Thierry Henry said:I don't get it, i just don't get it.
ThrashViking said:Are you the same HevyDevy who use to post on the old SonicDeath forums?
ThrashViking said:Died a while ago, Luke just couldnt be bothered updating it.
It was easily the most impressive metal forums ive been to, Patrick introduced me to a whole different world of mainly Thrash/Death/Black/Grind metal.
Patrick Stott/Vim Fuego reviews are on & so did the Technogoat
ThrashViking said:The latest Cryptopsy was terrible. Lord Worm was very dissapointing on the albulm.
HevyDevy said:By the way, isn't that roar at the start of None So Vile the most evil thing you've ever heard!!!
Nah, Dic_Whorecore.HevyDevy said:Were you ThrashViking there too?
It was a great forum. Good old Cynical and Othuum.
SpaceMonkey said:Yeah it's pretty cool, love the "I do that rather well, don't you think?" bit too. And the "Army of Darkness" sample at the end rules too.
Although I can think of a few other things that outdo it in the "evil" stakes; the intro to Darkthrone's "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" for one.