If you have a look at the makeup of the board Lancaster ( WIN CEO ),Osborne ( local solicitor ) & Gulloch ( Steelers director ) are basically puppets of Andrew Gordon. Now would you call Craig Young St George or Wollongong ? I'd call him W'Gong , particularly with his son employed and in the boys club. So on any major issue the WIN side has a majority ? Too simplistic and sarcastic ?
...........Which ever way you look at it they're all inanimate objects, the exception being Mr. On Board who is in charge or our membership drive.
I think you’ll find it’s the St George side who don’t want to give fans voting rights.SGI should be a registered NRL Club with fan membership who have full voting rights. If WIN don't like ti, they can sell their shares to someone who does.
.......I have no idea who they are are except the fact they seem clueless & gutless to keep Peanut Paul at the helm and still find a way to keep son of Albert in the coaching structure.
The place has the stink of mates & mediocrity at all costs. It's no proper professional functioning Board it's a highly organised rabble of self interest. Piss em all off!
So true Gareth and they sure don't seen to make decision that would be beneficial to the club and its supporters. They only seen obsessed with networking for self interest and positioning their noses in the trough.Makes me wonder how they can look one another in the eye on a daily basis ?
Further more does any one of the gang of ‘ dweddle dees and tweedle dumbs ‘ actually believe that they are doing something positive for the St.George Illawarra entity ?