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What needs to change?

Panthers lack desperation. Even Parramatta after it got flogged by Easts a week ago, showed so much of it yesterday against Sharkies. Panthers lack players who play for the jersey and the fans, sure there are a few but when a new guy like Segs in constant outperforming players who have been there for awhile and also from the outside in showing more pride in the jersey you know something is wrong and certain players need to be moved on.

Big Mick

Anjado I agree with your post mate but just to extend on what you are saying around what to build the team around, lets look at what we have for 2014 already and build around that.

2. Josh Mansour (Borderline Rep Player)
3. Dean Whare (Kiwi Centre)
8. Sam McKendry (Rep Player)
9. James Segeyaro (Borderline Rep Player)
10. Tim Grant (Rep Player)
11. Sika Manu (Rep Player)
12. Lewis Brown (Rep Player)
13. Elijah Taylor (Rep Player)

14. Brent Kite (Ex-Rep player, experienced campaigner, Still quality)
17. Blake Austin (Young, hungry and can cover multiple positions)

I think we all essentially agree on that for 2014 yes?

Ok so let's have a look what we have NOW and what is in the pipeline for remaining positions:

Matt Moylan - Most agree he deserves a shot this year. Ideally he could put on a bit of size but ultimately he is our best Fullback right now
DWZ - Can cover multiple positions along the backline so may be better suited being elsewhere on the backline but can play FB - May get a chance in 2014 but still very young
Keiran Moss - Perhaps undersized but noone can doubt the talent - May get a chance in 2014 but would like to see him in Windsor First.
Other Options - Wes Naiqama, James Roberts

James Roberts - Likely can play Fullback, centre or wing but based on the one trial his go at centre was fantastic. Would love to see him there when fit.
Tom Eisenhuth - Had a go last year but proved that day that he needed a LOT of seasoning. Maybe a shot again this year.
George Jennings - Talented like his brother but needs time in Windsor first. Maybe shot at 2014.
Tony Satini - Same as Jennings
Other Options - DWZ, Brad Tighe, Wes Naiqama, Moeses Pangai

Etu Nabuli - Fijian flyer has been turning heads and may get a shot towards the end of this year (hopefully sooner). Still a lot of work needed on his game, but definitely would like to see him get a go sooner rather than later.
Travis Robinson - Seems to be a lot like his brother but obviously his brother is more developed.
Other Options - Brad Tighe, DWZ, Wes Naiqama, Jarred Wilson

Lachlan Coote - He is the incumbent and I think we all took for granted that he was actually decent at five-eight.
Tom Humble - 2 good games, 1 awful one. I don't think he is someone we can build a team around but I think he is talented.
Other Options - Blake Austin, Matt Moylan, Toby Evans

Luke Walsh - Hate to say it...but he is the only genuine halfback we have that is of at least NRL standard.
Issac John - Ok...nothing spectacular.
Sam Scarlett - Exciting player who has shown a lot in his short under 20's career prior to injury. Who knows what his ceiling is.

With one spot filled for a prop we need one prop and one backrower to slot into those last two bench spots.
Prop Options - Mose Masoe, Nigel Plum (If Re-signed), Jeremy Latimore, Sam Anderson, Kyle O'Donnell
Second Row - Matt Robinson, Vaipuna Tia-Kilifi, Anthony Cherrington, Bryce Cartwright (later in 2014), Pangai, Adam Docker

My Ideal 2014 team - with what we have right now:
1. Matt Moylan, 2. Josh Mansour, 3. Dean Whare, 4. James Roberts, 5. Etu Nabuli, 6. Lachlan Coote, 7. Luke Walsh, 8. Sam McKendry, 9. James Segeyaro, 10. Tim Grant, 11. Sika Manu, 12. Lewis Brown, 13. Elijah Taylor
14. Brent Kite, 15. Mose Masoe/Kyle O'Donnell, 16. Matt Robinson/VTK, 17. Blake Austin

Priorities for improvement:
1. Halves - Lachlan Coote likely wont be re-signed post 2014 so we need a new Five-eight and halfback. Ideally I'd chase someone like Shaun Johnson who is off-contract next year, but also for this year someone like a Luke Keary, Chad Townsend, Tyrone Roberts - I know Roberts and Keary are also off-contract in 2014 but a lot of buzz about potential movement there.
2. Depth in Spine - Once we let go of the journeyman we may have an issue with depth but instead of filling it with the likes of Ciraldo...lets go after some cheaper younger guys looking for opportunities like we did this year with O'Donnell, Sam Anderson etc.

I honestly believe if we manage to find serviceable halves this team is a top 8 team for sure next year if everyone stays fit.

Now we don't have to wait until 2014 to see that team. Replace Kite with Plum and Taylor with Smith/Cherrington and we could let those combinations begin to develop. Obviously no Coote so have Humble there.

I'd like our team to be that by the middle of the year and developing that team for the 2nd half.
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That's a bit harsh, he's using his personal account and it just happens to be picked up by the Panthers stackla.

"Just happens to" make it sound like it is some sort of coincidence.

The only two posters on Stackla are Gus and Penrith Panthers. As far as I am concerned it only carries material generated by Panthers officials.

See if you can find another NRL, AFL chief broadcasting the rubbish he does through official club channels. It is very poor form.

Anyway was merely responded to someone suggesting Gus's tweeting should change. I agree.

Back to the real issue - very good post anjado.

But really I think I have seen evidence that this team will improve.

