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Why is Phil and the Roosters Worried about the CBA

Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You are a bore. You've been saying that for years, All I can say is that Roosters must have a good hiding spot. :shock:
Rooster Cogburn. said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You are a bore. You've been saying that for years, All I can say is that Roosters must have a good hiding spot. :shock:

It used to be down a hole. But they'll be onto that now. :lol: :lol:


Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.


melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??


First Grade
junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??

No he can't Junior. It's an insecurity he was born with and will have to live with for the rest of his life. Sad, but true.


First Grade
junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??

No he can't Junior. It's an insecurity he was born with and will have to live with for the rest of his life. Sad, but true.


junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??
Plenty Jumior, But I dont appreciate these idiots insulting mine and other's intelligence. If ever these inbreds actually post a thread that isnt baiting Roosters Supporters, or isnt absolutely lies, rumours or unjustified hatred, then of course i can respond decently. These pricks deserve what they get, sorry if it offends you kid, but look at the shite they throw back, they dont exactly hold off.

Its simple dont insult my intelligence nd Ill debate with you in a civil manner. Play the fool and you'll get it for wasting valueable bandwidth. Unfortunately these folls dont get it. I could be "bigger" than them and ignore their derogatory comments, but the little laugh I get making these geese jump, is a small compensation for the time wasted by their inane, ridiculously stupid posts.


Evilgrowler said:
junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??

No he can't Junior. It's an insecurity he was born with and will have to live with for the rest of his life. Sad, but true.
See junior...this is the type of moronic inbred that unfortunately is given a right to join this forum. :roll:


melon.... said:
Evilgrowler said:
junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??

No he can't Junior. It's an insecurity he was born with and will have to live with for the rest of his life. Sad, but true.
See junior...this is the type of moronic inbred that unfortunately is given a right to join this forum. :roll:

After the Debacle with the Dogs, there was an article from the God , Gus Gould, it was about a statement made from the NRL, that they might try and get to players Personal accounts.

Do you know what the writeup from Phil that week was.

It went something like this.

A Picture and comment from Freddy.

YOU DONT WANT TO GO THERE. You wont like what you will find.

Gus was livid, and shitting himself. as was Freddy. That was the most obvious sign from the roosters. But Not something we dont already know.

So I say again, What are they worried about. If you nothing to hide, then let the CBA ( Collective bargaining agreement ), Go ahead.

But I agree with the players that they should not be punished if found they took more than what their contract stated.

It's the clubs fault. Not the players.

So why is it GUS, is once again, Verbally Jumping out of his skin to stop this CBA going through the way it is ?

Don't be naive People.


First Grade
melon.... said:
Evilgrowler said:
junior009 said:
melon.... said:
Stgillaman said:
Anything to hide fellas ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Living proof that contrary to popular belief...morons can type. I suggest you get into marriage councelling...they could use you at Jubilee.

Is there any question or thread on this forum that you can respond to without becoming abusive??

No he can't Junior. It's an insecurity he was born with and will have to live with for the rest of his life. Sad, but true.
See junior...this is the type of moronic inbred that unfortunately is given a right to join this forum. :roll:

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You like playing the wounded party don't you, but in my time here, you've done nothing but insult and abuse others and conveniently turn around and blame them for your appalling behaviour.

You are losing your grip on reality. You the self professed genius. You don't look terribly clever now. Not since your locked at the hip buddy was found out to be a liar and made you all look incredibly stupid. You've been trying to side step the issue claiming it was a plant to stir others up. If that's true, rumours of this nature should be seen as bannable offences and action against you morons should be swift and harsh.

Take your nose out of your arsehole moron and smell what you've been posting.



It may have something to do with the fact the NewsRLtd are trying to screw the players and seeing as how the telegraph can not do an objective article (probably due to a directive from Murdoch) Gould is the only one who can.


sretsoor said:
It may have something to do with the fact the NewsRLtd are trying to screw the players and seeing as how the telegraph can not do an objective article (probably due to a directive from Murdoch) Gould is the only one who can.

To a rooster supporter Goulds tripe is Gold.

I prefer reading anyones article other than Goulds. 99% of the time.

But in 95% of Goulds articles, there is something in it for the Roosters.

Absolute Gibberrer

Rooster Alex

I'll take a declared self-interest over a hidden agenda any day Stgillaman.

He's parochial and one-eyed but he's a columnist, not a reporter so he provides opinion not just "facts". He spends his days working with the Roosters organisation and this is the backdrop to his experience and appreciation of the game.

People are so hysterically sensitive to contrary opinion over here.


Well considering the telegraph has a go at our club every opportunity it can get, likewise the footyshow, I for one am happy to at least have someone sticking up for us. It's nice to have some balance against the negative crap the telegraph can think up.

I also like the way how all you so called fans can write off what one of the most succesful coaches in the game has to say and think what you write is more knowledgable.


Who read Mr Goulds column in last Sundays Herald? This bloke just doesn’t let up he is now using his position with the paper (The very thing he accuses News Limited of doing to him). to take snide pot shots at Tony Butterfields efforts with the RLPA to get better conditions for the players.
He starts out by telling us all in usual “I know everything” manner, That the agreement isn’t good enough. He complains that the NRL haven’t guaranteed the players payments in the event of a club going belly up all they’ve done is promised to hold back the clubs $2.5 million, surely that’s a step in the right direction, it’s certainly better than the players from the defunct Northern Eagles club got. What does Mr Gould suggest as an alternative? NOTHING. Then he moves on to a piece in it about the players having to abide by the NRL rules, What does he expect? Most if not all work place agreements have similar clauses inserted in them along with no strike clauses. Sorry Phil baby you’ve been in the privileged society for too long, get out into the real working mans world and see what it’s really all about in the workplace. Phil is baffled that the NRL will sit down with the RPLA and discuss the CBA, without the players association being able to tell them how many members it has. Again Phil “So What? That is common in today’s workplace, not all employees are union members, but they still work to the same agreements that unionists do. Reading through the story there is not one positive suggestion coming from Gould, plenty of criticism, but no suggestions on how to fix the vital areas he sees as important. Then again as I read through the article a second time, good old Phil doesn’t really suggest that there are any important areas that need addressing. He criticises the association for asking and getting the NRL to consider initial funding for them, well if the NRL don’t initially do it who will Phil? You? True the players would have to pay fees but the association is just getting off the ground, if the NRL want to give them money why not? The story is purely aimed at taking cheap shots at Butterfield, (he even states that he doesn’t care who runs the players association, knowing full well that we all know who does, and therefore who he’s talking about)Butterfield might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least he’s having a go, not sitting in the background rubbishing somebody who is. By the way Phil the taxation dept can check our bankbooks anytime they want, what’s the difference? Unless you have something to hide there’s nothing to worry about. So there we have it they are Phil’s earth shattering concerns!!!! that he claims Butterfield is duping the players with. Then just to round off the article, he has a go at the confidentiality of the NRL, and how things are leaked from them like a sieve, Wonder what he’s referring to there? Sorry Phil, for a bloke who’s the be all and end all of everything football, that article shows just how negative you can be.


Phil Gould needs to take a break away from footy. He is very emotional and twisted at the moment, i think even ROosters fans would have to admit that. He has let side issues cloud his thought process that used to be quite good


Rooster Alex

It cheers me that the moderators in this place attempt to stay so impartial, always sets a good example for the rest of us.

I won't waste any more of my time here, I'm sorry I came back to this sea of bile and bitter opinions.

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