Well you should be drunk shiteshark, permanently. And you should keep rohypnol showing out the top of your shirt pocket, it's your best chance to avoid being a 70 year old virgin. At least back end.
If you're made anything official but forum dork, I'll join tonking flatheads and never post here again.
But I'll do the right thing, keep my promise and give you a reference:
To whom it may concern....
Dear Sir/Madam/Transvegemite,
I have known shiteshark/shirking for a period of approximately 3 weeks on LeagueUnlimited's noticeboard.
He first came to my attention when he came to the rescue of his older charge cliffy, who was paddling out of his depth in TFC. Whilst attempting the rescue, young shirey ended up requiring rescue himself. The problem is that there is no one capable of rescuing him and now he just pokes his head in now and then, in a valiant attempt to save face, much to the guffaws of the TFC residents. After each attempted ego resuscitation, he slinks back to his mates in the Sharks forum for consolation.
And console him they do. Liberally.
Which in turn raises his ego to the point where he toddles off to TFC again, with the inevitable result.
It's a vicious circle, one that this fragile young lad can really do without.
I would ask not that shirey be given anything resembling mod/admin status, but that he be given a cyber-towel, so that he may wipe all the cyber-crap off his face that he catches on a daily basis.
For his own good, I ask, nay, I beseech thee to grant this request.
Or not, I don't really care, it was just another chance to insult the twat.
Please call me on 1800-suckafart if you require any further information.
That is all.
Yours faithfully,
Everlovin' Antichrist
(Excerpt from the book : How to get a thread moved to TFC - EA)