I would not be making wholesale changes to the team because that is not how you build and develop a team. You have to take the setbacks, and the drubbings and learn from them not as individuals but as a team.

I would move Whare to the centres and put Moylan at 1. I'd also bring Walsh back to the 7 - it doesn't how much he might get bagged, he is currently our best option there.

Back to Gus - he should be dropped from the marketing team.
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A big sticking thumb is that it's been a decade since panthers 03 premiership and they have only played finals footy twice since then. They've essentially been rebuilding for all that time but gotten no where and I'd say progressively worse and have been saved from a few more spoons thanks to a few other sides being poorer. It's definitely a challenge to the fans to fork out money each season with promise of a competitive side to being served up the same bullshit week in week out with no answers or accountability. At the very least Gus has plans in order and Cleary seems to be getting his desired team. But without a genuine half combo, centers or a decent bench it'll be lean pickings.

I'll say it again though, if anyone here is close to anyone that works for Panthers get them to check out Dylan Walker from Norths! A genuine ball player center in the mould of Lyon with a kicking game to boot! He needs to be playing NRL today!


Spot on Red Bear. I can handle losing, I can't handle losing & not making changes. Expecially with the lower grades undefeated there's talent in the club just for reasons unknown they don't get picked.


1. Matt Moylan - Don't care about his size any more. Just give him a go. If he fails then whatever
2. Josh Mansour
4. Brad Tighe - Roberts as soon as he is fit
5. Travis Robinson
6. Blake Austin
7. Tom Humble
8. Sam McKendry
9. James Segeyaro
10. Tim Grant
11. Sika Manu
12. Matt Robinson
13. Lewis Brown

14. Nigel Plum
15. Mose Masoe
16. Adam Docker
17. Nathan Smith/VTK/Sam Anderson

I had the same team except i had Docker starting instead of Robinson. If Cleary doesnt change the team to something like this i would say there is a good chance that he will lose what is left of the fans for this year.


Personally I'd go with

4.Roberts (When Fit)
5.Travis Robinson
7.Walsh (No other option I'm afraid)
10.Anderson (Plays big minutes in reserves)
11.Lewis Brown
12.Sika Manu
13.Ethan Cook
16.Matt Robinson
17.O'Donnell (When Fit)


hey guys n gals, long time panther fan here,

the boys need to build a better support relationship, each sporting team goes on about team bonding and how each group is a real tight knit group.

the boys need to prove this, theres no support whatsoever, even simple things as 2 in the tackle, guarding/blocking the fullback/wingers/centres on bombs/attacking kicks or support players when we make a break.

It's frustrating watching mansour make a linebreak then get reeled in by 3 defenders because there was no one there as support waiting for the offload, simple things like that will have us way more competitive than what we are.

Also can we please have the halves coach show them how to run a play 5 when we are on the attack, it kills me when we dont even put grubbers in goal for a repeat set. sick of seeing us spread the ball to be met with good rushing defence to shut us down. put attacking kicks in FFS boys, its not that fn hard!!!!!!!!

also what happened to the black hole? is it still there? we need to group more vocal supporters together so we can be heard, perfect example is the Red n Black Bloc for Western Sydney Wanderers, those fans are so supportive of their team. Was at the bunnies game and it was pretty bad to only hear the away teams supporters. We need to make Penrith the fortress that it used to be, I heard Ivan say that when he use to play against the panthers in penrith, it was a daunting task, coming against the Panthers at Penrith. We NEED to get back to this. I want teams going, farkkkk we're playin in Penrith not yeh we got this, its only the Panthers.



"Just happens to" make it sound like it is some sort of coincidence.

The only two posters on Stackla are Gus and Penrith Panthers. As far as I am concerned it only carries material generated by Panthers officials.

I won't go into detail because it's not the point of the thread, but he's not posting anything to Stackla directly - it's pulling in everything he says on Twitter because whoever runs Stackla has configured it that way.

I just tweeted him and suggested they change the settings.


I also think Whare needs to get out of Fullback. He just hasn't added anything in attack....or defence....for the season so far.
Not sure how good Moylan is but surely he or Roberts (when fit) could add a bit more ball playing/attack from the back.


I won't go into detail because it's not the point of the thread, but he's not posting anything to Stackla directly - it's pulling in everything he says on Twitter because whoever runs Stackla has configured it that way.

I just tweeted him and suggested they change the settings.

Yes they configure it that way. Stackla did not do it on its own.

Sime_11, the black hole has been eliminated. Or should I say filled in. Instead they have painted paw prints on the seats and brought in a bell.


yeh i seen the bell, no idea why its there lol. does it get used for Hells Bells when the boys run out???
25mins into the knights game and its terrible, just terrible from Panthers.


Should all be gone by seasons end, in a perfect world by next weekend.


I won't go into detail because it's not the point of the thread, but he's not posting anything to Stackla directly - it's pulling in everything he says on Twitter because whoever runs Stackla has configured it that way.

I just tweeted him and suggested they change the settings.

I think you might have brought about change HankScorpio. The official Panthers social media site did not carry the Panthers' CEO effusive tweets about the roosters.

It doesn't yet mean his full focus is on the Panthers, but at least it is a concession that promiscuous tweeting is not a good look for a club battling for form.


what needs to change
No more back rowers getting signed would help .Any position from 1 to 7 would help


Now, Hank, maybe you can start to use your influence and get some other stuff done!! The more important stuff.

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