David Redmond, Liberal, D Ward
19 March 2004
Dear Mrs. Verbeek,
Thankyou for the opportunity to further expand;
I think that the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre has consistently
failed the greater majority of Residents in my Ward in its selective and
sanctimonious approach to environmental issues in my Ward.
I have sought its support in the past in my endeavours to have the largest
native wildlife corridor in the Shire protected from State Gov.
development. And received nothing but lip service.
The lack of interest or support Engadine Residents received when I
approached the centre with a previous Deputy Mayor in regard to at least
your petitioning of the Council to allow a bus access out of Woronora
Heights indicates to me that the Centre is more likely to dump
environmental concerns for secular interests when necessary.
In my time in Local Government our natural environment has improved over
the years with or without your efforts . No better example would be the
three man made wetlands in the West of the Shire which were created by
Sutherland Shire Council with assistance from the State Government.
After having supported the largest allocation of grants to the 'Centre' in
the 1995-99 term when 'I had the numbers' I should question whether it was
money well spent.
I say this not because of my view of your track record but because it seems
to me that the Centre is holding on to the coat tails of a commendably well
funded Science Unit in Council.
In regard to the issue of a nuclear research and isotope producing reactor
at Lucas Heights - After having seen people suffer from cancer I believe
your ill-considered campaign against this institution along with the
current Shire Watch / Labor funding for it ( over $550,000) to be flippant
and unethical.
Lastly, your e-mail claims " He would supported (sic) the new reactor and
when built thought it should be called the Genevieve."
This should read he has always supported the replacement of a new reactor
and is hoping to have it named the Genevieve.
David Redmond
Sutherland Shire Council
PO Box 17 Sutherland 1499 Australia