Hemmed in? McDonnell just... stopped. This stopped Collis. Regardless of the questionable timing of the pass from Collis, McDonnell was supposed to be the finisher. He finished the break by coming to a complete halt. That ended any real chance of either of them going any further. Collis made some poor choices, first of which was to pass early to Mac, expecting more pace than he had. Then going outside, though he was likely expecting some support, which didn't arrive. Mac seemed to write him off, and just hung back. The biggest blunder was McDonnell not taking the defence on. He just stopped, shuffled, and literally gave it to Collis, who was then flat footed against a newly formed defence line. McDonnell should have taken on the defence, engaged at least one defender, and either gotten the PTB, or offloaded to Collis on the move.
Harry and Lloyd stuff.