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Ignoring injuries ho is the worlds best player?

  • Brad Fitler

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Darren Lockyer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Andrew Johns

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trent Barret

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Craig Gower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stacy Jones

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Andy Farrell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keiron Cuningham

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Danny Buderus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Craig Fitzgibben

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I have a differing opinion on what should be judged on for WBP and I'm an idiot.

Feck off goose.
I sat here ready to give locky-ears the vote but then had a good think and realised that people think of flashness as opposed to voting on a players ability to lead from the front.
had to go Freddy main reason being his leadership has lead the Roosters to 3 of the last 4 GF in two of hem I couls say Freddy showed his worst form but the guy was savaged by injury and took the field out of necessity.2000 broken thumb and ankle ligment damage,03 played with busted up shoulder last 9 games.
If you saw Freddy in this years 2 SOO matches its the little things he does that people dont notice ,several things that i cant be bothere listing watch his game when you think he has a quiet one,Freddy doesnt depend on been flash any more and Locky-ears is heading that way as well.Freddy supplements wera and tear of the years with his head.
A.Johns I would put down numero uno no doubt but has been unreliable realisticly through 3 seasons of injuries on his day with out a doubt the best ever.
Lockyer attack depends on a good kick in the corner for a try not that much skill in that its more the coach coordinating his players at training in doing so.
Locky -ears is playing more like Freddy but has a long way to go but will never have Freddys strength.
Freddy for mine his record speaks for itself
Im saying that unbiasedly as well.

The Moose

Putting brad fittler in the same category as locky and johns is a joke. freddy is a good player but most of his game is played in the second half against a tiring defence. when has fittler ever exploded out of the blocks for his team? when did he last score a try in the first half? Also his general kicking abilities I believe are poor. long kicks int the arms of the back 3, but very little variety ala the other 2. To be the best every asset of your game must be 100%. Lockyer for mine


Ryan_Loves_Broncos said:
JJ said:
Johns is the best, there's no question. I see Lockyer is leading, but that's purely because Johns is injured. Lockyer is an all-time great, but Johns is the best there is at the moment

I'd rather be an all-time great than be the best at the moment.
Thats where he is wrong. If they were both on the field, they would both be great at the moment. I didn't vote purely because i can't split Johns or Lockyer. One thing is for sure, i have seen plenty of past "greats" and these 2 will both EASILY be All Time Greats.


dodge said:
Gawwwd why is it always halves. I'm sorry but this is stupid, Andrew Ryan, Willie Tonga, Paul Rauhihi, Billy Slater, Joe Williams (admittedly a half), Ben Kennedy, all better players IMO atm. I'm sick of Lockyer Johns etc gettin all the credit simply because of the 6s and 7s on their back. It's stupid and I think this poll needs to be rewritten with some options.

And Buderus? PLEASE! He didn't deserve the captaincy for NSW and his only "moment of glory" was coming within inches at the beginning of the game. Fitzgibbon, great all round player, the only player there I'd consider.
Mate, you are entitled to your opinion, but it is a f**king tragedy for you that you honestly believe that Andrew Ryan, Willie Tonga, Paul Rauhihi, Billy Slater, Joe Williams and Ben Kennedy are better players than both Lockyer and Johns. When these players you have named come close to dominating games consistently like the 2 i have mentioned then maybe you will have a case, but i doubt that will ever happen. Maybe Joe Williams 1 day.


The Moose said:
Putting brad fittler in the same category as locky and johns is a joke. freddy is a good player but most of his game is played in the second half against a tiring defence. when has fittler ever exploded out of the blocks for his team? when did he last score a try in the first half? Also his general kicking abilities I believe are poor. long kicks int the arms of the back 3, but very little variety ala the other 2. To be the best every asset of your game must be 100%. Lockyer for mine
you should be the goose rather than the moose


I thought this was a relativly easy poll but it seems that some punters out there have taken a bit too seriously!

Personally I voted for Johns and i think these are the decisive factors that split him and Lockyer

1. Johns lifts players around him. Buderus, Tahu, Gidley, Simpson, Hughes, Perry, Abraham and many others can attribute their rep careers to Johns. Lockyer has ALWAYS had the cream of QLD to play alongside in Tallis, Webke and co at the Broncos, he does not have to carry teams like Johns does.

2. Lockyer does not direct a team int he same way Johns does. Lockyer has had players like Langer, Walters & co to take pressure off him, Johns wears all of it.

3. Johns was first choice skipper of Australia by Wayne Bennett. That says heaps.

4. Johns has won more MOM in origin that Lockyer.

5. Johns has won more Dally M than Lockyer.

6. Johns has revolutionised short kicking games, he is an innovator, Lockyer is a follower.

7. Brilliant front on defence. The best defensive back in the game.

8. Will take risks and can kick goals at about 80% Lockyer kicks at 65%

I even rate Fitler as better player then lockyer.

