Soo, Council expects a draft PoM to be on public exhibition in August. Having experience with this field and Councils, it may be September.
Public exhibition is when you unwashed mob get to comment, if not already. I will also.
I must say I offered assistance to CEO Ryyan Webb who graciously referred me to Peter Doust, who didn't find the time to reply to my (business) email. I made it clear I did not want paid work (consultant) but just to help. Meh.
You can make your outlandish fantasy comments or pragmatic and sensible proposals or support.
Please note at this stage it becomes a numbers game and the more support Dragons-friendly outcomes receive, the more likely the outcomes.
I used to describe these things as a form if regulatory instrument that allowed leasing, developments, uses and management. It will probably be in force for up to 10 years so don't miss your chance.
BTW, please don't make feckwit ideas and proposals to the exhibition as you just makes the rest of us look as dumb as you.