Last time I went 2 years back, I was standing in line waiting to buy a coffee, got abused by a group of youths, I hadn't said anything just had my sharks jersey on. walking back to the hill some teenagers spat at me, and some teenage sharks fans went to the toilet and on coming back reported that a group had asked them if they wanted to be raped. we lost of course (that fateful night game) on the way out some more youths were yelling at me saying stuff about Peachy, I had enough and finally said "tell someone you cares" (stupid I know) then the abuse and threats started. then to top it all off a guy in his 60s jumps in front of us and also starts abusing us as well.
So will I be going to the showground, No way, never again, as a whole I expect the majority of bulldogs fans are ok, but the small minority group blacken it for all of them and it only takes one of the cowards to knife me.
and for all those bleeding hearts out there. Their holy book says that it is ok to kill the infidel, and desired to kill the Jew or Christian