Tommy Smith

The Moose said:
Putting brad fittler in the same category as locky and johns is a joke. freddy is a good player but most of his game is played in the second half against a tiring defence. when has fittler ever exploded out of the blocks for his team? when did he last score a try in the first half? Also his general kicking abilities I believe are poor. long kicks int the arms of the back 3, but very little variety ala the other 2. To be the best every asset of your game must be 100%. Lockyer for mine
Not exploding in the first half? That's a pretty silly statement. Best way to put it really. There are no possible stats to back you up on that and at the end of the day an opinion such as yours is exactly that, an opinion. Probably derived from bias and dislike.

Well lets just imagine that Freddy doesnt explode in the first half...then comprehend this: over the last two and a half seasons, Freddy has led the ENTIRE league in the major attacking stats combined. Trys, try assists, line break assists and line breaks. Now either he is so good in the second half that he is twice the player of Johns and Lockyer OR, what you say is complete bullsh!t.

And the fact that you said "when was the last time he scored a try in the first half" tells me that you dont know a whole lot, or should i say a whole lot about what makes a half/five-eight a great player because its not how many tries they score, its how many they set up which Freddy has done more of than both in the ast few years (when he has been in his 30's btw not his absolute physical prime like Locky). Oh and besides, Freddy has scored 7 tries this year and Lockyer just TWO! So that blows your argument completely out of the water.

You then said that he doesnt compare because every aspect of your game must be 100% like Lockyer and Johns. Well lets see about that...Freddy is undoubtedly the best captain and one of the best ever. A great leader in every sense of the word. His defence is superior to both of Johns' and Lockyer's without question. Infact his 10m defensive zone is the best defended in the NRL and has been also for the last few years. Lockyer and Johns however have the propensity to miss a fair few tckles, expecially Lockyer. Bennett himself stated he was worried about the defensive workload for Locky at 5/8. Check the stats, just in Origin you'll see he missed about 12 in two games as opposed to about 2 by Freddy. Freddy's long kicking game and bomb are every bit as good as Lockyer and Johns' thats for sure. Short kicking game isnt, i'll admit that. And when it comes to taking the line on, thats one of Freddy's great strengths. His side-step and power make him deadly in that department, moreso than Lockyer and particularly Johns whos not known for busting the line open at will.

So there you have it....


Out of that Poll....Fitzy by a mile, unless Freddy pulls his finger out. Johns hasnt played in 2 years...what the f**k is he doing in the Poll? He's not even close.


First Grade
Chicken_Hunter said:
JoeysWheelchair said:
Mad Dogg is right. And Chicken Hunter, you are joking yourself, seriously, when the Knights are down, Johns goes missing. Its a known fact. He goes missing. When the Knights are losing and their forwards are being dominated, then you don't even notice him. Its like Kimmorley, he was great at the Storm behind a good forward pack, but since he has gone elsewhere he hasn't had that same impact. Yet last year when he somehow made the Australian side, people started to talk about him again because the players around him gave him those chances.

However, when Lockyer's team is down he puts in, and arrives at the scene. Lockyer is definitely the best player in the world, and i'll say it time and time again that people who rate Johns as the best they've ever seen, or worthy of being an immortal then they mustn't have seen any footy during the 90's. The likes of Langer, Lewis, Stuart, Daley (to name a few) all were superb and dominated a position and games more than Johns has. Throw Fittler in there as well, he has been a dominating force who has been more consistent then Johns.

Johns is alright, but he hasn't ever achieved that dominance that other players have, and he definitely doesn't have any impact when his forwards are down.

Oh please... :roll: i would take what you say with a grain of salt.. Like you have watched many knights games.. Idiot.. Johns always tries his heart out.

Johns is an extremely consistant player.. How else can you describe our success since 1997. Why do the knights not do as well when he isnt there?

You are kidding yourself..

May i just say...

44-0 Broncos biggest loss, orchestrated by johns coming off 8 weeks on the sideline from injury.. THank you very much.

One game wow, how many have we seen Johns limping around the field when the going is tough? The Knights start losing and all of a sudden the groin is playing up. Then if the OTHER Knights players like Kennedy, Buderus ect get them back in the game or in the lead johns does one thing then it's joey saves the knights all of a sudden.
lockyer is the best player in the game today. johns day is past and he is way overated. langer and stuart were both better at halfback.


First Grade
Shane Webke.

Simple: He would always be the first person picked in an Australian team.


I feel sorry for Bederus not getting one vote :( , i hope he gets at least 1, He always works hard, and is a great player overall.

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