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Why doesn't the NRL play at least one game in PNG??

The fact that people hold PNG to a double standard on virtually every single issue proves precisely that. Have a look through this thread and it's as clear as day.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Don't point out the obvious. It's possible to send one team of NRL players to, not only Port Moresby, but this year Lae and next year Kokopo but sending two teams - "impossible, too hard, not going to happen, have you been there, the place is full of poor black people".

the PM's XIII is a one off "trial" game at the end of the year. it doesnt impact on the NRL or finals directly as players involved arent expected to backup the next week (this argument of course is invalid if the powers that be granted the two teams byes the week after but that would require too much common sense).

the outcome of this game is largely irrelevant (except for josh morris) so in the event we have
1/ mass pitch invasions
2/ riot squad dogs unleashed onto the crowd
3/ tear gas shot throughout the stadium

there's no major effect on the competition. All these things have happened previously, as bad as bulldogs supporters have been in the past the cops never had to shoot tear gas at them.

from the clubs involved point of view, whether you like it or not there's the expense of sending over a squad, medical, support staff etc over there without the added bonus you'll be able to sell corporate boxes and whatever else they do to make money

I'm not against the idea that teams play there in trials or exhibition games but i cant see it happening for a premiership game


It would be good for the people there, but there are some issues that others have touched on before, I've also said before and maintain the stance that they have much more important issues to rectify in PNG before they throw money at footy.

Let us be realistic anyway, one of my co-workers went to PNG (you know, evil mining related thing....) and went for a walk around the place for a few hours having a look.
He arrived back at the hotel to several security guards in a frantic state - they then asked him where he had been - he replied "just went for a walk, why?".
He was then kindly told "don't f**king do it again!, f**k me!, we assumed you had been f**king kiled!, you DO NOT leave these grounds un guarded, you ran about a 90% chance of being mugged and murdered on your little stroll!".
Unfortunately you can paint it anyway you want, but the place is f**king dangerous.
f**king dangerous in extreme.
I feel more comfortable in Columbia, South Africa, North Africa and Ipswich for f**ks sake.


First Grade
Our company used to have an office in moresby. An aussie ex-pat poked a chief's wife or daughter or something and he had to be taken out of the joint because he was not gunna live to see out the week.

Can you imagine the sort of shite our nrl boys would get into?


Out of interest, which of Penrith and Cronulla is not in Sydney then?

Also quite amazing that we averaged only a couple dozen less than souths.... what with their 20,000 members and 13,000 ticketed members and all. They are seriously cooking their membership books.

Apologies, must have glossed over Penrith. They are the 3rd lowest, you must be so proud ;-)

Wrong for a start.
Overall 11th for crowds.
And tbh it's expected when they play like the biggest bunch of peahearts in Sydney. If they continued last years form would have been around 16-18k. Oh and lol@souffs

Clearly said "in Sydney"


Good god guys any of you actually spent any decent time outside of a Hotel in PNG its not a nice place at all.

I am speaking from experience the PNG government is corrupt as all crap and as for the miners etc putting in $$$ in for something like this they wont they are just raping the place for profit they dont give a crap.

Better off taking a few more games to perth and NZ and I dont think the sharks have aiton any more either.

Its certainly not on my bucketlist of places to go. The talk of a PNG club was interesting... if I was a half decent footballer they couldn't pay me enough to move there to play footy.


Apologies, must have glossed over Penrith. They are the 3rd lowest, you must be so proud ;-)

Clearly said "in Sydney"

My point about 11th overall was to show that these all important non Sydney teams with magical high crowds don't exist. Except for the Broncos, most non Sydney teams have crowds around the low end of what Sydney teams draw. Yeah, we should kill off some Sydney teams :roll:


:lol: Funny stuff. The PM's 13 complain about the playing surface rocks, bindi's, potholes. Lack of decent hotel rooms/food. Transport/roads.

That's 1 team with 5 or so support staff. Times that by 15. Add broadcasters, refs, officals & sponsors no way could that happen


My point about 11th overall was to show that these all important non Sydney teams with magical high crowds don't exist. Except for the Broncos, most non Sydney teams have crowds around the low end of what Sydney teams draw. Yeah, we should kill off some Sydney teams :roll:

Are any of those low crowd drawing teams in a city of 4.6 million?