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What was the crowd for game 2?


I was there and I reckon about 16ooo which was good for a Friday night especailly with the Masters tourny in Palmy and the Maori tourny in Rotorua I thought so dont see a need to inflate the figures. Well done Aucklanders I reckon.
I reckon Aucklanders had very little to do with the crowd figure...Id say most of those who went were out-of-towners like myself. There were bus loads of supporters who travelled from the Waikato and there were even a few up from down south.

Id like to see the games next year spread out around the country. Waste the venue and time for those slack Aucklanders who cant drag themselves out and cheer on their countrys League team. THUMBS DOWN



OVP said:
Then how come us Roosters cant use that excuse ? LEts face it ... the Eastern Suburbs is where EVERYTHING happens every single day. As a matter of fact, when i was in my 20's i count myself lucky to survive my social life ... there was a party every day !! But you westies wouldnt know about that would you ? Hence the jealousy ;-)

I lived in Maroubra for over 20 years, yes I know you faggy poofs from bondi dont even class that as E/subs, personally I loved the view of the ocean and the roofs of Long Bay Gaol from my unit balcony, theres no more/no less things to do than any other part of suburbia.

PL runners up?:lol:

Why the hell you wanna promote that???

Jackal Dog

Hmmmm, a question to you kiwi's: If Aucklanders really do care so little for league now as some of you are suggesting, would it be better if the Warriors relocated to a place like Wellington, Waikato or Christchurch?
I think there is a bigger problem in NZRL.

I think right now you have a lot of people in NZ in Rugby League that want to see the Warriors fail just so they can say "I told you so".

Many of these people carry a lot of influence and what its turning into is a very negative feeling towards the game in NZ.

On top of that you have an administration that is TERRIBLE. It needs the cleaners through it as the ARL does in Australia.

The thing is, in Australia because the game is so big, the NRL so well run and the game so popular, the NRL's terrible inlfuence isnt as crushing as the NZRL's is in New Zealand.

I think whats needed is a second NRL team to not only spread the playing tallent, the tallent scounting, the critish and the focus, but I think a new streamlined, modern day sporting administration is needed in New Zealand.


Mate what NZ needs is:

State Of Origin,
Wellington or Canterbury team in the NRL,
Gary Freeman as Pres of the NZRL, and most of all
**Off the topic a bit**

Move the Warriors to the Waikato, youd get a jammed packed stadium and its smack bang in the middle of Hamilton, its a skip and a hop to everything else. Talented players down in the Waikato too.

Warriors Vs St George
Crowd: 22,000
Waikato Stadium

Not only was this a pre-season game but it was played on a Thursday night.

Eels Vs Warriors
Waikato Stadium

The folk of Hamilton are just as passionate about Rugby Union than they are about League, in both games they managed to get more people through the gates than what was at the Warriors Vs Broncos a few weeks later.

Waikato Peeps...stand up and take a bow.


carlnz said:
Mate what NZ needs is:

State Of Origin,
Wellington or Canterbury team in the NRL,
Gary Freeman as Pres of the NZRL, and most of all

Garry Freeman pres? God help Rugby League in New Zealand if that ever happens.


OVP said:
Then how come us Roosters cant use that excuse ? LEts face it ... the Eastern Suburbs is where EVERYTHING happens every single day. As a matter of fact, when i was in my 20's i count myself lucky to survive my social life ... there was a party every day !! But you westies wouldnt know about that would you ? Hence the jealousy ;-)

I absoltuely hate the Roosters with every bone in my body, but sh*t me sideways you got him good on that point.

Manu Vatuvei

Phoney MX said:
Hmmmm, a question to you kiwi's: If Aucklanders really do care so little for league now as some of you are suggesting, would it be better if the Warriors relocated to a place like Wellington, Waikato or Christchurch?

ermmm, no. Auckland is by far the biggest league centre in NZ. It's not that Aucklanders don't care about league, it's that New Zealanders don't.

btw, Ericsson Stadiums capacity in 1995 was 31,000. Since then they have replaced one of the standards with a much larger one, and put a stand in front of the grass embankment. I would've thought with the new stand, the capacity was more like 28,000 than 25,000? Anyway, imo the crowd was about 20,000.
Aucklanders have this venue at their front door step and is by far the biggest city in NZ and yet Hamilton can turn out and give a more than a decent crowd.

Looking forward to more games at Waikato Stadium, Parramatta are sure to benefit from the takings and in time gain a heck of a lot more supporters.


Thierry Henry said:
ermmm, no. Auckland is by far the biggest league centre in NZ. It's not that Aucklanders don't care about league, it's that New Zealanders don't.

Yep, spot on.
And if the Warriors continue to underwhelm, it doesnt matter where you base
them(yes, even Hamilton), in time people just wont show up.
Nor should they have to, no matter what the sports-fan-thought-police think.
In Auckland, people not showing up still means minimum crowds of 10000+.
Just enjoy the games you get in Hamilton because I know you cowbells won't turn up when the Warriors aren't performing .
We won't want the Warriors to end up playing in Huntly .


Back on the actual crowd figure... I've found another one. Was reported in the weekly league newspaper over here (RL&LE - sorry no internet link to match report, but it was written by Malcolm Andrews who appears to have been at the ground) that the crowd was actually 15,400.

This matches the estimate from Humphrey's post earlier in this thread, and seems a more realistic proportion of available capacity than the Superleague site's guess-timate? What do we reckon?


First Grade
I looked around Ericcson when I was there to watch the Cowboys in R3 2005. I think the crowd that day was 13,000+. There seemed to be a lot more in the eastern grandstand at the test. I would have thought 17 or 18,000 at least.


well it must of not been too good(i thought looked a good crowd) because why wouldnt they release the crowd figure?
(maybe some tax cheating in process lol)

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