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Why is There no


Chairmans report on the website, being a small club is it not important to communicate with members and supporters, no one knows what is going on for the future if there is one and unless they start soon they may as well fold up the club and go home and forever be remembered as the faceless men that killed the Jets.
What plans do they have for the next year if any or is that all top secret. They certainly need to lift their game when it comes to communication and media. The fans do not deserve to be treated as mushrooms at all but as key stakeholders as any successful business would. The better the communication and I do not mean emails about about where the club is playing and about the game but issues that concern the future.
Perhaps if they did have a better communications system then maybe they would have more sponsors.more fans and eventually more dollars.

Fanny Batter

ball licker, if u join bumpers email list on the website u get jets e news

bumper is glenn o'dwyer the jets media officer he gives you match reports and info about upcoming games but little else. other than that.

u won't hear a peep outta him until something flares up ion the forum and by then it's too late to com,municate with people cos evry1 already knows. the away jersey fiasco this yr is such an example. i think he got his media training in communist russia


Its actually 20 dollars not 10 and it is the principle more tyhan anything. The Jets clothing company is not the Jets but is owned by another companyand the Jets get a commission of the profit only. Fancy givingthat up. Since I posted I have received more than 30 private messages from different people with issues so I am not alone.
Let me ask you do you buy petrol on a Monday/Tuesday or at the end of the week when it is higher and are you happy to do so. Do you buy from stores which offer genuine deals for your loyalty or accept blindly the higher price. I do not like being treated as a fool, you may but I do not. The fact is they have shown they do not care but only want your money is more clear.
If you do you are an idiot of the greatest level.
Your type of attitude is what people who supported George Piggins were like, blind.
Can you name all the directors by the way.
Unlike you I am working on getting the Jets a sponsorship for next year and it is an international company with petro dollars but it would be hard to say to my bosses this is a well run organisation when the place is showing that it is falling apart at the seams and more revelations keep coming. While I have an influence I am not prepared to ruin my reputation at the company if it all goes pear shaped as it appears.
I am doing my best and the lady at the office was very helpful getting me information tp put together except for the website and how many visitors they get each year, where they are from etc. The person who looks after this does not release them for reasons known only to the club which shows poor management on their part and he is a director.

Next time at Henson play the game, find a director and ask them what is happening, I guess you will find them in the Jet Set lounge thinking they are NRL officials. I want to see the club keep playing do you?
Geez you got alot of my one liner! I won't bother addressing all the assumptions and ad hominem attacks you just made there. Personally I do not have a problem with you challenging the organisation whatsoever. It would appear that you have a particularily large axe to grind for $20 but if the principle is that important to you then go get em tiger! Also good for you for looking at getting your employee to provide the Jets with much needed sponsorship dollars, hopefully you work in accounts receivable and pursue every dollar with gusto!

I admire your pursuit of accountability and can only hope it is an act of altruism towards the club and would be interested in any facts you may discover.


Thank you Die hard, I do not work in accounts receivable though but rather in developing policy and procedures for the company I work for and ensuring that all policy is followed through. I work closely with the marketing arm of the business for our Asia Pacific arm and travel a lot as well. Henson is my relaxation so I love having a KB and cheer with the boys on the hill.

I think any supporter worth his salt should ask questions of the board of where we are heading and what is happening.

Can anyone name the board, I assume Glen O'Dwyer is one but who else and are you happy with how they have run the place.

Fanny, I find the reports to be dull and there is more to the club than where we play and when. I guess you have a point about communist Russia as it is said to win a war control the media. I guess he does not control here so he would be disappointed.

Fanny Batter

one reason communist russia broke down was that people stopped believing the rubbish propaganda. u had all these alternative media sources coming from western europe via satellite challenging wot tripe the regime was putting out. wen i look at the rubbish media work newtown does in a time of crisis (eg. the away jersey), it reminds me of that.

there are so many credible ways of getting information that it makes glenn o'dwyers party line look like the manufactured regime tripe that it is.


You are correct, but I guess they feel Jets fans do not need or deserve to know what is happening which further proves the theory that it is a private club and if other reports are correct that other board members are not in the loop then it is on a course of self destruction.
Are there enough members to organise an EGM and have a vote of no confidence in the board and insist the troika stand down for the betterment of the club and allow a new broom to take it into the future successfully.
Two posts ago you admitted you didn't even know who is on the board and from what I can gather all the information you have is based on hearsay, now you are calling for a EGM and a vote of no confidence in the board. You cannot be serious. Mind you it makes for good headlines, 'Jets board voted out after refusing to give ball licker $20 refund'.

Like I said I dont mind what your doing but seriously the histrionics such as you mentioned above can only be damaging to the club.


I asked you to name the Directors which you cannot and given the information posted here and messages I received the damage is being caused by factions of the board who seem not to be accountable to the members. Yes they are happy to take your money but do nothing for its members as far as information, accountability as well.

