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who will be number 7

Who should be number 7 if timmy comes back

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How can you compare Jeremy Smith, to Tim Smith on Friday night? When the team was on fire last year, we had a full compliment of forwards. I think Jeremy is doing a great job, and anyone who wants to continue to bag our current halfback, should have a good look at themselves and consider what it is to be a SUPPORTER. OK, he is not as good as Tim in the creativity department, but ffs, give the guy a break. He is doing the best he can, and our team is winning.
Jeremy Smith deserves support - he has done the hard yards, he has trained hard all year, like everyone else. Injuries happen, we have the 2nd worst toll in the comp this year - last year we had the least (from memory).
How about a pat on the back for the guy and help him kick along - he is an eel after all, just doing the job he has been asked to do.

(IMO, Saints were targeting him on Friday night. When he kicked the ball out on the full, he was given no cover, and the saints forwards were about 4 metres offside. Clarke pinged them a few times for being offside, but missed that one. Then he received a nice knee to the head when trying to score. It was late, and the guy slide into Jeremy with his knees).


parra pete said:
Try this simple 'ignorance is bliss' test
Rate his performance THIS year..in comparison with his team mates and in comparison with the other half backs in the competition...
Don't rate it on what you think he did....Rate it on what he did..
Is it everyone else's problem that he hasn't stood up to be counted after his arm chair ride in 2005 BEFORE his abysmal effort in the last game of the season...any any way you look at it, for whatever reason, his game against the Cowdies was abysmal..along with most of his team mates. IMO he hasn't recovered from that effort and shellacking. He hasn't put it behind him. He showed potential in 2005 but hasn't fulfilled it this season.
Mate, you won't convince me that he is a good player THIS year..
I judge on what I see..not on what I think I see...
I watched them go around for over 50 years. Have seen them come and go. I have been a selector for rep teams..matter of fact I was a selector when Ray Brown, Steve Martin and Terry Regan had their first taste of representative football at a high level.
Hopefully he will be good in 2007.....he has a long way to go to be BETTER than AVERAGE...IN MY OPINION...
That's what I think...Like it or Lump it..I don't care either way...

Wow some GREAT names there Pete, thanks for sharing. The problem I have is that when I have put my opinion out there I have at least backed it up.

As far as your little test goes, his performance THIS year was on a par with the rest of his team mates at the start of the year, and it is no coincedence that when he turned it around so did the team. As far as for the rest of the halfbacks in the comp, who exactly is going that great? Johns has been up and down like a yoyo, Orford has hardly been dominant, propelling his team to the top of the table, Thurston or Prince likewise. If Johns is the yardstick of the comp and Tim was carving him up before he got injured then what more do you want??????

Our own Jeremy Smith has been an absolute embarrassment at halfback, so as far I am concerned Tim should be straight back in, I cant see how we have anything to lose by it.

If you really think anyone gets given an armchair ride in first grade in this day and age you are kidding yourself, that comment smacks of narrow mindedness and from the other posts I have seen of yours that is not a true representation of you.

As a selector you are supposed to be able to critically analyse a player and that is all I am interested in getting from you. What really irks me is when people get on a public forum and write off a player without backing it up. That would be like me saying you are pretty ordinary at your job whatever that is, just because thats what I think, its "my opinion". Please however come back with something other than he needs to get a running game to be successful, as that is clearly not true, he was very successful playing to his strengths last year and indeed in recent times. Dont tell me he needs to learn how to tackle, because stats will show you he has a low percentage of missed tackles certainly not the same sort of percentage you would see from say Darren Lockyer, and you dont see him hiding on the wing like Benji Marshall.

My opinion on Tim is that for him to be a true superstar he needs to learn how to apply his skills selectively, this will come with experience.

Having said all that, this is what I SEE. I am still really interested to hear the true reasons you feel he has nothing to offer us? You have a lot of experience watching the game please share that with the rest of us. You are not the only one on this forum that doesnt rate Tim, but as yet no one has been really able to say why, so maybe you can show me something I and the majority of us cant see, so be it.

My concern is that there arent any decent genuine halfbacks left in the comp after Joey retires. Orford, Kimmorley, Gower havent shown they are good enough for NSW and who is coming along after them? I think Tim needs our support and we really need to cross our fingers and hope he makes it for Parras sake.
Your a bit of a hard marker, dont you think?

A complete embarrassment?

Try looking at the first 2 tries he set up with perfectly weighted kicks.

Why do you resent him so much?

fish eel

We only scored off one kick in the first half, and I thought it was Morris put the kick through for Burt? Happy to be corrected though.

I thought Jeremy was well below par while he was on the field. Hope he goes better this w/end.


NorthShoreEel said:
Your a bit of a hard marker, dont you think?

A complete embarrassment?

Try looking at the first 2 tries he set up with perfectly weighted kicks.

Why do you resent him so much?

I think you are referring to his game against Manly, OK maybe I was a bit harsh. The game against Manly was Jeremys best.... which is still a long way short of Tims for mine which was the point I was trying to emphasise.

I have previously stated though, that I dont think 1/2 is his position as he doesnt get enough time to think. I do believe he is a very good 5/8 though he just needs someone that can get him a bit wider, which is why I believe he and Tim would make an excellent halves combo.


We are lucky to have Jeremy Smith at Half, whilst we definately do lose creativity we do gain a solid replacement.

That said, cant wait for Tim Smith to come back into the side.

Jeremy frustrates me because:

- gives away stupid unncessary penalties every game (laying on the player playing the ball, not square at marker) which will really kill us if he doesnt clean that part of the game vs form sides.

- Takes soooooo long to kick the ball on 5th tackle, needs to hurry up the kicking as he always looks rushed kicking.

Timmy will give us more attacking options and I think an even better kicking game, certainly better passing game. Jeremy is a better runner but thats all he has on Tim, both are average defenders (Tim more so granted).

But...since Tim is injured and Jeremy is playing - go Jeremy!!