This is a brilliant concept, is it not?
The so-called 'Realit Television' craze.
Programmes which dictate to the viewer what is reality in (often) outlandish situations. Pardon me for being skeptic, but I am yet to see REAL people (not 'real' people going on 'realityTV' shows) join forces with strangers to get locked up in a house and actually get along.
It is unfortunate that people refer to this genre as 'reality television'; the true reality lies beyond the door.
And surely, this genre is so tired and past its used by date by now. Big Brother 4? The first was horrendous; the sequels woeful and 'reality television' is just a form of dictatorship. It attempts to blur the line of reality and fiction by gaging you with 'reality'.
In conclusion, I hate 'reality television' and why is this topic on a football forum?