who prey on children
Not every musician is like this and i dare say the ones who do focus on kids aren't fat. They are most likely a lot more intelligent than you, thats why they're rolling in money whilst you sit behind your keyboard crying because of your jealousy.
Also before you say it no not all musicians are rich. However it's pretty clear that you are referring to the popular ones and that's most likely where your jealousy stems from.
Another JoeD arguement, yeah na.
Better than having no argument.
Hang on you just said real musicians don't do it for money
No i didn't, i said some do and some don't. They're not all the same, maybe try reading next time.
It is ok you will grow out of it, gald to be a moron to thekid, like most kids you CD is strong.
Yeah you have no argument so you try and talk down to me. Even if i was a kid i wouldn't be offended. Having some moron try and insult me on the internet doesn't bother me.
I can see your glad being a moron thats why you keep making these terrible posts.
You've nailed another one Mr Angry.
For a moment there I thought you were losing your touch
Lol can't think of anything for yourself so you post this dribble. The fact that you agreeing with Mr Angry shows how much of a moron you are.
yea, Justin Bieber, Stan Walker....
f**king musical legends, they'll be playing their stuff in 30 years time..
What the hell does that even have to do with what i posted? Just because there are 2 like that doesn't mean the thousands of others are to.
Are people on here really this stupid?
Just to be clear, you are more than comfortable that these useless people are well rewarded in society.
They aren't useless. They have a talent and they used it to make a lot of money. It's pretty obvious what you're problem is. You are doing a sh*t job and you're jealous of musicians who make a lot more money than you do.