The club without approval of its members has relinquished the merchandise to another party for no money up front and only a small commission and how does the club know how much has been sold outside.
Most constitutions ensure that for any major sale or investment for the members to approve it, this has been done by stealth and if true is a sad indightment on the club and the lack of respect it has for the members.
Why are people being made redundant?
Why has the club failed since 2000 to hold a feeder club relationship which is a must for our future.
Why were players led on last year to not sign elsewhere while they found a sponsor even though it was not happening. Players who have been reapproached are sceptical to return and other directors and members kept in the dark on what is happening.
So name ALL the directors Die HArd.
An EGM is the only way to allow members more power to ensure a more accountable board. What a wake up call it would be for the board not take us all for granted.
Never claimed I could. My point was you cant yet you are calling for their heads based on private messages from others. When you get the facts I'd be happy to hear them, sounds to me like a smear campaign from disgruntled former employees, who have of course would have no political motive at slinging sh*t at the club.

The board can make operational decisions, without having a members vote. Just like a coorporation does not need to have a shareholders vote when selling off a part of its business.

Who was made redundant?

We are in the second year of a 5 year agreement with the roosters and there is no evidence suggesting it will not continue the term of the contract.

Dont know about the players, where did you get your facts on that one?

An EGM is called when there is there is a need. Again I fail to see on what agenda you could call one on, except of course the $20.

Anway keeping going at them tiger, you'll have us in the NRL next year with your sweeping reforms.


Post Whore
A special appeal to all Newtown Jets members and supporters:

I would like to extend an invitation to all Newtown supporters to make every effort to attend the next Newtown Jets home game in the VB Premier League competition, against Parramatta at Henson Park on Saturday, June 23rd at 3.00pm.

My name is Steve Helmich and I’m a Director of the Newtown Rugby League Football Club and a senior executive with AMP. I’ve followed Newtown since I was a small boy and both my grandfather and father played with the Bluebags. Some of my earliest memories of Newtown were watching the 1966 team coached by Dick Poole have an outstanding season and reach the semi-final series of that year. I have had the honour of being a Newtown Director for the past three years and I know full well how difficult it is to keep this club solvent and to be able to field a team in the highest-possible standard of Rugby League competition.

This season has been particularly difficult in terms of a run of Saturdays with unfavourable weather affecting our home-game attendances at Henson Park. The club’s home-game revenue, such a critical component of our projected budget, is very much down on the previous two seasons and it would be a tremendous financial boost to the club to have a huge crowd in attendance at Henson Park on June 23rd.

You would all be aware of the famous home-ground attendance figure broadcast by Newtown’s livewire ground announcer John Lynch at every home game – 8,972. While we’re not likely to better that attendance figure at any VB Premier League home game, I’m asking every Newtown supporter to make a special effort to get to this match against Parramatta – let’s call it the “Beat the Crowd Day”. The aim of the day is to set a home-game attendance record for the seasons since Newtown has resumed staging all Premier League home games at Henson Park - that is since 2001. There have been some magnificent Saturday afternoons at Henson Park in that time – let’s make this one to remember, both for the crowd and the atmosphere.

We ask you to bring along your family members, friends and workmates to help boost the crowd and give Newtown’s 2007 finances a timely boost. We really need your help – if you only get to one home game this season, please make it to this upcoming home game on June 23rd, against our old foes the Parramatta Eels.

Special features for the “Beat the Crowd Day” will include:

A two for one admission deal – that is, for each paying adult at the gate another can come in free!
Invitations will be extended to all Roosters and Parramatta season-ticket holders to attend.
A celebrity guest Newtown supporter is being invited and will be announced next week.
There will be a jumping castle and face painting for all the kids (after all, Henson Park is one of the most family-friendly grounds anywhere in Rugby League).
A special raffle prize is being arranged for the day as an additional attraction.

Please note down the match details:

“Beat the Crowd Day” at Henson Park, Saturday, June 23rd

NSWRL VB Premier League

Newtown v Parramatta

Kick-Off: 3.00pm.

We look forward to seeing a terrific response to this special attempt to set a VB Premier League home-game crowd record at Henson Park. Please be sure to send this email on to all of your friends.

Wishing you all the best,

Steve Helmich

Director and Special Events Coordinator

Newtown Jets RLFC.
Ball_Licker said:
Why has the club failed since 2000 to hold a feeder club relationship which is a must for our future.

just have to pick u up on this part of ur post regarding the feeder club situation, seems somebody doesn't know what they are talking about

In 2000 we were a feeder club for Auckland. this ended because the auckland warriors folded and the newly reborn nz warriors wanted their reserve grade to be run out of their local comp. Hardly the fault of the jets that the auckland warriors folded?

2002 we were a feeder for souths. this ended because souths seniors wanted the running of all the teams to be run by the souths juniors club, with the exception of the nrl team. Hardly the fault of the jets ?

2005 it was cronulla on a 1 year deal, all was rosey for that year but the shire boys wanted more home games at the swap plus they wanted some sort of representation on the jets jersey. the jets walked away as it comprimised what the club felt was right for the jets.

now its the chooks, 1 grand final appreanace later cant see how this is a bad deal for the jets? all home games at henson, no roosters badge on the jersey, good quality players coming down from the nrl team (until ando gives them the boot!) a good working relationship between the 2 clubs, fan day at henson and free entry into henson for chooks fans as examples.

now, how could the feeder cluub situation be handled any differently ?


What is going in the joint?
Why are all the good people leaving and/or getting pushed out the door?
are these the same people that got rid of Col "newtown" Murphy?
Who are these faceless, gutless committee members who make such moronic decisions like cutting the Jim Beam Cup after making the GF???????
Is this the same individual who a few months ago was seen at the Sports Club chasing another board member verbally abusing and bashing his car?

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