GDK meeting lotti/SC would be a bloody awkward situation, would be fun to see it to see how fast it turns south..
all in brawl or mass orgy?
that's because you hornbags wouldn't be able to control yourself when you're within metres of her, took me years to develop the will and discipline not to touch her.
This is about the third time you've mentioned this fantasy of yours. Kinkeh boy!!
I wouldn't share GKD with ANYONE! *sharpens knives*
I already did a green sh*t today, that confused me more than enough as it is.
This is about the third time you've mentioned this fantasy of yours. Kinkeh boy!!
I wouldn't share GKD with ANYONE! *sharpens knives*
Marry me.
go back a page and have a read you lazy bastard
Did Moffo have a brain transplant and they forgot his or something?